Past Part 1 (NOT CHAPTER 1)
(This is basically an explanation going into more detail of Queen Winter's life!)
1. Bullying
~3rd Person POV~
~Date: June 22nd~
Queen Icicle and King Polar waited for their egg to hatch with happiness. The egg started cracking and out came a beautifully stunning princess. Her scales were whiter than snow. They sparkled and created a beautiful aura when the moonlight shone on her scales. Her eyes were a beautiful mild blue. They reminded her parents of the crashing waves on the beach in the nature lands. "Awe she's beautiful..." Queen Icicle said nudging her newborn causing the newborn to giggle. "Indeed she is..." King Polar replied giving his mate a loving nudge. "What should we name her?..." Queen Icicle looked at King Polar with excitement. For she was finally a mother! Something she wanted for a long long time! Whenever Queen Icicle and King Polar tried getting an heir their eggs would die off due to the cold conditions. Even if they were winter elemental newborns they still required very warm temperatures until hatching. But this newborn was different...her mother and father knew she was special because she was the only egg that didn't get any warmth and survived. "What about Winter?" King Polar said watching as the newborn was trying to stand but kept falling. "Winter? Why such a common name? A princess like her deserves a rare name..." Queen Icicle said picking the newborn up in one talon. The small newborn was tiny compared to the size of her mother's palm. "Because...She's not like the others she's special...She can survive in the cold of the Winter Lands and no egg has ever survived without any warmth at all like she did" King Polar twined his tail with Queen Icicle's. "Oh I love the reasoning! Ok she'll be called Winter. Princess Winter! The blessing to the Winter Kingdom and heir to the throne!" Queen Icicle smiled and looked down at Winter.
~14 years later~
~Winter's Age: 14 (In human years)~
Winter jumped up and tried to get to the branch of a tree. She couldn't fly yet so she spent her time practicing, hoping she would get it soon! Winter was too busy to hear the crunching of snow behind her. "Winter! Precious! Stop that! You'll get hurt!" Queen Icicle scolded her daughter until she got her attention. "But mom! I'm practicing!" Winter whined with a pout. "You don't need practice you'll get the hang of it soon enough now stop this nonsense!" Queen Winter gave her daughter a harsh glare. "Fine mother..." Winters ears folded downwards to show she was sad. "Now come your going to be late to Royal Academy" The Queen said turning around and walking wanting her daughter to follow. Royal Academy was a private place where royalty of all elements learn different Royal skills. Only the Princes and Princesses got to attend Royal Academy. Winter followed her mother without hesitation. Soon they arrived at Royal Academy and Winter braced herself for what she knew would happen. "Now precious I'm going to leave! I'll pick you up at the end of class! Love you dearest!" Queen Icicle said and walked away leaving her daughter in front of the Academy. Winter could see the other royals talking with each other and she tried approaching. "Hey! Look it's the stupid weakling!" The Fire Prince laughed pointing a claw at Winter. Winter tried opening her mouth to speak but she stopped when she heard the others laugh. Winter started to whimper and the fire prince seemed amused by her fear and sadness. "What? Are you gonna go cry to your mommy? Weak pathetic flightless chicken!" He snarled at her causing her to scream in fear. "Come on Flame knock it off" The Fire Princess interrupted from behind her brother. "Oh I'm just joking you know that right Winter?!" Flame gave Winter a threatening glare. Winter had tears in her eyes and nodded violently. Flame without a word then turned around swiftly and headed inside the Academy and the other royals followed. The only one that stayed was the fire princess. "Hey you alright?" She asked and approached Winter. "Y-Ya! I'm fine!" Winter lied knowing that if she told the truth Flame would hurt her. "Please don't mind my brother...boys are stupid" the princess said rolling her eyes at her brothers attitude. "It's fine!" Winter replied with a small smile as she calmed down. The princess smiled back. "I'm Tempest nice to meet you!" Tempest said brightly. "I'm Winter nice to meet you too!" Winter said calmly. "Want me to walk to class with you?" Tempest asked. "Yes please I would like that!" Winter responded. Tempest and Winter walked to class side by side.
End of part 1 of the past! Again this ISN'T chapter 1! ~Author
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