Chapter 13
Helia POV
It's so weird that I'm actually starting to feel really hot in Omega. It's the suits, but still. It was starting to get more difficult to move in the suits. Not impossible, but it required a lot of energy to move around while wearing the heavy, equipment-filled suits. That meant it took us a little bit longer to move around.
The guy back at the control centre let us out and then made it invisible again. Even though we teleported, we still had to walk a little bit before reaching the actual prison system. It was all safety stuff which we really couldn't be bothered hearing about. Our minds were all on the prisoners. More specifically, although no one said it out loud, the Wizards. Mine was, anyway.
We could all hear each other, Timmy, and the workers. We also had sticks in our pockets that if we took the top off we could press a red button which would teleport us all back to the base with Timmy in it in an emergency, no matter who presses it. That meant if one of us was in trouble we could teleport us all back, but if we teleported ourselves back, we couldn't come back to Omega. Not immediately. It takes a while for the workers to prepare for these missions, so we made sure to agree to only use it in emergencies.
"I wonder how much longer it's gonna take us to get here," Sky sighs, clearly annoyed with all the walking.
Brandon, next to him, nods inside his suit, "yeah, I- woah-!"
I turn around quickly just to notice Brandon had stepped on a broken piece of ice on the edge of the cliff thing - whatever it was - causing it to fall off, sending him with it. Sky, trying to grab his arm and pull him back, also goes falling down the edge of the cliff. The rest of us gasped.
As quickly as the heavy suits would let us, we raced to the edge. Or, a safe distance away from the broken ice that Brandon fell from.
I was expecting to hear some sort of thud, but no sound came from the unknown abyss below.
"Guys?" I call, before realising that shouting doesn't really matter because the helmets let us hear each other perfectly clear.
"What? What happened?" Timmy's voice appears loud and clear, causing us all to grimace as the impact on our ears. Just as I'm about to suggest using the buttons, a voice appears in my helmet.
"Uh- yeah-" Sky's voice comes out slightly distorted but he sounds to be okay, "-look down!"
We all look over the edge carefully. My heart dropped as I noticed the very long drop. We could see the bottom, and if anyone was to hit it it could be very dangerous. I notice a long shard of ice poking out and a hand on top of it. Brandon was holding onto the ice shard while Sky had his hand tightly gripped on Brandon's forearm, Brandon doing the same to him to stop Sky from falling.
"Don't worry guys, we'll get you up, just give us a second," Nabu tells them and the two just grunt in response, struggling to hold on.
"What happened?" Timmy's voice is louder, clearly annoyed that he doesn't know what's going on.
"Brandon and Sky fell over the edge of a cliff," Riven scoffs, "we need to get them up."
"Well, I believe that- oh no that wouldn't work," Timmy sighs, obviously deep in thought.
"Uhh, guys? I don't know how much longer I can hold on! It's a big drop, you know, get us up there!" Brandon interrupts.
"Oh!" I cringe at Timmy's loudly excited voice in my ears, "wait a minute, I think I can activate it for you."
"Activate what?" The three of us ask, getting no reply.
A rope suddenly appears in front of us, floating in the air, "there you go! Use that to pull them up."
We took the rope and lowered it down to Brandon and Sky which they eagerly took hold of. Timmy used magic once again to give us "super strength" in our suits which allowed us to very quickly pull them up to safety.
"Your suits shouldn't be damaged," Timmy tells Sky and Brandon, "but I'd still be a bit more careful than usual. If you notice anything strange, let me know." Sky and Brandon, clearly exhausted, voice their agreement and we continue with our mission.
Omega was so much different than I had thought. Thinking that, it's had a complete makeover, so no wonder! I can't believe they made magic-infused cells. Moreover, I can't believe they never made cells in the first place, never mind protecting it with magic. It could have saved us and the Winx a lot of trouble.
"Hey, how would they have changed Omega without freezing to death?" I wonder aloud.
Timmy, as expected, answers, "the same way you're there. Some workers would use the suits and others would use magic either form the headquarters there or here. Most of it's magically done, seeing the magic cells."
"Oh," I don't really know what to say, "well, it's cool."
"Pfft-" Riven scoffs, "I've seen better. It's basically just an ice planet."
"An ice planet that saves you from becoming a slave under some evil person's control," Sky retorts, laughing.
"Uh, guys, I hate to interrupt the fun, but you're approaching the prison," Timmy warns us as we near the- where is it?
My question is almost immediately answered, "you can't see it yet, but we'll teleport you inside. You all have a spell protecting you at all times so it should be fine."
I get a familiar sensation than the one I felt when arriving on Omega as the world slowly fades out and then in again. The prison system was very impressive- black tiles on the floor with bars all around and, of course, covered in a thick coat of ice. There was a lot of space between the cells which were directly across from each other. The cells were literally large ice blocks, but they had an aura about them which I guessed was the magic.
"Okay guys, look for anything suspicious. If you do find anything let me know," Timmy tells us.
The cells had names engraved into the side of them, and the prisoners' sentences.
"They're all eternal sentences," I point out and the other guys notice it too.
"The worst of the worst," Timmy says, "it makes sense to start here."
We have a long look around the cells, all of us knowing full well who we were looking for. Where are they? Surely they'd have the Wizards in a special, double-protected cell?
"Found them," Sky announces and we all turn to face them, briefly glancing at the men incident the ice before reading the words engraved in the wall next to them. It was a lot for the one cell, but they all seemed to have emergency warnings alongside them.
The Wizards of the Black Circle.
Sentence : Eternity.
CATION! : Extremely dangerous prisoners! If you notice anything suspicious while in the prison, contact the number-
"Uhh- guys?" Brandon's voice shakes slightly and he clears his throat loudly.
We all turn to face him who is looking wide-eyed into the cell, "what?"
"Where's Ogron?"
He was right. How didn't we notice this before?
Timmy immediately responds, "what? You guys, what's going on? Teleport-"
"Silly fairies," a deafening laugh comes from behind us.
"Don't they know their magic is my strength?"
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