Chapter Forty-Four
Sehun walked into his apartment as he shoved Baekhyun's ultrasound picture into his back pocket. He heard noises in the kitchen, banging of pots and pans and soft muttered curses. His brow furrowed curiously as he hung his coat up and walked into the kitchen to find Yoora standing in front of the stove, frustratedly tosses things into a bowl before setting the mixer on high.
Sehun bit his bottom lip as he stepped further into the room and unsurely asked, "Yoora, are you...."
"I'm fine!" she immediately snapped.
Sehun pursed his lips and walked closer as he said, "No you're not, you're angry baking. What happened?"
Yoora stopped what she was doing with an anguished sigh as she cried, "Chanyeol's mad at me! I told him I know about Baekhyun, and I.... I'm so sorry, I mentioned you, it just —- it just slipped out. And then I told him I don't like the relationship, and that they—-"
"I don't care that you told them, they didn't even notice me enough to mention it today . . . You should —- you should just give up on your idea," Sehun said, cutting Yoora off.
Her eyes widened and she gasped, "But
"They're good for each other," Sehun said truthfully. And no matter how much he hated to admit it, he knew it was true.
Yoora gasped. "But the baby—-"
"The baby's innocent, and even if there was no baby you'd still find reasons not to like Baekhyun because you're too afraid to let Chanyeol go!" Sehun cried
"That's not true!"
"Yes it is!" Sehun yelled. "I even bet the instant you met Baekhyun you were looking him over to find anything wrong. You can't keep judging everyone Chanyeol likes based on what you see! Baekhyun's a good person and he isn't in any way using Chanyeol, and I know you don't want to hear this, but they're in love and you just need to find a way to accept that before you ruin whatever you have left of your relationship with Chanyeol."
"But he's my family, Sehun, it's my job to protect him!" Yoora cried.
"It was your job when he was eleven, Yoora. He's twenty-six, he's an adult and he loves someone you need to love too because I know for a fact, Chanyeol won't let him go just to please you. Baekhyun is his future, Yoora, and I feel they'll be together for a long time. So we both just —- we both just need to accept that...." Sehun trailed off.
❄️ ❄️ ❄️
Baekhyun was laying in his bed with Toben curled into his side, his bedside lamp was on beside him as he lovingly traced his fingers over his ultrasound picture. He sighed and peeked down at Toben as he showed him the picture and murmured, "See this Toben, this is going to be our new baby and you'll have to protect them."
Toben sniffled the picture and licked Baekhyun's hand, causing him to giggle as he ruffled his fur. As Baekhyun was petting Toben and admiring his baby, Chanyeol walked into the room rubbing a towel through his hair. He glanced at Baekhyun with a smile and hung his towel on the door handle before crawling into the bed beside Baekhyun. He leaned in closer, being mindful of Toben as he softly kissed Baekhyun below his ear.
Baekhyun giggled and murmured, "Chanyeol, that tickles!"
Chanyeol chuckled and continued to kiss him, trailing his lips along his neck as he murmured, "You're so beautiful . . ." Baekhyun blushed as Chanyeol's lips roamed along his jaw bone to the corner of his lips as he whispered, "I love you...."
"I love you too," Baekhyun murmured.
Chanyeol smiled and softly kissed Baekhyun's mouth as his hand threaded through his hair and he whispered, "I have something I need to tell you...."
Baekhyun frowned curiously and smiled as he slowly traced the side of Chanyeol's cheek with his fingertips as he softly murmured, "What is it?"
Chanyeol had to bit his lip to hold back a smile. He grabbed Toben and placed him on the floor at the foot of the bed in his dog bed, before he turned back around to Baekhyun, and grabbed his hand as he said, "I'm going to give you something to express my love and sincerity when I say that one of these days, I'm going to get down on one knee and present you with a real ring," Chanyeol whipsered as he pulled a thin gold band out of his back pocket before presenting it to Baekhyun.
Baekhyun gasped when he saw the ring, and tears sprung to his eyes. "This is a promise that one day, I will make you mine because a future with you is all I can imagine. I love you so much, Byun Baekhyun, and I can't wait for our beautiful future." Chanyeol said as he gently took Baekhyun's hand and slipped the ring onto his finger.
Baekhyun bit his bottom lip to hold back his tears as he sprung forward to wrap his arms around Chanyeol's neck. He kissed him and whispered against his lips, "I love you, Park Chanyeol, and I can't wait to be your husband."
Chanyeol smiled and kissed his cheek before pulling him closer as they sunk onto the bed together, wrapped in each other's warm embrace, while whispered promises of forever enveloped them as they laid down to sleep.
Word count: 900
~ 🌸 ~
A/N: Hello, lovelies, I hope you enjoyed the update! Thank you so much for reading and showing your support, until next time . . .
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
P.S. Thank you for the 14K plus reads! 😊💕
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