Chapter 1 - Mirror
With a deep sigh, I push open the door of the ENVY headquarters. This place has seen me grow and take my first steps, but that was when it was called Noble House of Fashion. My parents owned it then.
Dad passed away when I was a kid. Mom found him dead over his clothes designs in the studio at our house. I know he had a stroke. If you asked my mom she would tell you he busted his brain designing the perfect tweed jacket. She loved him dearly and he would have appreciated her humor.
I miss her. Life without her hasn't been the same. Two years have passed since that awful day. A late office meeting combined with migraine medication. Mom fell asleep and rode the car straight to a wall.
My stepfather Rex mourned her for about a week. He then decided black isn't his color. I'm not sure if he even loved my mom. She was smitten with him. They met at a photo shoot for Noble where he was one of the models.
I guess she felt lonely and he gave her attention. He was barely 30 years old and Mom was ten years older than him. All the female models would salivate at his sight. His light blonde hair is always styled in the latest fashion. He has green eyes and a tan that is carefully retouched monthly. His collection of face creams covers the whole counter of his en-suite bathroom.
He was pleased when he found out Noble would be his. Since we have no other family, he got my custody. He wasn't pleased about that one. Mom didn't leave everything to him. I'm also co-owner but I can't claim my part until I'm a legal adult. I just turned 18, and 21 seems like an eternity. At least in my new circumstances.
I call for the elevator and head to the penthouse. Rex's assistant gives me a look of pity when he sees me. Lately, that is the only sort of look I get.
"Little shit, you are late!" Rex yells from his desk. Little shit is his newest name for me. Dickhead is also one of his favorites.
"The bus was late and I missed my train," I say.
"I don't give a fuck. Now, grab that folder," he points at a thick pack on the desk and the boxes on the floor. "Sort those photos in chronological order. Only the good ones,"
"How do I know they are the good ones?"
"Are you fucking blind? If they make me look good pick those,"
"What is the purpose?"
"A book, dickhead! I'm publishing a book. My journey to become the owner of ENVY," he stands from his desk.
"You mean Noble House of Fashion, you only changed the name,"
Rex moves quickly and pushes me against the wall. My eyes water at the contact of my head with the hard surface.
"Don't try to be a smart ass with me," he threatens while holding my neck.
I hold his gaze. I've grown immune to his threats and his physical abuse.
"I only keep you around because your mom made it a condition. You are useless to me. Don't make me get rid of you,"
His last words make my blood freeze. I lower my gaze and he loosens his grip on me.
"Sort those photos!" he barks and leaves the office.
I grab the folder and head to the sitting area inside his office. I clear the coffee table and begin my work. His journey my ass! He has this place because my parents are not around.
There are thousands of photos and magazine clippings. Most of them have no date or client. I get my phone and make an image search. Asking Rex is pointless. He will either yell at me or go on an endless rant about the particular job.
The door opens and I don't even bother to lift my gaze.
"Hi! No one was outside and I got instructions to hand this to Rex Giles in person.
I watch as a young woman stands in the room with a big box that probably contains cupcakes. Rex loves to eat those and then spends countless hours at the gym burning the indulgence.
"Just put them on his desk. He stepped out for a moment," I say.
"What are you doing?" she comes closer to where I am.
She is cute and must be in college. Her dark hair is in a braid and she wears a blue apron from Sweet Kingdom.
"Sorting photos,"
"Shouldn't you be in school?" she asks in an serious tone.
I don't reply and just shrug. Rex hasn't sent me to school in two years. He can't be bothered with the preparations and the teachers.
"What's your name?" she demands.
"Winter," I say.
Mom said she gave me that name because of my pale skin, dark eyes, and black hair reminded her of fresh snow on a calm winter evening.
"Unusual name. I'm Zoe,"
"Hey," I say without emotion.
"I'll leave you to whatever you are doing," she says and closes the door.
I work for hours. A rumble in my stomach tells me it's lunch time. I head to the cafeteria and get a sandwich to go. If Rex comes to the office and I'm not there, he will give me hell.
I don't know what he means by looking good on the photos. Dickhead should be his nickname, not mine.
"Are you done?" Rex asks the moment he enters the office.
"I sorted the folder. Still need to go through the boxes. That pile has the rejected photos," I point at the bunch on the table.
He grabs them and looks quickly through them.
"Keep them apart but don't throw them,"
He walks back to the desk and places his feet on top of it. He scrolls through his phone and smiles.
"Half a million likes and more than 100K comments. People love me,"
Rex is obsessed with uploading selfies. Every day he announces his stats proudly.
"Let me get one with the photo sorting on the back. Give a hint to my fans of what's coming,"
Rex positions his phone at a high angle and takes a photo.
"Little app on my phone, who is the hottest of them all... and done!" he says. "Jeez, there are likes already," he chuckles.
I shake my head and continue working. Rex leaves late and I do too after him. He doesn't want people to see us together. While he rides home in a town car with a driver, I have to take public transport.
I'm grateful when I come home and one of the cooks left me dinner in the oven. I don't even bother to heat it. My eyes are sore and after a hot shower, I tumble on my bed.
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