Chapter Nine
Baekhyun sat in his coat and scarf on his couch as he waited for Kyungsoo to come pick him up, and for reasons he didn't completely understand he kept pulling out the note Elfie had written him Thursday at work. He bit his bottom lip as he pulled it out of his pocket once again, his fingers running across the worn fold from continued openings.
Just like Baekhyun addressed his note, the front of his read: Smurf. Baekhyun smiled as he opened the note for the hundredth time to read the messily written words inside.
Thank you, and I don't find you uncaring, a lesser person wouldn't spend the time to write me a note. :)
So how about you make it up to me at the Christmas party? I'd really love to see a familiar face, I hope I mint you there.
—- Elfie.
Baekhyun still laughed when he read 'I hope I mint you there', being that the note had originally came with one of those Lifesaver Wintergreen mints. It was cheesy and silly but Baekhyun liked it, and oddly, he found himself looking forward to the party even more knowing that Elfie would be there waiting to see him. It was probably stupid of him, and the mere thought of pursuing somebody on any other day but this one didn't seem so bad, but definitely not today when he was scheduled with an appointment to get artificially inseminated with an embryo.
It wasn't much longer before Baekhyun heard Kyungsoo's car pull into his driveway. He stood up and secured his scarf around his neck, and adjusted his hat before briskly walking outside to Kyungsoo's car. He slipped into the front seat, and in the visor mirror he noticed Jongin crammed into the backseat.
He laughed as he said, "Hey, Jongin! Did you come along to support me?"
Jongin smiled as he pulled out a pair of little tennis shoes from his pocket, and tossed them to Baekhyun as he said, "Of course, and you better make us the god parents."
Baekhyun giggled and cooed at the little shoes as he gushed, "There so little and adorable! Thank you!"
Jongin nodded and Kyungsoo laughed as he asked, "Already?"
Baekhyun smiled through his tears as he cried, "Yes!"
Baekhyun sat in the waiting room with a stomach full of butterflies, his foot tapping the floor and his hand squeezing Kyungsoo's. He was so incredibly nervous, but when he saw Sehun walk into the clinic he felt some of the pressure get elevated off his chest.
He smiled, and before he could comprehend what was happening, he leapt from his seat and threw himself into Sehun's arms as he softly whispered, "Thank you so much for coming!"
Sehun softly smiled and rubbed soothing circles into Baekhyun's back as he quietly replied, "I'd never miss this . . ."
Baekhyun smiled and wiped his tears as he pulled out of Sehun's arms, weakly laughing as he said, "Oh my gosh, I'm not even pregnant yet and I'm already getting emotional."
Sehun chuckled and grabbed Baekhyun's hand as he guided him back into his chair, and took the empty one beside him.
They didn't have too wait much longer before Baekhyun was being called back for his insemination, and he was only allowed to have one person accompany him. Kyungsoo made it easier by suggesting Sehun should join him, since he would be the father; Baekhyun gave him an appreciative smile before following after Sehun and the doctor.
When they walked into the room, everything looked so intimidating from the table with a paper cover and a tiny lumpy pillow, that had a small steel table with different medical instruments, and a computer monitor beside the bed. Baekhyun nervously bit his bottom lip, and Sehun must have picked up on his emotional state before he moved closer and gently laced their fingers together, giving them a small squeeze before he softly said, "Everything will be fine. I'm here for you, Baekhyun."
Baekhyun released a shaky breath and squeezed Sehun's hand back before whispering, "Thank you, Sehun, I'm glad you're here with me . . ."
Sehun smiled too as the doctor asked Baekhyun to lay down on the table, and then the process began; and Baekhyun had never felt more grateful to be holding someone's hand in his life.
❄️ ❄️ ❄️
Baekhyun dressed in his best fitting jeans and soft white cashmere sweater. He styled his hair and did his make-up, much like he did for his date with Sehun. He was in his bedroom gathering together his keys and wallet when he noticed the pregnancy tests sitting on his bedside table. He had insisted on buying them as soon as he left from his appointment earlier that day, and he couldn't help but grab a couple, although knowing he wouldn't have a solidly believable result until tomorrow on Christmas Eve; possibly the most perfect gift he could ever give himself.
He smiled as he put those into his coat pocket, and then he was locking up his house and driving to the Christmas party.
Word count: 844
~ 🌸 ~
A/N: Ooh, who else besides me is excited for the next chapter!? 😄
Anyway, thank you so much for reading, and please don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you again, have a lovely day/night!
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
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