Chapter Forty-Six
When Baekhyun's lunch break finally rolled around, he sent a quick text to Chanyeol telling him he would be spending it with Kyungsoo and that he loved him, and would see him at home. Baekhyun grabbed his jacket and work satchel before taking the elevator down to the lobby. He met Kyungsoo waiting for him in the car lot, and together they left work to spend their lunch hour together.
They were waiting in traffic and listening to music at a low volume when Kyungsoo asked, "So, what are you in the mood for? There's this really nice new restaurant that just opened up, called Rue's, Jongin and I went there and it was so good."
"I really want pizza and tacos," Baekhyun muttered as he chewed on Kyungsoo's never ending stash of Twizzlers.
Kyungsoo laughed and glanced over at Baekhyun as he said, "It seems your cravings have started....and you hate Twizzlers." Kyungsoo chuckled.
Baekhyun shrugged as he replied, "They're not that bad."
Kyungsoo laughed again. "Okay, which one are you hungry for the most? Italian food or Mexican food?" Kyungsoo asked as he started driving again.
"Do I have to chose, both sound so good right now," Baekhyun whined.
Kyungsoo snickered and said, "Okay, how about this, we get tacos and you can make Chanyeol order you a pizza for dinner later. How does that sound?"
"Maybe I can just combine the two . . .?" Baekhyun muttered to himself, completely oblivious to what Kyungsoo suggested. "Hmm, pizza tacos...." Baekhyun mused.
Kyungsoo just rolled his eyes, and his gaze flickered down to Baekhyun's hand as he asked, "So, when were you going to tell me about your engagement?"
"I'm not engaged," Baekhyun said as his hand went to his ring and he began to twirl it around his finger.
"Then explain?"
Baekhyun sighed. "It's a promise, Soo. Chanyeol promised to marry me and gave me a promise ring last night before we went to bed. It was so sweet and romantic," Baekhyun dreamily muttered.
Kyungsoo smiled. "And you didn't freak out, I'm guessing, since I wasn't called in to calm you."
Baekhyun nodded. "I'm still surprised by it all. Hell, I'm still surprised I even got Chanyeol to fall in love with me, it all feels like a dream . . ." Baekhyun sighed.
Kyungsoo smiled. "Well, I can reassure you that everything that's happened is very real and very much your life. You're not dreaming, Baek. You have someone who loves you and you're going to be having a baby. It's a freaking miracle," Kyungsoo said.
Baekhyun smiled and he lovingly rubbed his belly, that seemed bigger than the day before; his little bean was spouting beautifully. Baekhyun sighed before glancing over at Kyungsoo as he said, "I've made a decision, I want tacos."
Kyungsoo just laughed and grinned widely in response.
❄️ ❄️ ❄️
Chanyeol was sitting in the break room eating his lunch and shamelessly thinking of Baekhyun when the chair beside him pulled out and someone sat down beside him. Chanyeol glanced up curiously, and met the soft brown eyes of a man with light brown hair and a sweet smile. Chanyeol was momentarily struck mute by their beauty and feminine-like qualities, and he had to mentally snap himself out of it as he shyly smiled and said, "Hi."
They smiled in response and extended their hand as they said, "Hi."
Chanyeol smiled and asked, "Are you . . . are you new to the company? I've never seen you around before . . ." Chanyeol trailed off.
The man softly smiled and nodded as he replied, "Yes, I just started today, I'm Xi Luhan."
"Ah, Park Chanyeol," he said as he held his hand out.
Luhan laughed as he shook his hand again before saying, "You don't mind if I eat my lunch here, do you?"
Chanyeol shook his head. "No, not at all." Luhan smiled in response; Chanyeol smiled back nervously. "Ah, so what brings you here for work?"
"I requested a transfer," Luhan said.
"Oh," Chanyeol muttered. "Um, ah . . ." He trailed off, not knowing what else to say.
Luhan noticed, and offered up a subject as he said, "I'm here more for a friend really, they need my help with something."
"Oh, that's nice of you," Chanyeol replied.
Luhan blushed. "I guess so," he muttered. Then he pursed his lips and said, "Actually, it's not . . . I'm only here to help my friend break-up a relationship, which sounds horrible I know, but who am I to judge?"
Chanyeol frowned. "No, that is horrible, my—-" Chanyeol cut his sentence short, shocked he had just about spilled his family drama to a complete stranger, but the situation was just too similar.... He bit his bottom lip before saying, "Um, I know this is none of my business, but I'm actually dealing with something similar. And if I could say something to your friend, I'd tell them not listen to what anyone said especially if they're happy because happiness and love is hard to come by and when you're lucky enough to find it, you don't let go, you weather the storm and come out happier on the other side because you fought for something important," Chanyeol said in a rush.
Luhan's eyes widened, and he blinked in surprise before muttering, "Damn, who tried stealing your heart's joy?"
Chanyeol laughed before he muttered, "My overbearing sister."
Luhan frowned, and he peeked at Chanyeol from the corner of his eye as he asked, "What did you say your name was, again?"
"Park Chanyeol, why?" he asked.
Luhan gasped and breathlessly laughed before asking, "Is your sister, Park Yoora, by any chance?"
Chanyeol frowned confusedly as he muttered, "How do you know my . . ." And then he trailed off, realization suddenly dawning on him as he cried, "Shit, Yoora sent you to break me up with my boyfriend! Well, you can tell her it's not going to work because I'm no longer talking to her ever again!" Chanyeol yelled as he shoved away from the table.
Luhan just sat there for a moment, completely dazed and surprised, before he was able to snap out of it and he hurriedly jumped to his feet as he cried, "Hey, wait! I'm not going to go through with it, her idea is insane and cruel, and I'd never want to break apart something that seems so special so just.... Just forget you ever met me, and I'll leave and you'll never have to see me again, okay?"
Chanyeol paused at the door, and squeezed the bridge of his nose in frustration before he turned around and said, "Sorry, I'm—-I'm overreacting, I just . . . I just love Baekhyun so much and when you came in here saying you were here to break up a couple I just . . ." Chanyeol trailed off. "I don't want to live without him, okay? So if there's any way, I need you to explain that to my sister because she doesn't seem to think I'm capable of calling the shots in my own life. And you have no idea how frustrating she can be when she believes she's right...."
Luhan smiled and nodded as he said, "Don't worry, Chanyeol, I'll talk to her. An I promise I'll do everything I can to convince her, she's wrong about you and your boyfriend."
"Thank you," Chanyeol whispered.
Word count: 1,215
~ 🌸 ~
A/N: Hello, lovelies, I hope you enjoyed the update! Thank you for reading, have a lovely day/night.
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
P.S. Thank you so much for the 16K reads and 2K votes! 😊💕
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