Keeping an Eye on Eachother
*evil laughter* *coughing* I HATE YOU CHAIR, YOU KNOW THAT? Wait, we are live? Oh, hi! I'm pretty sure we all know where we left off, so let's continue!
-Annette's POV-
I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I wasn't going to say my feelings, but I just wanted to keep Aion happy. Apart from maybe Cyan, he's the only one who I can really let see my true emotions. If anything is bothering him, I want him to be able to talk to me like I can talk to him. However, the only thing I can't tell him about is Earth. But that doesn't matter right now. I have to focus!
After going through dozens of stairs, I finally reached the top of the building. Aion didn't notice me, which was okay for now, but I need a plan either way. The only plan that came to my head was to play music. I guess it was better than nothing. I walked over. "Hey, Aion?" Aion turned around to look at me, as if not believing I was there. "What do you want?" I moved a little closer for good measure. "Please, just tell me what's wrong." The look on his face suggested doubt, before finally beginning to speak. "Am I really appreciated? Are my melodies really a good thing? Nobody cares, and that brings me pain. Crow doesn't like the melodies, and that reminds me too much of my past." I didn't bother to ask him about that past. "Do you really need me?" I was going to prove how good his melodies really are. But the minute I was about to strike the first cord, a gaze interrupted me once again, only to be bigger and bolder then before. I couldn't see it, but I still had the dark feeling. Suddenly, Aion cringed in pain, and we were surrounded in complete darkness for three seconds. When the light returned, we were no longer on a rooftop. We were in Boodakan. In the arena. I slowly got up and looked for Aion, until I realized I was facing him. He became a dark monster. "No...." was all I could say. That was when Shining piped up. "PLAY THE STINKING GUITAR ALREADY! If your worried it will kill him, it won't, SO GET YOUR FINGERS MOVING!" I was actually a little surprised. It WONT kill him? That was when I remembered Tsukihagi. That's right! He will be okay! I looked down at my guitar and poured everything I had into it. My soul, my mind, everything. If I have to save you, I might as well do it with the gift you gave me!
-Cyan's POV-
The girls of Plasmagica also decided to split up, because that would help cover even more ground. That was when I saw the nearest electric sign. BOODAKAN NOW UNDER ATTACK. TARGET: ANNETTE. I gasped in horror. No! Not Annette! I instantly darted to Boodakan only to find she was pulling up a great fight. I was actually curious, until I saw the dark monster faintly represented Aion. Well, there were the two we are searching for.
-Annette's POV-
I can only go on for so long. It isn't doing much of anything! That was when I noticed. I only have sadness in this. GUESS THAT WONT DO! I threw in not just my current emotion, but all the memories of our fun, and that did the trick after the song ended. We both found ourselves back on the roof of the building. I was exhausted, but standing. Aion, however, was a mess. His hair looked even more riled up than before. He was down on his knees, crying. There was only one thing I can do now. Coming down in front of him, I wrapped Aion in a hug.
-Aion's POV-
Why? Why would I hurt you like I tried to do? Why are you still here because of it? Why am I letting this happen. "I'm sorry I'm so stupid." Was all I could say. "Your not stupid. You just lost your way. Someone has to guide you in the right direction, right?" She released the hug and turned to look at me. "You remember that, right? How about we make it that way for the both of us? I couldn't help but smile. Of course you care. That's why I love you. She slowly got up. "Now, where was I? Oh yeah!" She grabbed her guitar from the floor and played a tune all too familiar to me. Falling Roses. She made it sound so good. Not just a rock song. It had a beautiful tone, a touch away from being relaxing. When she ended, she looked to smile at me. "Is that enough proof that your melodies are good?" The moment I tried to answer, a second person came up.
Walking up, holding something carefully, was Crow. Once he reached me, he revealed the item in his hands. My bass. It was crying when you left. I can't let that happen." I picked up my base in slight confusion. "You haven't left yet. Nobody accepted your resigning, so there! And I'm sorry I said your melody was trash." Annette clapped in the background. "Good. Now how about we wrap this up?" Crow looked at her skeptically. "Why do I have to help YOU?" "Because I said so." "Give me a better reason." "YOU STARTED THIS, SO NOW YOUR HELPING ME FINISH IT!" I couldn't help but smile. Sure, Annette may be in Plasmagica, but she is also a miniature crimson soul. "IF YOU LIKE HIM SO MUCH, WHY DONT YOU HELP HIM YOURSELF?" "NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO BRING THAT UP!" "You didn't deny it." "I DIDNT CONFIRM IT EITHER!" After a bit more arguing, Crow finally decided to stop being a jerk and help. "Good!" Annette said happily. All three of us began playing music together. It was a fun and beautiful sight. Thank you, Annette. You gave me happiness I haven't felt in a long time. That was when I noticed the tears in my eyes. Oh that's right. I was crying. I thought my tears dried out a long time ago. I don't know how it happened, but the unexplainable Darkness in my soul turned back to light. "One sec" Annette said, noticing a small purple thing. She walked up to it and demolished it with her boot, screaming brutally. "What was that?" Crow asked. "A long story nobody really wants to hear."
SHIPS!!! SHIPS!!!!! YAAAAAAAAS!!! And depression is gone! Momentarily.... heh heh heh....... anyways, I shall see you later!
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