Chapter 19
Flora POV
"Miss Faragonda!" I smiled with relief.
Her hands fly upwards, her palms facing the sky, magic shooting out of them. The barrier surrounding the school visibly repairs itself, and all the hypnotised fairies slowly descend to the ground.
The thunder and lightning outside the barrier doesn't stop, however, but the students seem to return to normal, including Roxy who landed behind me. I ran towards her, holding her up by putting her arm around my shoulder.
"You okay, Roxy?" I ask her quietly,
"Uh- yeah, I think so," she nods slowly, clutching her forehead, "what even happened?"
"We're not exactly sure yet, but Miss Faragonda seems to have stopped whatever it was," I tell her.
A loud thunder clap causes all of us to jump and gasp, Roxy and I immediately wrap our arms around each other, looking up into the sky.
"Don't worry girls, whatever is outside is not getting in," Miss Faragonda shouts loudly so we can all hear, "that barrier is extremely difficult to destroy."
Roxy and I slowly let go of each other and we all relax. Miss Faragonda tells most of the students to go inside while she figures out what to do.
"Is the barrier really that strong?" I ask.
"It should be," the Headmistress nods, "so long as-"
Her eyes flutter closed and open for a few seconds as she cuts herself off.
"M-Miss Faragonda?" Bloom lightly grabs her arm and the rest of us quickly tense.
"Excuse me, girls, I need to sit down-" just as she turns round, the Headmistress begins to fall and we all rush to catch her, bumping into each other on the way but thankfully catching her before she hits the ground.
"Miss Faragonda?" I shake her shoulder lightly. Her eyes were shut and unmoving, but I could hear her slow breathing which put me at ease.
"I'll get a teacher!" Roxy quickly stands up and runs off somewhere, we were all too distracted by the unconscious Headmistress.
"She must be exhausted. That was a lot of magic she used," Bloom suggests and a few of us hum in agreement.
"I'm still worried," I frown, just as Roxy comes running out of the school followed by Griselda, who helps us get Miss Faragonda inside using our magic and to the infirmary.
"She- she just collapsed-" I frantically explain to the Nurse.
"Alright, not to worry," she waves her hands in an attempt to get us to move back and give her some space.
We watched the Nurse as she checked up on her, whispering to each other about the situation. I took a few steps to the window and looked outside, the lightning outside has completely stopped, that's a good sign.
"Hey-" I get the attention of the girls, Griselda too invested to notice. I nod towards the door to signalise them to follow me out.
"What's wrong?" Aisha asks after quietly closing the door behind us. It was a wonder no one had noticed us leave, that or they didn't really care too much.
"It's them, I have no doubt about it," I fold my arms.
Instead of the expected response, everyone falls silent. They didn't argue against my comment. We were beyond the maybe, maybe not comments.
"The Wizards of the Black Circle are back. I don't know how but I have no more doubts. The guys apparently said something about them before they disappeared and then before we could get close enough to where they were supposed to be we teleported away. Then this happened!" I exclaim and the girls remain silent.
"I am sick of denying this. We are not being paranoid, they are back," I nod solemnly.
"Yeah," Roxy whispers quietly, "everything that's been going on. It's them."
"So what do we do?" Musa asks, but before anyone can answer the door opens again and the nurse pokes her head out.
"Girls, the Headmistress is awake now if you wish to see her," she smiles kindly and motions us in.
Faragonda sits up slowly and then looks to us, "girls, I've been asking Griselda to try to contact my connections that are leaders of the Magic Dimension but no one is responding. Not even those that control the Omega entrance."
"What does that mean?" Stella asks.
"It means we may be in danger. I believe the Wizards have somehow returned."
"We think so too," I nod.
"With what has happened today, I am extremely worried for the safety of everyone at Alfea. Especially all of you and the Specialists."
My heart aches momentarily at the thought of the missing Specialists. We had been so caught up I had forgotten for a little while which made me feel extremely guilty. I missed Helia a lot.
"What do we do?" I ask.
"Well, the seven of you are definitely a prime target, which means you must leave Alfea immediately."
We all gasp, and the Headmistress stands up carefully. Aisha shakes her head, "we are not running away!"
"You have no other choice, today was far too close. I'm afraid my magic is growing weaker. The barrier should remain up, but I'm sure the Wizards won't attack if they know you're not here-"
"They know we're here?" Stella gasps.
"They must," Faragonda nods, "and with all of you fighting they will sense your magic. They want all of you, so you need to leave. The other fairies should be protected enough here for the time being, the barrier contains most of my magic now. It will, of course, come back to me over time, but with all the sick fairies lately I'm not counting on it being any time soon."
"Are you saying what I think you are saying, Miss Faragonda?" Griselda's eyes widen and her colleague nods.
"What?" The rest of us ask.
"The Wizards will be able to detect us by our magic," she walks over to one of the many bookshelves, "there is a spell given to all schools- a very powerful one that is only to be used at extreme measures and with the authorisation of a leading figure in the Magic Dimension."
She opens the book, "my connections have not contacted me and given me authority, but I simply cannot wait any longer. If it means I lose my own authority, so be it, I must use this spell to protect the school."
We continue to look confused and I scrunch up my eyebrows, "what spell is it?"
"It is a disguise spell that cannot be detected by any magical being, meaning the Wizards wouldn't know we were here. I would use some magic to move the school a bit away from here and this spell to hide it. Consequently, we wouldn't be able to use magic so as not to be detected but it would be worth it," she continues to explain, "I don't even feel comfortable sending the girls home just in case anything happens, but I will contact their families. We must act now."
"And this spell will definitely protect you all? If it's so powerful then why can't we just stay with you?" Tecna asks.
"I believe this has something to do with it," Miss Faragonda holds up "Alana's" necklace, "I found traces of dark magic in this, no doubt used by The Wizards to track you down. I've seen something like this before. Being near it alone gives the Wizards an indication that you are near, but if you are far enough away they can't find you. I will keep it here, and when you leave they will know you're not here and not know where to look for you. If you took it with you it would just tell them where you are and we can't destroy it, so this is best for everyone."
"Okay, so when do we leave?" I ask, eager to know the details of where we were going.
"In a moment- I must do something first."
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