Chapter 4
You leaned against your closed door trying to fight back emotions. It had been so hard to tell Loki what you had, and there was still 150 years of backstory that you hadn't been able to tell him yet. The revelations you had given him had been hard enough. You had a feeling he'd be breaking Frigga's spell on his own, or possibly asking for your help to do it. You knew you could and you'd gladly break that damn spell for him. Not that it was Frigga's fault that it was there. Even she couldn't disobey Odin's orders.
You could only stall for so long. There was one other thing you had to do, so you pushed yourself away from the door. "Jarvis, where's Thor?" you asked your phone. The AI was limited in the bedrooms.
"He's in training room A, Miss," Jarvis replied.
"Thanks Jarvis," you told the AI while you changed into yoga pants and a sports bra, tying your hair back as you left your room. If you were going to talk to Thor in the training room, you knew that you had to be dressed to fight it out with him. He wasn't going to be pleased either probably. "If Loki happens to come looking for me, please let him know where I went,"
"Yes, Miss,"
With that done, you made your way down to the training room. "Hey, Y/N, you ok?" Nat asked as you passed through the living room to grab a couple bottles of water from the fridge.
You nodded and gave her a tentative smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Loki's in his room. I need to go talk to Thor, but since he's down in the training room," you gestured to the workout clothes.
"Do I need to beat some sense into him for you? I know you can't do it yourself," that was true, you were duty bound to defend the throne, that did generally keep one from beating sense into said crown-wearer. At least in public. Usually. Shit. You were an awful Valkyrie at times. You beat sense into the boys more than once when they were being stupid.
You laughed in reply. "I think his mom took care of that. No, I shouldn't need him actually beaten up. If I do, I'll call you." She nodded, accepting your reassurance. "But Thunderhead always forgets to bring water with him when he's planning on working out," you held up the water bottles and Nat actually laughed.
"I'll explain later. I...kinda have to tell him first," you admitted. You waved to her and headed back to the elevator to head to the lower level where the training room was. Thor was in there working out without a shirt. Of course. You leaned against the doorjamb for a moment, watching before you cleared your throat and announced. "Hey Thunderer,"
"Valkyrie," he replied when he paused his drill to look over and see who was interrupting him. You tossed one of the bottles of water his way.
"You always forget to stay hydrated and I don't feel like carrying your unconscious ass back to your chambers. Again." You told him with a smile. He paused then and just stared at you. "How much did your Lady Mother tell you?" you asked as you stepped into the room.
"She berated me for being rude to you and hinted that things were not as they seemed. She said she could not say more, but that you were not under such constraints," Thor finally said as he obediently downed the bottle of water. You vanished the empty bottle for him when he was done.
"That's true. I'm not. I probably should have told you sooner, but..."
"I appeared to hate you, so why make it worse?" he suggested. You gave him a small smile. "You and Loki are quite similar after all," he added in explanation. You inclined your head, giving him that point.
"So, let me fill you in..." you told him everything that you had told Loki while he just stared in disbelieving shock.
"You were exiled to protect Loki's secret?" Thor finally asked. You nodded. "How can I know this is true?" he asked.
You sighed. "Damn your brother for being the Lord of Lies and making you wary. I can use magic to remove your Lady Mother's magic, but you wouldn't trust that I didn't just meddle with your memories instead. I can tell you 150 years' worth of old stories, but you don't remember them, so that won't help," you sighed heavily. "I don't know what I can do to prove my story to you or Loki, and I'm at even more of a disadvantage as you have no reason to trust an exiled Valkyrie." You fought back tears at his silence. Thor had changed. You all had in 900 years. He still didn't speak again, so you nodded an extremely informal bow and left the other bottle of water for him. "Whether you believe me or not, you deserved to know, both of you did." You turned to leave to leave him to his workout.
"You truly cared for my brother," Thor finally said softly.
"I love your brother," you replied firmly. "That never changed just because the Allfather sent me away." You left him to his workout and headed back to your room, fighting even more emotions. Today had been trying already.
You passed Nat in the hall, she was apparently keeping tabs on you. One look at your expression and she went stomping off to bother Thor. "Thor! You were the one who just went on a massive lecture about being nice to Y/N and Loki. Now, you're making her cry?" Nat demanded as she stormed into the training room to go kick Thor's ass. You rushed in and grabbed her arm before she could punch him.
"Natasha, no. It's not Thor's fault," you told her firmly.
