Warm welcomes
Chapter 7
"Senator Brandt I regret to inform you that Captain Steven G Rogers and Agent Abigail M Rogers went missing behind enemy lines on the third. Area reconnaissance have proven, unfruitful as a result I must declare Captain Rogers and Agent Rogers killed in action." Cornel Phillips spoke out loud to a Corporal who was typing the telegram up on a type writer. Peggy then walked through the doors holding some documents.
"The last surveillance flight is back." She said showing the Cornel the documents. "No sign of activity." She said solemnly.
"Go get a cup of coffee Corporal." The cornel told the corporal sat behind him.
"Sir." The corporal said as he walked out.
"I can't touch Stark, he's rich and he's the army's number one weapons contractor. You are neither one!" The cornel told her sternly.
"With respect, sir, I don't regret my actions. And I don't think Captain Rogers or Agent Rogers did either."
"What makes you think I give a damn about your opinions. I took a chance with you, Agent Carter. And now America's golden boy, my best asset and a lot of other good men are dead, cause you had a crush." The cornel said.
"It wasn't that. I had faith." Peggy told him.
"Well, I hope that's big comfort to you when they shut this division down." The cornel said as the men outside started to run in the same direction. "Now, what the hell's going on out there?" The cornel muttered as he went to investigate. Peggy turned and followed him. They walked through the crowd to find Steve, Abi, Bucky and all the other prisoners walking into the camp.
After Steve had made the jump they had met with the others in the clearing and had now walked 30 miles back to the base in Italy. Everyone watched, astounded, as they walked in with the Hydra weapons and followed by the tanks. Everyone cheered as they walked and Bucky took Abi's hand. She smiled at Steve as he looked at them and clapped Bucky on the back.
They walked into the centre of the base as the cornel walked out in front of them. Steve and Abi stood forward and saluted.
"Some of these men need medical attention." Abi said.
"I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary action." Steve said. Abi went to protest but Bucky shook his head.
"That won't be necessary." The cornel said looking over the men that they had brought back.
"Thank you sir." Steve said.
"See I told you everything would be fine." Bucky said to Abi as Peggy walked up to Steve.
She shook her head and pulled him into a hug. She pulled away to find him smirking. She gave him a quizzical look.
"Hey!" He yelled getting everyone's attention. "Let's hear it for Captain America!" Everyone started to cheer and clap Steve on the back.
"I think you deserve a cheer." Bucky whispered in her ear.
"Don't even think about it!" She said as she pulled him from the crowd and he handed the gun to another soldier. "Come on." She said pulling him towards a collection of tents.
"Where are we going now?" He asked.
"The medical tent, to see what they did to you."
"I'm sorry Agent Rogers I can't tell what they might have injected him with, I'm sorry." The doctor said as he came out of the medical tent and handed her Bucky's file, before walking off. She shook her head and walked inside. Bucky looked up from the bed he was sat on as she walked in.
"What's wrong?" He asked seeing her expression. She sat down next to him and he pulled her to his chest. She gently traced her fingers over the scars and open cuts where Zola had injected him.
"What happened to you?" She asked her voice barely above a whisper. He sighed and kissed the top of her head.
"Do you really want to know?" He asked. She nodded slightly against his chest and he sighed. "After we lost the fight we were taken to that factory. We were all forced to work on these rocket things they called Valkyries. I contracted pneumonia and despite the efforts of the other prisoners to keep the HYDRA officers off my back, I was taken to an isolation clinic for interrogation and experimentation." He paused briefly looking at the girl in his arms. "I don't know what they injected into my system, Abi. It was something different each day. All I know was it hurt like hell."
Bucky stopped and looked at Abi. She was sat looking at him. She put a hand up to his face and pulled him into a kiss.
"I've got to go and check on some stuff. You can stay in my tent if you want." She said. He nodded and she led him to her tent and then left to sort some stuff out.
A few minutes after she left Steve walked in.
"Hey I wondered where you two disappeared to." Steve said sitting down next to Bucky on Abi's bunk. "Where'd she go?"
"To sort some stuff out." Bucky said.
"She told me what happened before you left." Steve said. Bucky nodded and smiled. "I know you'll keep her safe, well from what I saw yesterday she doesn't need any help, but I'm glad she picked you and not some random guy. But please don't hurt her." Steve said.
"Steve you know I would never hurt her!" Bucky said looking across at his best friend. "I love her." He muttered.
"I know you do." Steve said. Bucky looked at him in confusion. "C'mon! It's been pretty obvious." Steve said with a laugh. Bucky joined in as Abi walked back in.
"What's so funny?" She asked with a smile.
"Nothing." Steve said as he stood up. "I'm gonna get some sleep." He walked out with a smile still on his face.
Abi raised an eyebrow at Bucky. "We should probably get some sleep to." He said. She nodded and pulled off her jacket and boots. She yawned and climbed into bed. Bucky pulled on a fresh shirt and joined her; pulling her onto his chest.
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