Chapter Forty-Three
A/N: Hello, lovelies, it's been so long! By the way, there is an important note at the end, please read it. Thank you!
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The next morning when Baekhyun woke up the sun was pouring through the blinds and Toben was fast asleep curled up into Baekhyun's side. Baekhyun yawned and stretched before blindly reaching out for his phone. He had two unmessages from Kyungsoo and one from Sehun; both of them asking about the ultrasound. Baekhyun quickly texted them the time before putting his phone back on his bedside table, and for a moment longer he just laid there not wanting to move; his bed was too comfortable and too warm to tear himself away from.
After another moment of staring up at his ceiling, he knew it was time to finally enter the real world. He got up slowly and went through the motions of showering and getting dressed, and brushing his hair and teeth, and then he made his way into the kitchen to find his brother eating breakfast with his boyfriend.
It was strange seeing them together —- two different pieces of his life coming together to form something new and unexplored. He also thought it was nice that two of the most important people in his life liked the other, which then made him think of Chanyeol and his own sibling.
Baekhyun sighed, and the soft sound drew the attention of both men as they glanced up from their breakfast. Baekhyun smiled thinly and muttered, "Morning."
"Morning, babe."
"Morning, Baek."
"Did you sleep well? Are you hungry?" Chanyeol asked.
"I slept just fine, and yeah, but I can't eat too much or I'll get sick . . ." Baekhyun muttered.
"I can make you eggs and toast?" Baekbeom offered.
"You don't have to do that," Baekhyun said as Baekbeom stood up and started the process of cooking Baekhyun breakfast.
Baekbeom waved him off with a smile as he replied, "It's okay, I don't mind."
"Are you sure?" Baekhyun asked.
"Positive," Baekbeom smiled. "Just sit down, okay?"
Baekhyun nodded as he lowered himself into a chair, and sighed as he rubbed his belly. He smiled as he thought about going to his ultrasound. He couldn't wait to see his little bean, to know how much he's grown and to see him healthy.
Chanyeol noticed Baekhyun's mood, and he softly smiled too as he reached his hand out to gently squeeze Baekhyun's hand as he murmured, "You can hardly wait, can you?"
Baekhyun chuckled, "Is it that obvious?"
"It's that obvious," Chanyeol smiled.
Baekhyun sighed. "In exactly eight hours I'll finally get to see him, of course, I can't wait," Baekhyun muttered with a small smile.
Chanyeol smiled as Baekbeom placed Baekhyun's food down in front of him and said, "I know you're excited, but eat this and stay healthy for us."
Baekhyun smiled. "Aye, aye."
The eight hours of work flew by, much to Baekhyun's surprise, and before he knew it he was sitting in the waiting room of the doctor's office with his whole entourage. Kyungsoo, Jongin, and Baekbeom had all come to show their support; while Chanyeol and Sehun came for both him and the baby.
It was awkward as Baekhyun found himself nestled between the two —- especially since Sehun didn't know that they knew. And he wouldn't, because both Chanyeol and Baekhyun agreed that there was already too much stress to add even more by fighting it out. So instead, they sat silently as they waited for the doctor to call him back for his appointment, and when she did Baekhyun wasn't expecting them both to stand up along beside him when the doctor asked for the patient and father to follow her back to the room.
And the situation became even worse when she nervously said, "Um, I'm sorry, but only the mother and father can come with into the room."
"I am the father," they both replied.
Baekhyun felt himself blanch, and he noticed Chanyeol shoot Sehun a look while he sent him an answering glare in response. The doctor didn't catch any of the tense exchange as she exclaimed, "Oh, I'm so sorry! Mr. Byun, you must be their surrogate, then . . .?"
Baekhyun pursed his lips and muttered, "Yeah, something like that . . ."
She smiled. "Alright then, if you will please, follow me."
Baekhyun glanced at both of his guys before sending Kyungsoo a 'help me' look, that made Kyungsoo grin before, sighing Baekhyun accepted Chanyeol's offered hand as they followed the doctor down a narrow hallway into the examination room. The doctor smiled kindly as she closed the door after them, and then she told Baekhyun to lay down onto the table while she prepared whatever was needing for the ultrasound.
Baekhyun bit his bottom lip anxiously and tapped his fingers on the plastic mattress cover as his eyes followed every little movement the doctor made. She noticed him watching and chuckled as she said, "So Baekhyun, I'm now going to put this gel on your abdomen. It'll be cold, okay?"
