Chapter 6 - Prince
Living in Seventh Heaven is the best thing that could have happened. For the past five years, I've been so happy. I've heard nothing from Rex and I don't care. I only avoid any social media sites for fear of him finding out I'm alive.
The seven women in my life are all I need. They love me in unique ways and I'm grateful for it.
Daisy is my new mother. She takes care of me, advises me and scolds me. Whenever we go together to the village, she introduces me to people as her son. I try to keep a cool attitude, but my stomach does a small flip of joy whenever it happens.
On chilly nights we sit on the porch with a cup of hot chocolate and cover our legs with a blanket. We talk about everything. She knows my worries and what makes me happy. On one of those occasions, she shared with me the unfortunate events that brought her to the pension. She lost her infant daughter and her husband in a car crash before moving here. Her daughter would have been my age.
Dora has become a grandma. She spoils me with small gestures, such an extra piece of pie or a tall glass of cold lemonade on a hard day of work. She says I'm growing and I need plenty of nutrition. I'm not sure the giant dollops of whipped cream count. She has also taught me how to run the business. By now I know how to keep the books, purchase inventory and keep our customers happy.
I've learned sign language to understand Dana. She is a riot and has a wicked sense of humor. Her favorite thing is to make funny faces or rude gestures behind Daphne's back. I see little of Dana lately. A few months ago, a deaf guy brought his cat to her mini hotel before taking a vacation. When he came back, he asked her out on a date which by now have become too many to count.
Daphne's attitude towards me has transformed. When she couldn't find someone to home school me, she did it herself. She would sigh, mumble and curse while doing it, but she did it with rough love. I took the general exams and passed them thanks to her. She knows I love to read and brings me a new book whenever she goes shopping. I had to thank her for all she has done for me and I found the perfect gift for her birthday. It took long but I'm sure she will like it.
Delia showed me that beauty can be found in the most unusual things. She points patterns on the scales of reptiles, the beautiful feathers on our bird friends, or the colorful flowers in the garden. I still refuse to look at the spider. I don't think I will ever find it pretty. Not even the poetic descriptions of Delia can help that. She also taught me how to sing. My teenage voice turned deep and sounds decent. So far the dogs don't howl with me or run away, so I must do something right.
Dottie and Darla are my godmothers. On my 21st birthday they gifted me a horse. They found a skinny abandoned pony and nursed it to health without me knowing. Onyx is a black stallion and I love taking him for a ride around the premises. This weekend, I will show him at the county fair and hope to win a prize.
"Winter, can you work the reception for me?" Daisy asks. "I have a doctor's appointment,"
My chest feels tight at the mention of a doctor. Daisy was sick in the past weeks and Dora had to bring her to the emergency room in the middle of the night.
"Don't look at me with so much worry," she caresses my cheek. "I'm feeling better. This is only a follow up visit,"
"You scared us. Daisy, if something happens to you..." my throat closes.
She holds me in her arms. I tower over her and when she hugs me, I feel again like a little boy.
"I don't know if I will see old age, but I don't think life is so cruel it will want to separate us early,"
"I hope you are right,"
"My beautiful boy. Well, you aren't a boy anymore. You are a handsome prince," she caresses my hair and makes me smile. "I'll be back in an hour,"
Daisy leaves and I get behind the reception. I check the next bookings and entertain myself playing games on my phone when I hear the front door open.
"Good morning, you must be Zoe," I say to the woman who enters the house with a dog on a leash.
"Oh, hi!" she freezes on her spot.
Her bloodhound pulls her forward until she bounces on the reception.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
"Yeah, sorry. I think Pepe is anxious or excited to be here,"
I come around the counter and Pepe heads straight to sniff my hands. I scratch him behind his ears and he turns into a puddle. I kneel on the floor and give him a good belly rub. I look at Zoe and her eyebrows are raised.
"Sorry, after so many years here I can't resist these softies," I stand up.
"No, not at all. It was kind of cute," she smiles. "You look familiar. Have we met before?"
I take a good look at her, but can't place her face.
"What is your name?"
"Winter Kenton," I reply, using Daisy's surname.
Zoe stares at me and her lips break into a smile.
"We met at ENVY. It was many years ago. I think you were sorting photos or clippings," she says.
The cupcake delivery girl...
"Yeah... I was... an intern,"
"Poor you, having to work for that asshole. He had plastic surgery and screwed his face. Looks like an alien now," she chuckles. "I'm glad to see you here instead. I've heard great things about this pension,"
"We make our guests feel like they are in heaven," I say cheekily.
"And you know your marketing well,"
I check in Pepe and bring him together with Zoe to Daphne. The other dogs receive him happily and they all run around the place. Daphne looks at me with a scowl and I shrug.
"And you are going on vacation for three weeks?" I try to make conversation.
"Yeah, my cousin Phoebe is getting married and I'm her maid of honor. I could bring Pepe as the wedding is in a farm, but the poor thing hates airplanes. I rather leave him with some canine friends and spare him the suffering,"
"We will take good care of him,"
"I'm sure you will. Will you be here when I come back?" she stops by her car.
Zoe kisses my cheek and gets in her car. I touch my face as she drives away. When I turn back, I find Dana behind me. She makes kissing noises and grins.
"I should do that to you," I say as I walk the steps.
Daisy returns and I head to my usual maintenance tasks. Dinner time comes and I feel almost giddy with excitement. We share our evening meal and then Dora brings a lovely cake to the table to celebrate Daphne's birthday. The ladies hand her some gifts and I save mine for last.
She opens the card I hand her and looks at it.
"This is a phone number," she looks at me.
"Your son's,"
Her face shows confusion and sadness. I look around the room. Daisy smiles at me while the rest of the ladies watch Daphne's reaction.
"I searched for him and explained how you feel. He is tough to break just like you, but he understands your reasons. I told him you would call him about... now," I look at my watch.
"He can wait for a few seconds," Daphne stands up and grabs me in a hard hug. "Thank you Winter. Thank you,"
All of our eyes are filled with tears, happy ones. Daphne gets her phone and the card and heads outside to call the love of her life.
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