"The hell it's not," she growled. "I know you can't beat sense into him. Let me go and I'll do it myself,"
"It's not his fault. It's mine. Just leave it alone," they both looked shocked and hurt at your words. "It's my fault," you insisted. "I told him something he didn't want to hear. We knew each other on Asgard and I reminded him of it, but have no way of proving my story to him. Really, it's not his fault," you dragged Nat from the room before she could knock some sense into Thor. She finally relented and went to go beat up something in one of the other training rooms. Based on the sound of pain, you thought it was Clint.
You used magic to change back into normal clothes, jeans and a t-shirt and headed up to the kitchen to begin making dinner. It wasn't your turn, but you had to do something to feel useful. So you made an old favorite of Loki's, choosing absently, but smiling when you realized what you'd chosen. It was an old Asgardian fish dish you hadn't had in years, but still knew how to make. You had a sub a few ingredients, but it would turn out just fine.
"What's for dinner?" Cap asked kindly as the team slowly made their way to the dining room. Bruce was dragging Tony by the arm or he wouldn't have left his lab. Nat and Thor arrived together, both looking way more bruised than they had an hour ago. You had a feeling they were 'talking' out what you had told Thor.
"A fish dish from back home," you told Cap. "Did anyone tell Loki it was time for dinner?" you asked the group.
"I did. He said he wasn't hungry," Clint told you as he got the plates out of the cabinet. Cap got the silverware and Bruce got Tony to sit at a chair and not run back to his lab. You served the dinner and saw Thor's warm smile. He recognized the dish apparently.
The team chatted and joked and told stories while you ate and everyone praised the wonderful meal. You sat with them through dinner. Cap and Nat cleaned up the kitchen while you made another plate, setting it on a tray with a wine glass of the Asgardian mead Thor had brought back from Asgard, a set of silverware, and a book from the library you knew a certain god would enjoy.
You carried the tray up to Loki's room and knocked on the door. "Go away, Thor! I already said I don't want to hang out with your friends," Loki growled. You hovered the tray in the air just outside of his door at waist height. You summoned a piece of stationary and a calligraphy pen to write out a quite note in Asgardian.
The meal is safe. I prepared it and I did not let Thor help. You need to eat something, your highness.
You signed it with they stylized sigil of your name. The note was formal, but you weren't brave enough to drop the formality again without getting some indication from him first. Still, you couldn't help being nice and bringing him dinner. Old habits and duty died hard.
You knocked again harder, then ducked across the hall into your own room before he swung his door open, roaring at Thor for bothering him again. You could tell the moment he saw the tray. His roars stopped at once. You smiled and fell face first onto your bed, drained from the emotionally exhausting day. You just needed to rest for a minute.
"Valkyrie?" Thor's voice came with a knock at your door a short time later. You groaned and got to your feet. You opened the door and stepped just out of reach. You were in pajamas and hadn't donned your gloves again, so your arms and hands were completely bare and Thor was a toucher. Not maliciously, but he liked physical contact. "You had mentioned that you could remove the magic Mother placed...?" he asked tentatively.
You nodded. "I can. You trust me to do it?" you asked softly. He gave you a bright smile.
"I would not besmirch a Valkyrie's honor by claiming I did not," he replied. You smirked at that not-quite-an-answer. He'd apparently learned some things from Loki over the years. "Would you-?" he asked finally.
You nodded again. "Jarvis, can you ask Nat to come to the living room?" you asked.
"She is already there, Miss,"
"Thanks," you were sure to be polite to Jarvis. He was already mad at your ability to hack his systems, especially when you had made sure he couldn't tell Tony. "I'll do it, but downstairs," you told Thor. He nodded and stepped back so you could follow him from the room. You walked downstairs in a companionable silence, reminding you of old times. You gestured to one end of one of the couches and settled on the other. "Telepathy based magic isn't my strongest. I'm going to need physical contact," you told him.
"I thought you couldn't touch anyone," Thor interrupted.
You nodded. "I can't touch the humans. I didn't clarify that you have some immunity. I honestly don't know if you'll have enough for this. It's been 900 years since the issue has come up," you reminded him. "But normal everyday touches on Asgard were perfectly safe," he nodded, accepting your assessment. You looked over at Nat. "Natasha, we're going to be playing with complex magic. Can you make sure we're not interrupted. Unless Thor starts looking too blue, then please interrupt," she wanted to ask, you saw it in her eyes, but she only nodded. You lifted your hands to Thor's temples, stopping just before you touched him. "Ready?" you asked.
"Yes. I wish to know the truth," he told you firmly. You nodded and placed your fingertips against his temples as you dove into your magic, staring into his eyes both of you unblinking lost to the trance of power.
Frigga's magic was deep and everywhere in his mind. It took effort to find every ounce of it. She had done her job well, but also had seemed to lay a trail for you to be able to undo what she had done.
