Night at the Party
I'd like to apologize for the EXTREME delay of this chapter!! So much kinda hit at once Yk? September is a REALLY busy month for me, and I guess it was bound to happen... I just wish I could've seen it coming!
Anyways, without further ado, I present you with your new chapter! Enjoy Loves! <3
—Your POV—
Your fancy shoes clack against cement stairs as you ascend towards the imposing doors of what you assume is the party house. Soft lights shine from mostly curtained windows, and you can feel vibrations of thumping jazz in your feet. Curiosity tugs you up the last few steps, and you look to the doors with an anxiousness you aren't too unfamiliar with.
Just as your hand reaches out to grasp the handle, a larger, gloved one catches it. Immediately your eyes snap up to an iron-clad monster, and it stares you down as your eyes go wide.
"Excuse me, but I can't allow you in without proof of invitation." It huffs, and you look it up and down. The whole thing is covered head to toe in gleaming black armor... cool. "Please produce your invitation."
"Of course." You reply, tugging your wrist from the monster's grasp to hand it your invite. It takes a moment to skim over the small paper before pulling the doors open for you, bidding you a good time.
As the door swings shut behind you, you take in the atmosphere of the place. The overall feeling of elegant stoicism hits first, absolute regality engulfing every aspect of everything around you. Tables, chairs, people, the very structure of the building... it's all quite official.
Feeling the slightest bit out of place, you shuffle over to a long table spread out with only the finest of cuisine. Looking over the delicate selection, you conclude you won't find any pizza rolls or apple slices here... most of it is drinks, fine wines and other alcohols for when the party really starts.
Lucky for you however, the tiny sandwiches are indeed on the table! Toothpicks pierce through the tops of the small delicacies, keeping them in place as you lift one from the table and nibble it, tasting rich bread and cheese and some kind of meat. Sure enough, it's delicious, but you only indulge in one before going back to glancing about the room.
There's a stage at the far wall, an indent in the structure to make space for the large area. As of now, some group of monsters is performing, dancers swinging and swaying to a slow, classical tune, instrumentalists behind them playing various things.
The music is pleasing, if a little dull on the ears, ignorable, even. Without lingering too much longer on it, you go ahead and glance about at some of the people here. A vast majority of them are monsters, everything from fiery elementals to skeletons to animals, but the few humans here are quite elderly.
They all kind of plod around, tossing snobby, judgmental gazes about. People you assume are much more well versed in W.D.G.'s works than you. Historians, travelers from around the multiverse, archivists even. Some of them have rather sour looks on their faces as well, perhaps as rivals of his expansive knowledge.
After a few more minutes of observing your fellow partygoers, the music dies and the lights dim out. Everyone gathers around the stage as the band members leave and a tall, spindly monster comes on stage, dressed impeccably. They're not an animal, or a skeleton, or an element... just a... a creature.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen." An eldritch tone fills the room as it steps up to a microphone, speaking despite its lack of mouth. "It is my pleasure to welcome you to Dr. W.D. Gaster's four-hundred-twentieth anniversary." Small murmurs fill the crowd as the monster continues.
"And with that being said, the Doctor himself would like to say a few words before the ceremony may truly begin!" The lanky thing takes a swooping bow before stepping out of the spotlight, and footsteps echo as anticipation builds.
"Without further ado, the esteemed archivist, historian, documentarian, author, researcher and annalist— W.D. Gaster himself!" A near comical drumroll is played as a rather imposing figure enters the spotlight. Your mind flashes to a brief image of Edge... this being radiates just as much... imperialism as he did... if not more.
A figure worn by time, slightly hunched, pretty much dragging himself onto the stage. There's a distinct lack of lower body that catches you off guard, his only garment being a crisply pressed shining black suit, and you catch a glint of a golden ring on his long finger.
A mix of cheers and sneers erupt from the crowd, but surprisingly, no one dare snap any pictures. The noise however, doesn't seem to phase the Doctor as he forgoes the microphone standing beside it with a wide, eerie grin on his face,
Shortly after, a short, yellow monster runs up beside him, likeness strangely akin to that of Alphys. She scrambled for a moment, nearly tripping over her long, black dress as she rights herself beside the Doctor. The two share a nod, and then it begins.
"Good evening, fellow friends, fiends." Gaster simply holds up his hands, signing what you're guessing the Alphys look-alike is saying. "It is with great respect that I welcome you to tonight's meeting, and thank you for coming."
The crowd goes silent as the short yellow monster speaks into the microphone, fidgeting with her hands as she watches Gaster's. It's no doubt that he swallows everyone's attention, yours included. He is both fascinating yet terrifying, oddly complex but certainly deadly.
"As you should know, this year I will be socializing with my many fans from across the multiverse. To avoid confusion, there will be a roster to be signed for individual one on one discussions, and then at the end of the night, autographs and photo shoots." Your heart leaps upon hearing those words. You're going to get what you came for!
"However, if anyone might decide to—" The Alphys falters a moment. "-To break the rules then—"
The Doctor settles one large, thin hand atop the small reptilian monster's head. She immediately falls silent. His other hand, signs something cryptic, something you don't get. Judging off the collective stiffening of the crowd, it's something you don't want to get either.
Pocketing the his hands, the doctor smiles at the crowd, wider than before. Then, in the smallest, frailest of tones, barely above a wheeze;
"Let's get this party started."
Do y'all remember in the old book how there were like 4 chapters with authors notes ranting about my obsession with drawing mini gasters... I will say in all honesty, I don't simp for him, but he is a very interpretable and diverse character, something I love about the guy.
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
- De Moogus
(Also! Slight disclaimer. I don't know for a fact, but there's I chance I might ghost you guys from Friday to the Sunday after next! It's some celebrations coming up that I can't miss, so there's a chance I'll be out for the rest of this month after Wednesday.)
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