Feb 21, 4:11 PM
Soooo how's the book?
Good. Almost done.
☹️And you haven't ranted to me about it yet? Not even when they first met at the ceremony? Or their run in in the mountains?
It was very interesting.
Connnnnoooor. You're supposed to update me. Wasn't it magical? The look in their eyes whenever their blades crossed, or when the mysterious person (who was actually Callum all along) would go to help Winston at every turn. Then again, you wouldn't know that's Winston obviously because he's disguised himself with his powers.
I enjoyed those.
They're so wholesome aren't they?
Isn't it sad this series isn't that popular?
Yes, it's unfortunate, to say the least.
If I have to, I will carry this fandom till the day I die 😤
That's...a lot.
It's a masterpiece, Connor. I need art, I need merch, I need it all ✨
Sorry, I just get so passionate about it.
Make sure to update me.
Feb 23, 3:20 PM
Connor sent a picture.
Reading with Winston.
I patched the hole though!
He must've made a new one. Came right up to the back door.
Wait, but your allergies?
I took some medicine. A stronger dose this time. He's not sitting that close to me, so it's okay. My nose is only mildly irritated.
I'm so sorry. I thought we were done with this.
Well, I don't mind the coparenting. It's been nice. And reading with a companion here, is quite nice.
If your allergies get worse, lmk. I'll come grab him.
I think Winston missed me. He's enjoying his suntan here.
The book is good.
But I'm sure it gets better as Oscar writes more, right? Over time the quality gets better? This one is almost 7 years old.
Well, sure. But the planning and care to input all this foreshadowing and world building is crazy.
Hmm, I suppose so.
How much left do you have?
Hmm, twenty pages. I should be done soon.
Oooh, that means I could lend you the second book.
Haha. Sure.
Lmk when you want me to take custody over our little escape artist.
Seems more like a snuggle bug at the moment. He's hardly moved an inch since he laid down on my porch.
Aww, well, enjoy your reading with Winston time.
Feb 25, 9:03 PM
I have finished the book.
I enjoyed it.
🥺 You're not just saying that to make me happy, right?
No, I enjoyed it.
Good. Were you expecting that plot twist at the end?
I figured that would happen.
What? Oh come on. You can't tell me that the news of Callum being a demigod changed things?
He did have unexplained powers, and his family background was vague.
Hmph. I was thoroughly surprised.
It was still a good plot twist. I just predicted something would be revealed.
I will leave your copy by your door. Thanks for lending it to me.
Of course. Glad you enjoyed it.
I'll go and leave the second one out if you'd like.
I'll have to decline and take a break from reading. I have some deadlines to meet for my projects.
Ahhhh, okay. Sorry if I was messing up your schedule.
No, you weren't, Neil.
Feb 25, 9:45 PM
This is my copy right?
What's wrong?
This definitely looks and feels like my copy.
It is.
But this signature wasn't here before. It wasn't a signed copy.
It wasn't?
Why is this signed by OSCAR himself? THE OSCAR CALHOUN
Because it is?
I must be in some weird dream or hallucinating. Maybe I ate my friends edibles on accident, but this wasn't here before.
Connor? I'm so confused.
It's now a signed copy.
I can see that.
But HOW?
Did you not read the note?
At the back.
Thanks for being my neighbor?
Are you...
Yes, Neil.
—Incoming Call—
"Connor, you can't do that and not expect me to freak out."
"You sound calm."
"Yeah, because it's 10pm and I do not want to get complaints about me screaming at the top of my lungs."
"Not a good idea."
"No, it isn't. But what—I'm speechless. You're telling me my most favorite author ever is literally my neighbor?"
"And your dog's coparent."
"Oh my god."
"I'm surprised you hadn't realized sooner."
"I—I...how would I know?"
"We both don't show our face. No social media. When you asked me if I enjoyed those kinds of books, I said yes."
"But that could have meant anything! Oh my—Connor, is that even your real name? I'm so confused."
"Yes, my name is Connor."
"But Oscar?"
"For my writing, I go by Oscar Calhoun."
"I can't believe it. Am I dreaming?"
"This whole time I was talking to the author himself—I lent you your books! Oh, how embarrassing."
"It was rewarding and flattering. I should be thanking you."
"No, I should be thanking you, for this amazing series! For even talking to me!"
"There's a lot of things I didn't like about the series, but I'm glad someone appreciated it."
"How could I not like it? It's got everything I love and more—not to mention how addictive and real the characters are."
"I thought revealing myself to a fan would be terrifying, but I couldn't feel any more safer sharing this secret with you."
"Don't make me cry, Connor. I mean it! I'm a bawler."
"You're already crying aren't you?"
Feb 28, 6:09 PM
I left a surprise at your door.
A package?
Feb 28, 6:13 PM
What is this?
Stoooooop. Is this theeeee manuscript? For the finale?!
A very rough draft. It'll take a year or two to finalize.
No no no.
Connor. 🙈
I can't accept this, won't you get in trouble?
If you keep it a secret, no.
Omg. What am I supposed to do with this.
There's another surprise.
Stahhp, you're too much.
Look at the dedication page.
To Winston the wing dog 🥺😭
Imma cry.
One last surprise.
No, I can't take any more surprises. Pls spare me.
Seriously, Connor, not while I'm crying. I look like a literal mess.
Worse than when you made Callum stab himself in the fourth book because he was losing control over his powers and didn't want to injure Winston ☹️ I'm serious, I called in sick that day!
I'm sorry for that.
But you told me that you'd love to meet your favorite author in person, right?
Well, open the door, Neil.
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