She had known.
You don't know how long you worked, how long you sat like that, how much power you were draining into this working. It was a lot, but this was also a working that couldn't be interrupted. Not without risking damage to his mind. You didn't see his memories, except for the very last one that you broke free of Frigga's spell. It was the day you were exiled. Thor had watched from the entrance to the Bifrost, off to the side where he could watch and not be seen. He had watched as you and Loki had spilled your hearts and tears. He had watched his brother's heart shatter as Odin physically sent you through the Bifrost while Frigga held the raging sobbing Loki to keep him from following. He had watched as Frigga worked her magic, Loki's eyes glazing, then the soft question:
"Mother, why are we at the Bifrost?"
Frigga smiled warmly at her son. "You were curious how it worked, darling, remember? Heimdall was going to open it for you so you could see for yourself." Loki nodded, accepting the answer. Thor was horrified that his Mother had truly done it, had truly removed Loki's memories.
You broke the spell, tears in your eyes as you yanked your hands back from Thor's temples. He was shivering, but seemed otherwise unaffected. "Sorry," you murmured, placing your hands in your lap. Thor was blinking quickly, a side effect of having his mind meddled with, but his eyes deglazed quickly. You were swaying, exhausted and drained.
"Oh gods," Thor said softly, obviously remembering something. It would take him awhile to go through all of the memories.
"Don't try to remember everything at once," you warned, your voice betraying your exhaustion. "Give it time," he nodded, then looked you over. You were currently trying to remember how one got to one's feet. It was difficult to imagine how to accomplish that task.
Thor grabbed the throw blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped it around you. "Come on, Kyrie, you're in no shape after that much magic to make it to bed on your own." You looked up at him confused, fading quickly now that the rush from focusing on that spell was gone. The old nickname hadn't even registered. He gave you a warm smile and lifted you into his arms, like you weighed nothing. Of course you didn't to him. The blanket was wrapped around you in such a way that he wouldn't touch your bare skin. Obviously he could, but you would worry, plus he had just had a large dose of Jotun ice while you were working on his mind and really didn't need more.
Nat stood, trying to decide what to do with this development. "Relax, Lady Natasha, I am just escorting the Valkyrie back to her bed. She has done me quite the service tonight. I will explain later, but the least I can do in return is make sure she can rest from it. I will not harm her,"
"Y/N?" Nat asked. You nodded, then let your head fwump back on Thor's shoulder.
"'m ok. Thanks for helping," you murmured. Nat's job had been important, though she hadn't really had to do anything. Lookouts were very important. Thor chuckled and carried you to the elevator.
"Brother? Have you seen-" Loki's voice roused you when Thor stepped out of the elevator on your floor. "What did you do to her?" He ran over and forcefully took you from Thor's arms, which was a pretty impressive feat. You had a feeling Thor only handed you over so you didn't get dropped in the tussle. "Kyrie? Kyrie?" he asked frantically, while you fought to open your eyes, too drained to function.
"Calm, brother. She is fine. She used her magic to lift Mother's spell from my memories," Thor explained quickly.
"I'm ok, love," you murmured to Loki, only half awake and kissed his cheek automatically. You were too out of it to attempt to be formal, or remember that you were supposed to, or think. "Thunderhead is an oaf and loud, but he doesn't lie,"
You heard the warm smile in Loki's reply. "Good, I would so hate to have to kill him. It would only upset Mother. And I much prefer that she is currently upset with Thor," you smiled at his words and laid your head on his shoulder.
"Do you remember, then?" Thor asked kindly as he walked with Loki to your room.
Loki shook his head. "Only pieces. Mother's magic is quite effective since it was specifically designed so I cannot break it. I was going to ask Kyrie to help, but it appears you beat me to it. And before you offer you are in no shape," Loki added firmly for your benefit. Thor opened your bedroom door and Loki tucked you into bed. "Rest, little Valkyrie," he bid you softly.
"Love you too," you murmured, eyes shut and mostly asleep. You felt him stiffen and nearly opened your eyes again to see what was wrong, but couldn't manage it.
"I don't remember. We had this entire relationship, and she speaks as if I'm the love of her life. But I don't remember," Loki's frustrated tone made you make a small noise and move a little, stirring back awake.
"Come, brother. Let her rest. I know her words are unsettling when you don't remember. She is too exhausted to guard them. You must be aware of that. Do not fault her for being lost to the memories when she spent the evening helping me rebuild them," Thor's voice as he was pulling Loki from the room. "Thank you, Lady Valkyrie," Thor's voice and then the door was closed, the dark room pulled you into sleep dreaming of days long passed.
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