—Your POV—
Your mouth is uncomfortably dry. Once you make it past the initial set of doors leading from the main room, the temperature seems to drop. A shudder overtakes you as you're doused in the lowlights of this long, narrow hallway.
"Th-There you are." Alphys rushes over, her yellow form like a peek of sunshine between large, overarching clouds. "I hope you have something s-smart to say." She nudges you down the corridor, and as you walk, she leads.
"That kinda depends on your definition of 'smart'." You reply, picking up the pace a bit as she practically sprints along. "Like, booksmart, or Idontwannagetcrushedbyanagryphilosopher smart?"
"J-Just smart! Gaster smart. Don't overthink it." She stops at a door marked with the number seventeen. "Don't try to make too many excuses. Y-You got this."
Producing a pair of keys, she unlocks the door, and it slowly swings open to reveal a brightly lit room, one that sears your retinas when you step in. She closes the door behind you, and you're ushered into a chair as she dips into a room connected to the one you're waiting in.
You take a moment to ground yourself in this snippet of loneliness. Thanks to Ralsei, you get the idea you're not going to be able to push things too far. No dumb jokes, and no overthinking. Just be swift and straightforward.
No sooner than when the Doctor comes from the room with Alphys does your confidence plummet. His imposing, damn near suffocating air is intensified, and there's a slight sneer on his face when he settles into his large armchair.
"Let's get this over with shall we?" He says, a command more so than a comment. "I'm sure you're aware of the pressing matters needing to be addressed."
"Yeah." You quickly nod, if only for an excuse to tear your eyes away from his searing stare for just a second. "So uh, as you can probably tell, I'm not really River."
The narrowing of his sockets is enough to encourage you to go on.
"And uh, I'm not. I actually saw them at this library they work at, and that's when I came across some of your works..." A nod from the elderly being lets you know you're not rambling. "So I asked about them, and they gave me their invite."
Your words settle in. Unfortunately for you, so does deafening silence.
Perhaps every hair on your body rises. You weave your fingers together, and realize with a hint of disgust that they're somewhat sweaty. Calm down! Except... that's hard to do as your mind spirals wildly.
"How are they?"
The question is so soft you almost miss it. Ripping your gaze up from your lap, you look back to Gaster, and his oddly relaxed posture. There's a hand on his face, and he looks away from you, gaze distant as you formulate an acceptable answer.
"They're... fine. They didn't seem too happy or upset, just... normal." Because what else were you supposed to say?
Well, apparently, that was enough for him. The Doctor simply nodded, turning to face you with a newfound patience. He folded his hands, not unlike you, and leaned back, assuming more of a... thoughtful aura.
"So, what is it you desire to learn?"
If that wasn't a loaded question.
You don't even know the answer.
Your gaze flicks back down to your lap. What do you want to know? How in the world would it help you fix whatever is going on now?
Overall, if you want to gain any kind of knowledge, you want knowledge that will help you. No, not just you, but everyone. Apparently, you're on the brink of some all out war. What're the odds right? Now all you have to do is find a way to de-escalate the situation before it becomes too out of hand.
But how?
"I want to know how to stop them." Slowly, you lift your gaze to meet Gaster's. "I want to know how to... to fix things. I don't want anybody to win or lose or die or any of that. I just want to know how I stop things from getting worse."
Quizzically, Gaster leans forward, taking you in with a newfound interest. His sharp fingertips rap on the smooth wooden desk he's seated behind.
"My dear, change is the way of the world." He says simply, dark eyes peering into yours and possibly stealing a peek at your very soul. "People love and hate, live and die, win and lose. You can't stop that. No one can."
He's... he's not wrong.
Is he?
You want to grab your head. This is some stupid philosophical argument brewing that you can't afford to start. You have to find a way to fix things. You have to introduce peace. You have to end the war.
"Well, if that's true then... how do I stop it? How do I stop a war?"
The Doctor considers you for a moment, humming a low note before he leans his elbows onto the table, pressing his fingertips together.
"Know your opponent first." He flicks a wrist, and Alphys shuffles away to grab something. "I think I know exactly what you're talking about. The twins is it? Those insufferable beings with more power than their tiny heads can handle. I'm surprised the two haven't lost it completely yet."
"Well, yes." You mutter, nodding sheepishly. "Nightmare and Dream. They're going to tear the multiverse to shreds and... and I don't want that."
"I have one piece of advice for you." Gaster looks at you pointedly. Undoubtable seriousness etches its way into his expression, and you swallow something thick in your throat as he speaks lowly and definitively.
It's a couple seconds later that Alphys drops a large, dusty book on the table. Gaster nods to her as he picks it up and flips through it, before sliding the book to you.
"My gift to you is my knowledge. If you wish to fulfill your wishes, you will take it and leave."
"W-Wait, wait. I'm missing something here." Anxiety starts to bubble up in your core. You- you were doing good!? "Why do I have to leave?"
"This pitiful place is nothing in the eyes of terroristic beings like the Twins. It is a mere melting pot for places no one wants to be. A refuge for those who can't find better. There is no place here for those looking to change the world." The Doctor leans deathly close. "It is my humble suggestion that you leave is place and settle where you may have a chance to bring your plan to fruition... though considering its outlandish premise, you will likely die first."
The thought of getting killed trying to save the world sends a chill down your spine.
You don't know if your cause is one you're willing to die for.
Still he has a point. Slowly, you accept the book and fidget with the old, parched papers. A giant thing it is. Heavy too. You wonder just what kind of tales you'll unwrap when you look inside.
"With that being said, please exit my office." Gaster rises, and you do too. "Your time is up. I must go and make the final announcements for everyone who attended.
Nodding, you leave the office, heading back to the main area with Gaster's footsteps echoing behind you. As you emerge back into the flood lights of the main area, you immediately spot Ralsei sat in his chair off to the side. He perks at the sight of you.
You have a lot of thinking to do.
I promise this story is going somewhere just bear with me pretty please.
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
- De Moogus
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