—Your POV—
The crowd flocks over to Gaster as he makes his way offstage and a new set of band members come on stage. Journalists, photographers, news anchors... pretty much everyone congregates around the Doctor as he makes his way over to the dinner table with the wine on it.
"Friends, please give Dr. Gaster some space." Alphys says, shooing most of the crowd with small, clawed hands. "And please remember, no filming or photography of any kind is allowed until the designated time."
Most of the group clears away, save for a few select monsters who seem to be quite fond of the Doctor and his works. One of which is a tall goat man, and he reminds you of Asgore.
You watch them converse for a moment before a gentle paw touches your arm. Immediately, you snap to attention, seeing another goat monster, except with glasses, a scarf, and a fancy hat. They sheepishly (pun) grin as your eyes lock with theirs, and you see their ears twitch as it goes to say something to you.
"You know, it's a bit rude to stare. The Doctor isn't too fond of people who look into his stuff too much." The goat advises, shrugging. "You um, want to come with me? I can lend you a hand if you need one."
"Oh?" You quite literally extend your hand, grinning a bit lopsidedly as the goat takes you over to a table on the opposite side of the room. "What makes me so special?"
"It's just—well not to seem creepy—but I've never seen you attend one of these events before." Their glasses glint as they look to you with wonder. "In fact, I don't think I've ever seen you before."
"This is a first for me too, you know." You inform them, and the timid monster looks off to the side with an embarrassed chuckle. You laugh a little too. It's nice play around with someone who can take it.
"O-Oh! Where are my manners... I'm Ralsei, ex-prince of darkness." He grins and arch an eyebrow. "Don't think too much of the title... it doesn't really apply too much here."
You oblige, giving him your name and aimlessly glancing over to the musicians on stage. Just random monsters. "So uh, what did you mean when you said you'd lend me a hand earlier?"
"Oh! Well, I remember attending my first ceremony with my father a few decades ago... I just thought that perhaps... perhaps you would like some context? Guidance?" He shifts a little, hesitating before adding another piece of his mind. "And well um, newcomers—especially human ones—tend to receive a bit of a hassle from the other guests."
Almost as if on cue, you look up from his white-furred face and find plenty of snobby faces leering disgustedly at you. Well, that's not... not very nice. You stick out the tip of your tongue, pretending not to hear all the murmurs beneath the thumping bass of the life performance on stage.
"Oh, don't pay them any heed." Ralsei says, pulling your attention back with a firm gaze. "They're all just... arrogant. Look at them, posh and lofty and inconsiderate." He scoffs quietly, crossing his arms as a slight sneer crosses his muzzle.
"Anyways, I just wanted to give you a rundown of what to expect, other than unwarranted judgement." He states, and you perk, listening intently. "The Doctor's quite a cut-and-dry fellow, if I do say so myself. He does pretty much the same thing every year."
You nod along as his explanation continues. "Talks to his friends, does some drinking and dining, and then he goes ahead and meets up with all his admirers." Ralsei chirps, counting on his fingers. "He usually goes in alphabetical order, so people like me get to go relatively close to the tail end of the party." He doesn't look too happy about that, but doesn't say anything as he goes on.
"Speaking of the ending, he likes to usually give a closing speech, and if he's in good humor, then he might do a giveaway of some of his ancient artifacts." Ralsei grins at the last part.
"Around... fourteen years ago, he gave me this!" He produces a lightly glowing, intricately carved, black and cyan stone. A pebble really, easily fitting in the palm of his paw. "I've no idea what it is, but it seems important somehow."
"Yeah..." There's something strangely captivating about the relic, and the light seems to pulsate the longer you stare. You barely register your hand creeping up to touch the thing, until Ralsei clears his throat, and your attention is brought back to his reflective specs.
"S-Sorry—" You spit, steeling your arms at your sides as he pockets the object.
"No need to apologize!" Ralsei chuckles, offering you a reassuring smile. "The Doctor said that it was the look in my eye that made him compelled to hand it off to me. I suppose it has that kind of effect on certain people."
"Oh yeah that makes—"
Your voice cuts off just as the music from the stage does. That spindly monster from earlier is back, its lanky form composed regally.
"Attention guests; please begin making your way to the dining area for tonight's dinner." In the corner of your eye, you spot monsters taking the tiny sandwiches and other appetizers into a set of double doors. Wait- doors?
Looking around, there are indeed lots of doors located around the room. One set has a lock, and there's also a restroom in the corner. Well, that would've been cool to know sooner. You're not dying for a bathroom break but... nevermind.
"You heard the speaker." Ralsei says, patting your shoulder. He starts heading towards a specific pair of doors, and you follow close behind. "Dinner starts soon."
The two of you make your way in, Ralsei sitting towards the middle of a long table. There are other circular tables located around, but the rectangular one you're currently at seems more important. Probably where the Doctor seats himself.
As you pull out a chair to sit in, Ralsei stops you.
"You wouldn't know this, but we have a specific seating arrangement based on how much the Doctor enjoys your presence." Ralsei tells you, arching an eyebrow shortly after. "...So what's your title? The chair will have your title on it." (Not your name)
Ugh! What did that monster tell you to tell Gaster...? You cringe. River, yeah River.
"River...?" You supply, tilting your head slightly. "I'm River." A lie, but you have a valid excuse, and an invite.
"Oh gosh..." Ralsei's eyes widen as he looks you up and down. "You finally came? Th-The Doctor says he sends invites every year but— but- wow!" He grins gratefully, reaching out and shaking your hand. Yep. You're totally River. Definitely.
"Your chair—which is usually empty— is right next to the Doctor's." He points down the table to a seat that looks far too intimidating. "You should let him know you're here... he'll be thrilled."
"Right." You mutter, pacing over to your chair and eyeing the golden lettering on the back. Definitely says River. Swallowing your nerves, you reach out to grab the seat.
A gloved hand catches yours at the very last second, chilling your skin and your whole body goes stiff. Following up to your pursuer's face, your blood runs cold when your realize who it is.
"You. Are. Not. River." A gravelly, scratchy, extremely peeved tone grinds out, the hand around your own tightening.
Yep. Liar, liar, pants on fucking fire.
Hehehe.... I love Gaster what the heck. He is very very cool like omg? I just enjoy writing him. And what?? Ralsei? Goat boy is here guys. Fluff levels are through the roof.
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
- De Moogus
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