Qibli's Reaction
Qibli POV:
I was curled up by the campfire, tears streaming down my face. The other dragonet had already gone to sleep. I failed. I swore I would protect her and I failed. Oh Moon. Moonwatcher. I will never again hear my name on her tongue. Never see her dark scales glinting, or see her beautiful eyes fill with emotion. Happiness, love, mischief. I could never tell her how I truly felt about her.
I heard claws hit the dirt behind me. I tensed. Whispering. Who were these dragons? Were they the same dragons who started the fire? Who killed Moon?! I stifled a growl that was rising in my throat. How DARE they! I readed my sting.
Whipping around I found a Nightwing and an Icewing.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I snarled menacingly. Oh, how Thorn would be proud of that. The Icewing wrapped a wing protectively around the Nightwing. She took a step back.
"Come into the light, where I can see you." I said, stinger still raised. They haven't attacked yet, but I must be ready. The Icewing whispered something to the Nightwing. Escape plans, no doubt.
"Forward!" I barked. "Wings where I can see them!"
They shuffled into the circle of firelight, wings raised.
I studied them. The Nightwing looked familiar... huh. Probably a traitorous student. The Icewing was....
"Yeah." He said dryly. "You finally noticed."
"Where did you go? Is this your prisioner? Did she start the fire? Where did you capture her?" I said excitedly.
"Whuzz goin on?" A sleepy Turtle asked.
I turned around. Apparently all the dragonets had been woken up because of the commotion.
"Winter captured a prisoner! I think she's the one who started the fire!" I said, pointing.
Kinkajou rubbed her eyes. Her scales were grey and pale, her eyes rimmed with red. I winced. I had forgotten. Kinkajou had been Moon's best friend too. Of course she was heartbroken. Then, her eyes widened and her scales turned shiny black.
"Moon?" She whispered, her voice cracking.
"No, Kinkajou, that's just a Nightwing prisoner Winter captured." I said, sadly. She was so distraught she was hallucinating. Instead of listening to me, and backing away, she launched herself at the Nightwing.
"MOON!" She screamed. Now the black was mixed with splotches of pink, and lime green.
I stepped forward, ready to grab Kinkajou away before the Nightwing could attack. To my surprise, the Nightwing embraced her like an old friend.
"Kinkajou." She said, her voice cracking. The two dragonets began to cry into each other's shoulders.
"I thought you were DEAD!" Kinkajou exclaimed, smacking the Nightwing with her wing.
Instead of responding, the Nightwing turned to face me. On the side of each eye, was a silver teardrop.
"Hey Qibli." Moon said sheepishly before I blacked out.
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