The Art of Memory
Hello! It's me again! How's it going, guys? Don't really have much to say in this authors note, so let's just head into the story!
I also had the same problem as I did with chapter 3, and I couldn't leave it as a typo because it was an insane screw up. About nobody liking Claire's violin... just forget that... okay?
-Annette's POV-
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! It's been a day since I landed in Sound Planet, and all it's been is exhausting! After a while, I just collapsed into my bed and didn't come back up for a while. Why did Maple put such a soft mattress on this thing? "Go away alarm clock, nobody likes you." I said, turning it off. I was about to fall asleep again, until a specific smell caught my attention. "Is that chocolate?" With that, I quickly got changed into my normal clothing and went downstairs. Angelica, who was washing dishes, greeted me. "Good morning, Annette. Your up early." "Yeah, but is that chocolate I smell? Because I want some?" Angelica laughed. "Yes, but your going to have to wait until everyone else comes down." "Aww, okay..." In order to ease the silent pain, I played some games on my phone. It did survive the journey, but the one app that wouldn't work (obviously) was Show by Rock. It actually worked, because people seemed to come by pretty fast. Crow was chuckling with Yaiba about something, and Cyan was also eager for whatever her nose was picking up. The last one to make it down was Aion. "Morning!" I said, cheerfully. "Did you sleep well?" It took Aion a second to respond. "Uhh, yeah. What about you?" "Please!" I said, in an almost joking tone. "I was out like a log!" At that moment, Angelica passed out the plates of chocolate pancakes, and my eyes lit up excitedly. "YAYYYYY! PANCAKES! Thank you Angelica!" She smiled, while Crow was snickering about something. It was probably nothing, so I didn't worry about it.
It was a little while before the bands had to practice, so everyone was chatting. Everyone was still extremely curious about me, since I was unable to really go into too much detail about my home. But I did mention my group of friends. Suddenly, Crow piped up. "So, Annette." He said with a sly grin. "Back in your hometown, was there anyone you liked?" Aion flinched, while I blushed a little. "What? Me? Nah, I don't think there was ever anyone I was interested in." "Are you sureeeeee?" Rom gave Crow a skeptical look. "Why are so interested in who people like?" He asked. "Oh, no reason..." Crow responded looking directly at Aion, who was still blushing an almost cherry color, desperately covering it with his hand. I continued, managing to tame my blush. "Besides, if I did wind up with someone, I'd probably just get them into troubl-" I slapped my hand over my mouth. Shoot! It almost slipped again! "We told you not to worry about that, didn't we?" Cyan said. "Your here now!" I couldn't help but smile a bit. "And besides, you have to stay happy for whoever your lover is going to be!" Crow started up again. "Besides, you may never know. Someone here might even like you!" This caused my face to get a little hot. "EH???" Aion looking like he was internally dying. "I have to go..." Crow looked like a child who got a video game turned off. "Aww, okay..." with that, Aion stood up and speed walked to the stairs, with Crow following. "Well, I guess that's that." Chuchu said. We continued to talk, until I heard a faint thud from upstairs. "I'll be right back. I think I left something upstairs." I said, and went to check out what I heard. Once I navigated where it came from, I saw Aion on the floor, most likely fainted. Crow was nowhere to be seen. What most likely happened was that Crow teased Aion a bit too much. "Nothing looks like it got damaged, which is good." I observed aloud. I wasn't entirely sure what to do, but I knew that it would probably be a bit uncomfortable for Aion to just sleep on the floor. I'd take Aion to his room if I knew where it was, and I don't want to cause the wrong idea by asking. Giving up after a while, I picked up Aion, prayed that my strength wouldn't die somewhere along the way, and took him over to my room. It was mostly designed with a comfortable relaxing feel, so it should be fine, right?
I set Aion down on the couch (because I am the only one allowed to claim the bed), and went over to the piano. Not exactly the best mode of extra comfort, but it's all that I got. The first part was simple. I knew it, but something was missing. Something preventing me from getting beyond the point I'm at. Aion looked a lot more comfortable than he did on the floor. As I played, I remembered something I said, which triggered another memory. "If I did wind up with someone, I would probably just get them into trouble..."
"So, we were going to practice today, right?" Julie asked. "Yeah!" I responded perkily. "Claire said we don't have to worry about her coming, and that she'd probably be there by the time we make it." Julie's face lit up with a smile, black ponytail swinging back and forth, brown eyes shining. "Great! We can actually have a full sound! Us two alone was getting kinda boring." I knew she was right. Just having guitar and drums can only go so far. "Well, I'm sure today is gonna be a great day!" I cheered. As if on cue, I heard someone scream. "You were saying about today being perfect?" Julie said sarcastically. "That sounded like Claire. Come on!" We ran into the music room to a horrible sight. A girl with two dark brown pigtails was there with a devilish grin. Claire had a look of heartbreak on her face, golden eyes widened in horror. A violin, the same violin used to capture the heart of the school, was smashed in two. I was shocked. Julie was pissed. The culprit didn't hide her doing. "Claire? What's going on? How?" I asked her. "I don't know... it all happened so fast..." I'd never seen Claire more upset, and frankly, I wasn't surprised. The violin was the first instrument she played, and almost nobody hated it. "YOU BASTARD!" Julie screamed. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU ANYWAYS?" "You won't be happy very long, so I might as well tell you." The girl sneered. "My name is Sonasa, and don't you dare forget it, because I will bring your demise!" After those words, she left. We tried our best to comfort Claire, but only one thought stayed with me. Why couldn't I do anything?
Emotions, piling one after the other, flung themselves into each note. Happiness, anger, despair, all piling to reveal the next note. I performed the piece so well, I actually surprised myself. Blushing nervously, I glanced over to Aion to see if he heard it. He was still asleep, but I could tell that he most likely did, for his face was filled with a smile.
E voila! And here we are, my friends! What did you think of this chapter, friends? Let me know how you felt in the comments.
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