XVI. Two Sides
Fear. Disgust. Confusion. What kind of hell was I in? I stared down at the grossly disfigured head of José, the rest of him buried two feet under the soft forest ground—his shallow grave.
My head spun, grasping for answers. I needed a firm foundation, but it was crumbling under me, leaving me with nothing solid to grasp on to. José was dead. From the looks of it, he'd been dead for weeks. How could that be?
Winnie observed me silently, her mind on lock down once again. I thought I caught a glimpse of pity in her eyes. This time, I didn't pry into her mind to search for answers. Honestly, I feared the truth. I was questioning her motives, whether they were for or against me.
I turned away from her and the corpse, stepping back into the shadows of the forest, taking in fresher air. I stood, my head down, shoulders slumped.
José wasn't the one who shot Splinter. I stared a the mossy ground, feeling I was missing something. Something big. Another thought hit me, making my heart pound in my ears. José wasn't the one who wrote the letter either. Then, maybe, just maybe, he wasn't the one who killed Barnabas. Which meant he wasn't the one who tried to attack Winter. But then, who did?
I shook my head, trying to clear it. I had an instinctual feeling that there was a heavy price riding on my ability to put the pieces of the puzzle together, and I was quickly running out of time.
Think, think, think, I told myself. The words conjured up an image of Winnie the Pooh, tapping himself on the head, trying to find a way to the bee hive. Good God, I grimaced. People were dying and I was imaging Winnie the Pooh.
I eyed Winnie warily as I replayed the days events, searching for clues. She'd been set on showing me José's shallow grave. She must have known it was there all along. Earlier that day, when we'd come across the horrible smell, she'd told me it was the smell of death. I thought she'd meant that figuratively at the time; turned out she was being very literal.
Then, Sparky had said, he's near. He may have been talking about José's grave, or he might have meant someone else was near. I was betting on the latter. They both knew who the killer was, it was just a matter of getting me to see it.
The killer didn't want the humans finding Jose's grave. It was to his or her benefit that they continued to suspect José. So, when they got too close, the killer had shot Splinter. It distracted them from the discovery, but he must know they would be out here again.
A chill spread over me. He would be back.
Something touched my side. I spun around growling—teeth barred. Winnie had come to stand next to me, her eyes deep and mysterious. Good job, Pickle. You're almost there.
Before I could respond, a familiar fluttering sound filled my ears, and the brush rustled near where we stood. Do you know how difficult it is to fly in the dark? Sparky projected. Damned blind bats! Blasted owls lurking about! Anyhow, the evil one has left and is on his way here.
Then we should hide. Winnie said, eyeing José's grave. Sparky followed her gaze.
Well—that is not a pretty sight. He ruffled his feathers and clicked his beak. Or smell.
He's coming to move the body, isn't he? I looked from one to the other.
Dusk was turning to night, but a full moon set itself low in the sky. It shown down on the little clearing in the woods and feathered out to the shadows surrounding it. Sparky straightened and snapped his beady eyes at Winnie. She gave him a very slight shake of her head. He turned to me.That would be correct.
Then, we should stop him, right? I projected. One of us can get the officer and lead him here—
Unfortunately it isn't as easy as that. Winnie's shifted her gaze to the forest floor.
My ears turned up at the sound of footsteps in the distance. I spotted a small light dancing in the woods, coming from the direction of the refuge.
We need to hide—now. Winnie scanned the dense forest surrounding the clearing. We squeezed under a patch of thick brush where we still had a view of the clearing—and the approaching killer.
Sparky perched himself on the branch of a small sassafras tree near the clearing. There was no need for the little bird to hide himself, other than from his natural predators, which kept him casting a leery eye to the sky.
Winnie was pressed next to me in our prickly hiding place. I could feel the fast pace of her heart and the shake of her rapid panting. The smell of damp earth and moss mixed with the putrid smell wafting from the corpse, making it more tolerable.
Do you remember when I asked you if you were willing to attack, no matter who the enemy may be? She projected, without turning to look at me.
I glanced sideways at her, she was trembling with fear. I was suddenly overcome with the need to comfort her, to keep her safe. And I told you I wasn't afraid to die. I will fight no matter how strong or evil the enemy is.
No matter who the enemy is? she said.
I turned slightly to see her face. Just a touch of moonlight ventured into the shadows of the tangled sticks and leaves, and it was hard to see anything but a shadow.
Why, is it someone I know? I asked, my heart sinking.
