We will find him
I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING THIS SOONER. I HAVE NO EXCUSE. As an apology, I will do two updates on this story in one day.
Kinkajou's POV:
We had been flying for a while. So far we had gone over 3 mountain ranges, 2 deserts, and whole lot of land. I was dead tired. On top of it, I had to watch Winter and Qibli bicker the whole way.
"We were supposed to turn left at that fork." Qibli said sounding irritated. Here we go again.
"No, we were supposed to go through that forest, but you insisted on going right." Winter said, sounding equally pissed.
"No, YOU said we should go right!" Qibli said, his voice rising.
"Why do you always have to GET IN THE WAY? WE'RE TRYING TO FIND MY BROTHER!" Winter roared.
"I'M JUST TRYING TO HELP! IS THAT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND?" Qibli roared back. Wow, this was getting interesting.
"WELL STOP TRYING!" Winter roared. The air around him began to get colder. I shivered.
Moon flew towards them. What was she thinking? They were two extremely angry males! She could get killed!
"Moon!" Turtle called out. "Be careful!"
"Don't worry, I will." She said, smiling. She flew up to them. Winter had little wisps of frost coming out his nostrils, and Qibli was growling. I flew to Mango and hid under his wing. I couldn't bear to watch.
Mango smells nice. Like fruit. What fruit?......He smells like mangos. Yum.
I giggled. Mango looked down at me, smiling. I blushed, and nuzzled into him. He tilted my head up with his claw, and kissed me.
"Ah-hem." Someone coughed.
We broke apart and saw everybody staring at us. I see Moon broke up the fight.
"You two will explain that later." Moon said, pointing at us. "For now, I've found a place for us to sleep." She pulled into a dive, heading for a clearing in the forest.
Who knew she could be so bossy?
"I heard that!" Moon called over her shoulder. Laughing, I followed my best friend towards the clearing. You can never stay mad at her for long.
Moon's POV:
I flew towards Qibli and Winter. You could practically see the tension in the air. Me, being the dumb Nightwing, flew right in between them. I looked Qibli in the eye.
"Stop fighting."
I turned to Winter. His eyes burned into me, like crystal shards of ice. I bucked up my courage.
"And we'll never find Hailstorm if you two can't cooperate. Understand?"
Instead of getting angrier, or roaring at me, Winter's gaze softened. He physically deflated, and the temperature suddenly became warmer.
"I'm.....sorry." He muttered in Qibli's general direction.
"You're what?" Qibli asked playfully, all anger gone from his features. He was enjoying this way too much.
"I'M SORRY!" Winter yelled, the air getting colder again.
I looked at Qibli significantly.
He frowned. "Fine..." He muttered. "I'm sorry too...."
"What was that you said?" Winter asked? Wow, Iceboy can be playful too.... today is just full of surprises.
"I'm sorry." Qibli said clearly, smirking. "Nicely played, Icewing."
Winter smirked back.
Guys....ugh... I thought, rolling my eyes.
Suddenly, my eyes lit up. I spotted the perfect place for us to stay to freshen up. I'm pretty sure all of us were ready to drop dead of fatigue by now. I turned around to tell the others. My jaw dropped in shock. Mango and Kinkajou where .....kissing?
"Ah-hem." Qibli coughed awkwardly, trying to get their attention. It worked. They broke apart, and looked at us. Kinkajou blushed.
"You two will explain that later." I said, pointing at them. "For now, I've found a place for us to sleep." I swooped into a dive.
So bossy...
I heard Kinkajou think.
"I heard that!" I yelled over my shoulder. Kinkajou laughed.
I flew towards the clearing. As I got closer, I saw that there was a small stream running through it. Good, a water source. I was parched. I landed on the banks of the stream, and bent my head to take a sip. Suddenly, from behind me came a loud growl.
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