Chapter 2 - Hunter
Rex has been in the gym since five in the morning. I know because I heard him slamming doors so early. He probably ate the whole box of cupcakes and is now trying to get rid of the guilt.
When I walked by the house gym, I could hear him grunting and puffing. Years ago he had a killer set of abs which now are losing their definition.
I wash my dish of cereal and head to my bedroom. Mumbles come out of the bathroom and the door is slightly open.
"A wrinkle. No, it can't be. Bedsheet wrinkles probably. I'm only 35 years old. Oh God, no! It is a fine line! Where is my serum?"
I hear him move jars and something falls on the floor.
"Here is it! Go away. I'm too young to see a surgeon," Rex says and I imagine him smearing his face in cream. "Wait! Is that a white hair?"
I give the door a tiny push and check his reflection in the mirror. His face is almost pushed to the glass as he inspects a strand of hair. I'm trying hard not to laugh.
"It's a highlight. It has to be,"
He then grabs his phone and takes a selfie.
"Done with my morning gym routine," he types. "Hashtag sleepy face... and done!"
I walk quickly to my room before he notices me. I dread going back to the office and the tedious task of sorting through his photos. I have to deal with the real Rex. I'm not amused to see thousands of reproductions of his toothpaste smile.
What the hell did I do now?
"WHAT. THE FUCK. IS THIS?" he pushes his phone in my face.
Once my eyes focus on the phone, I see the picture he took yesterday.
"The Instagram picture of the photo sorting," I say.
"Stating the fucking obvious. Look at the stats!"
I look under the picture and see that the comments outweigh the likes. I open the thread. The comments are about me! I look again at the picture and see I am in it. People are asking who I am, saying I'm handsome and warning Rex about me being hotter than him.
"You photobombed me! Don't ever do that AGAIN!"
The punch comes unexpectedly and I fall on the floor. Rex slams my bedroom door. I shake all over and feel terrified. Usually he shoves me or clips my ear. Drops of blood fall on the carpet from my mouth.
I hear calls from downstairs. Martin, driver, probably arrived. I stand up and look out the window. Rex gets in the car and I sigh with relief.
I check my face in the mirror. My bottom lip is split and swollen. Now it was a punch. What comes next?
I finish getting dressed and clean my face as best as possible. Before leaving the house, I cover my head with a hoody and try not to look at people.
To my luck, no one is around as I make it to the ENVY lobby. My heart beats faster as the elevator marks the floors. When I'm about to enter Rex's office, I hear unknown voices inside.
"I understand it is unusual," I hear Rex say. "The poor thing has gone through so much after the death of his parents. I'm all he has,"
Is he talking about me? With whom?
"According to our records, he has been away from school for two years," a male voice says.
"He's been so depressed," Rex lies. "I don't have the heart to oblige him to go. I've thought about sending him to a boarding school. He can then be away from everything and start anew. I don't know how to bring the idea to him,"
Boarding school? If it means being away from him, I will pack immediately.
I open the door, and find a man and a woman sitting in front of Rex's desk. Rex gives me a forced smile. The woman looks at me with concern.
"Are you Winter Noble?" the man asks.
"Who wants to know?" I ask. My mom would have been ashamed of my manners.
"Arthur Green, Social Services," he looks at my busted lip. "How did that happen?"
Rex gives me a menacing stare.
"Fell from my skateboard," I lie.
"Winter, how are you feeling?" the woman asks in a sweet voice.
"I'm okay,"
"Do you miss school? Your friends?"
I shrug.
"Would you like to go back?" Mr. Green asks.
"I guess so," I say.
"What about a boarding school? New life, new friends,"
"Sounds okay,"
Rex's jaw is so set, I'm afraid he will chip a tooth. The social services people turn to him and he smiles pleasantly again.
"That is settled. You have a week to find a school," Mr. Green stands up.
"Sure thing. Maybe even earlier," Rex stands up and then walks them to the elevator.
He returns and I'm still standing on the same place.
"Get to work!" he yells.
The days go by and are tedious. Rex is busy with the business and I barely see him to my good luck.
On a morning, I'm burrowed in my blankets when I hear his heavy footsteps in the hallway. I pretend to sleep and hopefully he will leave me in peace.
"Wake up!" he grabs me by my hair. "Start packing! You leave to the boarding school today!"
I get a hiking backpack and start throwing everything in it. I don't ask questions. If this gets me away from this idiot, I want out as soon as possible.
The thing weighs a life but I drag it down the stairs. Martin, waits for me. Rex grins as he gets in a hired taxi.
"Where are we going?" I ask him.
"Airport," he only replies.
We ride for a long time. I have the idea we are going in the wrong direction.
"Are we lost?" I ask while checking a maps app in my phone.
Martin doesn't answer. We left civilization a while ago and drive through thick woods.
He finally parks the car in a muddy bend.
"Get out of the car Winter," he says.
I look at the road. My ears tune to the sounds. Only the ones produced by nature are present. No cars, no people.
Martin hands me my backpack and holds out his hand.
"Give me your phone,"
I do as I'm asked. I barely talk with Martin but he has never been nasty to me. My hand shakes as I hand him the device. He places it on the ground and stamps on it with his foot.
"Rex is a despicable man. He wants to get rid of you and contracted men to do it. He wanted a picture of your dead body in your phone as proof. I'll tell him you put on a fight and the phone got smashed,"
My blood freezes in my veins. I take a few breaths to calm myself.
"He wants me dead. What if he asks you why you didn't take a picture with your phone?" I try to think rationally.
"I don't own a smartphone," Martin shrugs and gets in the car.
The car wheels skid a bit in the mud as it makes it to the road. I'm left with my bag in the middle of nowhere and missed death by a hair. The question is for how long.
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