The small light bobbed onto the clearing and the steps drew nearer. Next to me, Winnie was holding her breath, and sinking down as far as she could, her body pressed into the earth. The shadow of a man appeared just outside of the clearing, his flash light swept across it, then stopped on José's shallow grave.
"Son of a bitch!" a familiar voice spat. "Damn animals dug it up!"
I leaned forward to get a better look as the man set foot in the clearing. He grasped a large gunny sack and shovel in one hand, his flashlight in the other. The light of the moon shown down on his face at the exact moment he set foot in the clearing.
The connection hit me like a lightening bolt. It hit him at the same time. He dropped the shovel, the bag, and the flashlight. His head snapped around to meet my eyes, half hidden in the brush. I sprung up on all fours, sharp twigs piercing my back like daggers. At the same time a large owl swooped down from the sky, perching itself precariously on his shoulder. Its yellow eyes glared at me.
It can't be. Winnie whimpered at my side, retreating further into the shadows, overcome with fear. I was paralyzed as I held his gaze. Then, he went limp. His head hung down and his arms swung weakly at his side. Confused, I inched myself out of the brush and closer to the edge of clearing.
No! Don't! Winnie's thoughts screamed at me from her hiding place.
But I was so drawn to him, I couldn't stop myself. I came within two feet of him and sat on my haunches, my head cocked, staring at his limp body. The owl eyes scrutinized me, from where it was perched on his shoulder.
His head jerked up, eyes pitch black, a contorted grin on his face. Did you miss me Sheldon?
I scrambled backwards, kicking up dirt with my paws, nearly toppling over on to my back.
We have been separated for quite a while, haven't we? The Sheldon puppet laughed.
Panicking, I struggled against the sickening bond that was sucking me towards him with magnetic force. I wanted desperately to run, but it held me fast.
Oh—poor little Pickle, did you think you were going to be the hero? That you were going to save them all? Were you really convinced you could right the wrongs of your past?
His black eyes narrowed and a low gritty laugh emitted through his teeth. The owl shifted on his shoulder, glaring at me. Ah yes. Now you understand! You are the enemy, Sheldon. They've brought you back to stop yourself!
No! I shook my head, gritting my teeth. No, you're not me!
His arm raised in a jerky, unnatural way and pointed towards the brush where Winnie hid. She tricked you Sheldon. She separated us so that you wouldn't remember. She knows that the only way to change the past is through the person who created it to begin with. She's been using you all along!
It couldn't be true. I wasn't a killer. I was a drunk, a loser, a low life—but not a murderer.
Why? Why did you kill José? I pleaded. There had to be some reason, some explanation. How was it possible for me not to even feel capable of such a horrible thing?
He chuckled and his eyes grew even darker. The owl screeched, cocking its head. Sheldon's head tilted at a strange angle. We had a deal, Winter was mine. He got to have the last girl, it was my turn. But, he just couldn't help himself, he wanted her so bad. I saw him coming at her that night, saw her run, saw him kill the dog. I killed him to save her. She was mine.
What do you mean you had a deal? I said, stepping closer.
Let's just say, José and I were a team. Before he betrayed me, that is. One makes the girl mad, the other comes in and sweeps her off her feet. It's a classic game. Sheldon turned towards the brush where Winnie hid and his smile widened.
Winnie let out a muffled yelp.
I gulped, not wanting to hear his answers, but knowing I needed to. And the letter?
I couldn't resist. An added touch. Ah—the look of terror on her face when she read it.
He brought his hands together as if praying, and touched his head to them, smiling wickedly.
You're a monster. I growled.
No—we are a monster. There are two sides to every spirit, good and evil. Evil was always the strongest in Sheldon's spirit. He let out a blood chilling cackle. His eyes flashed and his head dropped once again, his body limp. With a a swift pump of its wings, the owl lifted off from his shoulder, and disappeared into the darkness.
Run! Go back to the brush before he kills you! Sparky projected from the tree.
What was that? I looked up at the little bird, my eyes wide with terror.
I scampered back towards the brush, ears laid flat against my head, tail between my legs and shoved myself under it. Winnie backed away, watching me cautiously, uncertainty covering her face.
This chapter will be continued in the next update. Let me know what you're thinking, did Sheldon as the killer come as a surprise to you? There are some subtle hints placed in the previous chapters that you'll probably pick up on now that you know. Do you think Pickle will follow Winnie, or will he side with Sheldon (himself)? Anyway, thanks so much for the support so far, please vote if you're enjoying it!
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