Chapter Forty-Five
When Baekhyun woke up the next morning, the sunlight pouring in through his curtains caught his ring and he slowly turned his hand side to side as he admired the thin band. It was simple yet elegant; plain yet beautiful; and Baekhyun treasured it. He laid in bed peacefully for a moment longer, as he listened to Chanyeol's gently breathing before slowly peeling himself away from his bed.
It was still early enough to let Chanyeol sleep before they had to leave for work, so Baekhyun decided just to get his morning routine out of the way. He undressed before stepping into the shower, quickly washing himself before winding his towel around his body. He brushed his teeth and rubbed his hair with his towel before leaving it to air dry, and then he went back into his bedroom.
Chanyeol was still sleeping, the blankets wound around his legs and his chest exposed. Baekhyun smiled at the sight before turning away to search through his closet for something to wear to work, that would also be doable for an afternoon lunch with Kyungsoo when he got off work.
He stood in front of his floor length mirror, his bottom lip between his teeth as he contemplated over wearing black skinny jeans or regular blue jeans; while also trying to decide what shirt looked best. In the end, he chose to go with the black skinny jeans with a white button-up shirt that he tucked into his waistband.
As he was stuffing his shirt into his jeans, he noticed the slight protruding of his belly that wasn't noticeable unless someone was really looking. Baekhyun sighed, dreading the days he'd have to start telling his co-workers that he in fact, a male was pregnant. It definitely wasn't a conversation he would enjoy.
As he was playing with his hair and finger combing it, the bed creaked behind him, which was then followed by a muffled moan as Chanyeol began to slowly wake up.
Baekhyun smiled and pivoted around on his heel as he quietly chirped, "Morning, babe, how did you sleep?" Baekhyun asked as he took a seat beside him and gently caressed his cheek before leaning forward to peck his forehead.
Chanyeol hummed and huskily replied, "Nice, comfortable, warm . . . you decide."
Baekhyun chuckled and kissed the corner of his mouth as he said, "Well, I hope that cozy sleep carries over into today because I am so happy and ready to start the day." Baekhyun grinned.
Chanyeol squinted one eye closed as he teasingly said, "Stop it, your happiness is blinding me."
Baekhyun laughed and playfully punched his arm before saying, "Hurry up and get ready, I'm going to make breakfast.
"Mhm, kay!" Chanyeol mumbled in reply just before Baekhyun left the bedroom.
Baekhyun couldn't contain his joy as he skipped into the kitchen, and he wasn't even embarrassed when he ran into Baekbeom making toast. He just smiled and chirp a friendly 'Hello!' before continuing to shamelessly skip to the fridge.
He was pulling out the eggs and sausage patties, when he felt Baekbeom eyeballing him. Baekhyun ignored his staring and continued to get out a pan as he turned on the stove before slapping down the meat patties. As he waited for the sausage to finish cooking, and before cracking open the eggs and making them sunny side up, Baekbeom's hand suddenly darted out and grabbed Baekhyun's wrist as he cried, "What is this!"
Baekhyun gasped and instinctively jerked his hand away as he cried, "Don't scare me like that!"
Baekbeom rolled his eyes and pointed at the promise ring shinning on Baekhyun's hand as he demanded, "Baek, what is that? Did Chanyeol propose?"
Baekhyun shook his head and twisted the ring around in a circle as he said, "No, he didn't propose, this is only a promise ring."
"Oh, jeez, I almost had a heart attack," Baekbeom muttered.
Baekhyun cringed. "Sorry."
"It's okay, so how are you with . . ." Baekbeom trailed off as he gestured to the ring.
Baekhyun smiled and replied, "I'm okay, Baekbeom. I'm more than okay, actually."
Baekbeom smiled too. "Good, I'm so happy for you."
"Thanks," Baekhyun muttered with a smile before turning back to the stove and the cooking food. His brother grabbed plates from the cabinet as Baekhyun got out two pieces of bread and popped them into the toaster.
He was poking at the sausage to see if it was done when Chanyeol walked into the kitchen, looking way too handsome for a Wednesday morning work day. Baekhyun bit his bottom lip and quickly diverted his gaze, yet unable to help himself from admiring Chanyeol from the corner of his eye.
Chanyeol was dressed handsomely in a pair of dark blue jeans; a white dress shirt that he had tucked into his waistband; and a black dress suit jacket that, accompanied with his luxurious and thick curly hair, could drive anyone mad with desire.
Baekhyun was so hypnotized by Chanyeol, that when he ran his fingers through his hair, Baekhyun was too tangled in his listful thoughts to realize what he was doing and—-
"OW!" Baekhyun cried as he jerked his hand away, after accidentally touching the hot metal pan instead of the handle.
Baekbeom and Chanyeol both glanced up at him concernedly, as each of them asked, "Are you okay?" and "What happened?"
Baekhyun bit his bottom lip and clutched his hand as he mumbled, "I burned myself . . ." He said as he turned on the faucet and stuck his hand beneath the cool water.
Baekbeom sighed and rolled his eyes, already knowing what had his brother so distracted. While Chanyeol frowned, and turned his attention to attending to Baekhyun's injury.
"You need to be more careful," Chanyeol muttered as he gently grabbed Baekhyun's hand and inspected the tiny red marks along his fingertips and palm. Chanyeol sighed and kissed the injuries before softly muttering, "Maybe I should finish the cooking . . ."
Baekhyun blushed, and didn't complain as he relinquished the duty of cook to Chanyeol's more than capable hands. He sighed as he settled at the table beside Baekbeom, who was enjoying his toast and coffee as he read the morning paper. Baekhyun twirled around his ring as he drifted into his thoughts, only coming out of them when Chanyeol kissed his cheek and placed his food down before him. Baekhyun smiled appreciatively before his thoughts began to drag him away again.
He had a feeling it was going to be a long day.
Word count: 1,084
~ 🌸 ~
A/N: Stop daydreaming, Baekkie! 🙄😊😂
Hello, lovelies, I hope you enjoyed the update! Thank you so much for your continued support, and I hope to update more soon as I'm feeling much better since returning. Writer's block always puts me in such a horrible, dark mood, and it sucks because all I can think about is writing but I don't have the words to do it.
Anyway, hopefully you all enjoyed the chapter, and thank you for voting/commenting/reading. Have a lovely day/night!
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
P.S. Thank you so so so much for the 15K reads on this story, I'm so truly grateful. 🤗🤗🤗🤗💕💕💕💕
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