Chapter Sixty-Three
⚠️ [Mature] ⚠️
Baekhyun withered against the vibrator, and released a heavily drawn out moan as his movements became sloppy and he jerked on his erected cock with barely contained ecstacy. He ejaculated into his hand seconds later with another loudly drawn out moan, and just laid there trying to catch his breath after he removed the vibrator. And when he finally got to his feet, just as he and his friends had hoped, his water broke across his feet and the hard wood floor. He happily smiled to himself, but the moment was short lived when another contraction hit one right after the other, and Baekhyun cried, "Shit! Start the car!"
Chanyeol was entering information into the computer when his phone started to buzz, Baekhyun's sweet smile lighting up the screen. Chanyeol's heart skipped, and he knocked over his pencil cup trying to get to his phone; pens scattering everywhere. He quickly seized it, hit the green accept button, and gasped, "Baek! Is it time?"
"Y-Yeah," Baekhyun croaked around a groan of pain. "How-How fast can you get to the
"I can leave right now, just don't have those babies until I'm there to hold your hand! Got it?" Chanyeol said as he scrambled to properly save his work and turn off his computer, before grabbing his things and bolting toward the elevator.
"Ahh! I-I make no pro-promises," Baekhyun gasped around another a spike of pain.
Chanyeol sighed and rubbed his face as he said, "Damn it, I should have stayed at home with you...."
Baekhyun sighed. "It's fine, Chanyeol, just get here."
"I will. I love you, Baekhyun," Chanyeol said.
"I love you too," Baekhyun sighed.
Baekhyun laid in the delivery room with Sehun and Kyungsoo on either side of him, both of them holding one of his hands that he couldn't help but tightly squeeze from pain. Kyungsoo cringed when another contraction seized his best friend, that earned him a bone-grinding hand-crushing squeeze.
"Mhm, when is Chanyeol getting here?" Kyungsoo asked.
"Not . . . sure," Sehun replied through gritted teeth.
Baekhyun cried out in pain again, and whimpered, "It hurts! Where's Chamyol, I need him!" Baekhyun cried.
Sehun bit his bottom lip and glanced at Kyungsoo worriedly, and quietly said, "I'm going to try calling him. I'll be right back." Sehun pried Baekhyun's fingers from around his hand, and kissed his forehead before hurrying from the delivery room. He walked a few paces down the hall before pulling out his phone, and dialing Chanyeol's number.
"Hello?" Chanyeol answered on the second ring.
"Where are you?" Sehun demanded. "Baekhyun's in a lot of pain and he keeps asking for you."
"Damn it! I know, I'm so sorry. The traffic is horrible but I'm almost there, tell him on my way and that I—-"
Beep! Beep! Beep!
"Chanyeol? Chanyeol? What the . . ." Sehun glanced at his phone, and huffed in exasperation before hurrying back to the delivery room. Sehun quickly walked to Kyungsoo and leaned in to whisper into his ear, "Chanyeol's stuck in traffic, and while we were on the phone the signal cut out. Should I try getting him?"
"You can't, if Chanyeol can't be here right now then Baekhyun is going to need you. Don't worry, I'm sure Chanyeol abandoned his car and is hurrying here as fast as he can," Kyungsoo quietly muttered.
Sehun sighed and glanced at Baekhyun, who was too out of it to comprehend what was happening. "Okay . . ." Sehun muttered, as he went to Baekhyun's other side and grabbed his hand. "We can do this, Baek, together."
Baekhyun just moaned and whimpered in reply.
Beeep! Chanyeol groaned in pain and pushed the air bag out of his face as he struggled to unbuckle his seatbelt. His ears were ringing and his body ached from getting rear-ended. Today was not at all going the way he planned, but when he began to hear the distance cry of an ambulance, he suddenly had an idea.
When the ambulance pulled up alongside the road and the EMT's got out of their vehicle, they immediately spilt into two as one of them went to access the people in the car that rear-ended Chanyeol, as the other hurried over to Chanyeol.
"Sir, are you injuried in any way?" the paramedic asked.
"My back hurts and my head is spinning," Chanyeol said, before making his feet wobble beneath him.
The paramedic quickly reached out to steady him, and said, "Sir, please wait here while I go get a gurney."
Chanyeol nodded and leaned back against his car, that was completely totalled. He sighed. At least Baekhyun has his car . . . Chanyeol thought.
It didn't take long for him to be loaded into the ambulance, and then he was on his way to the hospital. When Chanyeol got there he was admitted, and he only stuck around long enough for one of the nurses to clean and cover the cut on his forehead, so the blood wouldn't needlessly worry Baekhyun. Then he was racing through the halls to the delivery wing of the hospital.
Chanyeol heard Baekhyun before he saw him, and he burst into the room in a frantic mess as he gasped, "Baekhyun, I'm here now! I'm so sorry I took so long!" Chanyeol said as he hurried to Baekhyun's side, and replaced Kyungsoo as he immediately seized Baekhyun's hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed him and brushed his hair back from his sweaty forehead, and softly smiled as he gently said, "I'm here now, Baek."
Baekhyun blinked his eyes into focus and looked up at the sound of Chanyeol's voice, and when he found him, he burst into tears and cried, "Chanyeol it hurts so much! I feel like they're clawing their way out with their little baby nails!" Baekhyun continued to cry, and whimper around his contractions.
Chanyeol bit his bottom lip, feeling completely helpless as he leaned down and pressed a rough kiss to Baekhyun's forehead. He glanced up at Sehun, and asked, "Has the doctor been by to see him?"
"Yes, he was just here five or so minutes ago," Kyungsoo replied before Sehun.
"Can you please go find him?" Chanyeol asked.
"Of course, I'll be right back," Kyungsoo said before leaving the room.
Chanyeol sighed and glanced down at Baekhyun, he stroked his hair as he muttered, "You're doing great, Baek. Kyungsoo went to get the doctor, just hold on a little long, okay?"
Baekhyun just groaned in response, and Sehun furrowed his brow sympathetically. "This is painfully to watch," he mumbled.
Chanyeol nodded as he continued to caress Baekhyun's hair, and wistfully replied, "Yes, but Baekhyun is doing amazing."
Sehun nodded with a small smile, and muttered, "He is incredible...."
Chanyeol nodded in agreement, and after another moment Kyungsoo walked back into the room with the doctor closely behind him.
He smiled at them, and muttered, "Let's see how far along you are, Baekhyun . . ." The doctor pulled up a stool and sat down by Baekhyun's feet, he pulled back the sheet and checked Baekhyun's dilation. Then he glanced up at them with a smile as he said, "Good news, you're fully dilated. I'll page a few nurses here and we'll be ready to start."
A collective sigh went around the room, and then Kyungsoo excused himself to call their friends and family. Two nurses entered the room after he left, each of them wheeling in a little bed for the babies. The doctor downed his gloves, and the nurses prepared themselves with blankets, and then it was time for Baekhyun to push.
Word count: 1,268
~ 🌸 ~
A/N: Ahhhh! The babies are coming! Who's excited!? 😆😊
I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, and thank you so much for supporting me! Have an amazing day/night.
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
P.S. Updates may be slow, check out my About Me book if you'd like to know why. 😊
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