Why am I so Stupid?
Ready, folks? This is where depression starts. DEPRESSION!!! *evil laughter* *coughs and makes chair more comfortable* anyways, have funnnnn~
..... You already know what I had to do. Note to self, never leave autocorrect on when writing on your phone....
-Annette's POV-
I was more shocked than anything. How was I able to do that perfectly after so long? I was going to try another song when Chuchu opened the door. "Annette! Are you okay?" I looked in slight confusion. "Yeah, I'm fine. What's up?" "It's Moa! Her drum kit! Hurry!" She left the room immediately. More worried than confused, I took a final glance at the peaceful Aion and went with Chuchu. What happened to Moa? How would it have affected her drum kit? I just hope nothing too bad happened. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Moa was on the floor, looking defeated. A baseball bat was firmly in one of the drums. "Moa! What happened? Who did this?" I asked, running up to her. The only response I got was a weak "Pyuru..." it was when I saw an oddly familiar shadow that things felt familiar. It was her, yet it wasn't her. The normally brown pigtails were black with purple highlights. A pair of bat wings rested on her back. She didn't recognize me at the slightest, which means that she isn't the Sonasa I know. But I still had the memory clear in my mind.
"So how's the money for that violin coming along." I asked Claire. Her hair was up in its usual high bun, but her eyes lost a bit of their shimmer. "They can fix it. It may not sound the same, but it would just break my heart even further to replace it." "That's nice." I still remembered Sonasa's sly grin as she watched Claire's despair. "Hey, you don't think it's my fault, do you?" "What???" Claire asked in an almost shocked voice. "Of course not! Nobody is blaming you but yourself, so stop that!" "If you say so..." I opened the door to the music room, only to find that the tragedy had continued onward. Julie was standing on her two feet, but her legs were shaking. All of the drums in her set had a gaping hole in them, while the largest had a baseball bat inside it. Sonasa stood in the exact same spot she was in a few days ago. "So much for being strong. Your friend is incredibly weak." "No, you again?" Claire said. "Julie, no! How did she get to you?" "Those three that follow her around... they pinned me to a corner." Sonasa released more of her maniacal laughter. "See that? You thought I was done? Don't make me laugh. The demise is still coming." Then she walked out of the room. "Coward!" Claire screamed after her. Once she did leave, Julie dropped to her knees. She really just didn't want Sonasa to see her like this. "How can I be so stupid...?" "YOUR NOT STUPID! I AM!" I grabbed onto Julie's hands. "Both times... I came too late. I can't ever help you." Claire's look changed to that of a tactician. "The next target is Annette. It's only logical." We both looked up in surprise. The next words not only started a war, but proved just how weak I was. "We can't let that happen. Ever."
"Who are you? And what do you want with Moa?" Retoree asked. "It's not specifically your lamb friend. Sonasa will bring demise wherever she goes." As she turned to leave, I stopped her. "Hey! You!" Sonasa turned around, almost curious. "Huh? What do YOU want?" "Get Moa new drums or at least get her the money for them. You can't just hurt people like that." Sonasa swooped down in front of me and forced me to make eye contact. "Please. What do you know about this kind of thing?" "More than I look like I do." "HAH!" I felt something grab my shoulders and got pushed into something flat. Sonasa pushed me into a brick wall. "Funny. Someone who should know about moi has to have some type of restraint! And with that, she walked away, laughing. I still felt pinned to the wall by some kind of force. It felt cold, dark. Everyone was asking me if I was alright, and Moa said it wasn't that big of a deal that her drums broke. "I'm so sorry..." was all I could utter before retreating.
Without caring about the fact that the others were following me, I ran into my room and slammed the door. The moment I was positive the others were gone, I collapsed onto the ground in tears. Why did it have to be this way? Always failing. "Annette?" I had momentarily forgotten that Aion was sleeping on the couch. "Oh. I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?" I said flatly. Aion shook his head, as if to say he didn't care about that right now. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" "I don't want to talk about it..." "But we were able to help you out last time, right?" Well, he did have a point. I began ranting my life problems put again, trying not to mention the world switching. "Now, Moa's drum kit was destroyed by someone who looks so much like the girl I used to know, and I couldn't do anything! I'm so stupid!" I felt a strong pair of arms pull me into a hug. "YOUR NOT STUPID! YOU JUST LOST YOUR WAY! Someone has to guide you in the right direction, right? Let me help you." Aion said. I had almost lost all my words in those few seconds. I just felt so...... safe. Was that even the word I was looking for? I slowly felt the tears come back to me, but I didn't know why. Was it from Sonasa, or something else? But within that moment, I was crying on Aion's shoulder. It was confusing, and I didn't understand anything about what was going on, but I wanted to just find a way to abandon my sadness and stay like this forever.
*passes out tissue boxes and ice cream to the readers* okay, it wasn't EXACTLY depression, but FEELS! So yeah. Let me know in the comments if there is anything I can improve on, because THIS WAS HARD!!! >~< Anyways, enjoy the ice cream, and see you soon!
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