Baekhyun nodded as he rolled his shirt up, and flinched against the chill of the gel as she took a wand-like instrument and slowly rolled around the gel as she watched the image on the screen. Baekhyun kept his bottom lip between his teeth, while Chanyeol held onto his hand and Sehun gently touched the part of his leg just above his knee.
They all kept their eyes glued to the screen, unsure of where she was looking until she pointed to the screen and said, "Here's your baby." She smiled as she pointed to a small blob, that had all of them squinting. She smiled. "Everything seems perfectly normal, your baby is growing nicely." She reached for a wipe and cleaned off Baekhyun's stomach as she asked, "How many pictures where you wanting today?" She said as she glanced at Sehun and Chanyeol.
They glanced at each other before Baekhyun cleared his throat and said, "They'll take eight."
"Okay, I'll go get those for you."
Baekhyun smiled. "Thank you."
She nodded before leaving the room, and the moment she had Sehun cried, "Why are you letting her believe I'd ever be with him?"
Baekhyun just grinned. "Because it's fun."
Sehun rolled his eyes and grumbled, "I'll meet you guys back in the waiting room . . ."
"Sehun, wait, I'm just kidding!" Baekhyun said before Sehun could leave the room.
He turned back around with a huff and downcast eyes as he replied, "Sorry, Baek, but with everything going on with you and Chanyeol and the baby, I just . . . I just feel like an outside observer. I want to be there for you too, but it all feels so impossible and exclusive. And this baby is still mine until proven not, so can we please act as if I have a role here? I don't like feeling second or pitied, so please, respect me enough to let me in." And then he took a deep breath before mumbling, "I'll meet you in the waiting room . . ." He said before the door closed with an echoing click behind him.
Baekhyun flinched at the sound and glanced up at Chanyeol as he whispered, "Crap, he's right. Maybe that's why he told Yoora, to feel included...." Baekhyun trailed off.
Chanyeol sighed. "Then what do you suggest we do?" Chanyeol asked.
Baekhyun sighed and felt himself deflate as he mumbled, "I have no idea . . . I can't even think right now."
Chanyeol sighed and grabbed Baekhyun's hand, comfortingly rubbing small circles into his skin just as the nurse walked back into the room. She smiled at them as she asked, "Should I wait
"No, it's fine, please can we just have our pictures?" Baekhyun asked.
The doctor frowned and pursed her lips as she held the eight photos out to Baekhyun, who took them with a smile and a mumbled thanks. She nodded and said, "To schedule your next ultrasound, see the women at reception."
"Thank you," Baekhyun muttered as Chanyeol helped him climb down from the table, before they were leaving the examine room and walking back into the waiting room.
Baekhyun scheduled his next appointment before going to regroup with everyone, he smiled as he held his eight pictures up and singsonged, "Who wants one!"
Kyungsoo happily squealed as he jumped forward, latching onto Baekhyun's arm as he cried, "Me me me!"
Baekhyun laughed as he passed him a photo, and Kyungsoo kissed his cheek before skipping back to Jongin to show him. Baekhyun watched as they hovered over the photo together, bright smiles adorning their faces as they pointing at the black and white grainy photo.
Then Baekbeom appeared as he held out his hand, and Baekhyun grinned as he slapped one down onto his palm. Baekbeom kissed his forehead before going to sit down to look at it. And then the only person left to in the room beside Chanyeol to receive his photo was Sehun.
Baekhyun sighed as he walked up to him and softly asked, "Were you wanting one?"
Sehun nodded as he accepted the raised photo, he gazed down at it with a barely there sheen in his eyes as he muttered, "Thank you." And then he was walking away from Baekhyun once again, and Baekhyun felt his heart crack at the dismissal. Baekhyun sighed and felt his eyes grow misty, and he knew he had to do something but he didn't even know what or how to start.
He couldn't continue to leave Sehun out of something so important, even if he did only want to selfishly share it with Chanyeol, he knew he couldn't because Sehun was still apart of everything until the very end. And Baekhyun had to start thinking about Sehun's feelings, and respecting him enough to tell him about what was happening with his body and the baby. He couldn't leave Sehun blindly wandering in the dark anymore....
Word count: 1,626
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A/N: Hi, again! So here's what I'm thinking about doing, I have this new non-fanfiction story I've been working on, and at the moment I feel like focusing mainly on that story. So with that said, updates for both this story and RENDEZVOUS | Chanbaek, will become scarce as I focus on my other story. I promise to continue updating my other stories until the end. Thank you for reading this, have a lovely day/night.
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
P.S. Thank you so much for the 13K plus reads on this story!
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