Guilty as Charged
—Your POV—
Questions swirl in your head as your feet crunch bits of gravel beneath you. You feel awkward, so out of place in a world where you supposedly belong. What if you'd hidden better on that fateful day huh? Would you have ended up here? Blending right in to the crowd full of riffraffs and hoodlums?
It's not the quality of the lives they're living, not much, anyways. You'd be fine like this if it were your fate. No worse than your old apartment.
It's something deeper, more personal maybe. You just can't pinpoint why it feels so wrong to be here. You'd pay a lot to be back at Nightmare's mansion... in fact, you don't know what you wouldn't pay to be back.
As you continue down the street, showered and changed, you look up into the gray, dreary skies. What is this place? It's weird, like a crosshatched universe with little bits of other, more significant pieces etched throughout. Even the sky is broken into odd, jagged little pieces.
Just what happened here? Some spots are brighter, more maintained. Others are stiff and dark, others dreary, some plain. Even the buildings are randomized, some crammed between others. A couple are decrepit, falling apart at the seams, while others are sturdy, and even rarer, lined with marble and gold. It's weird seeing such an odd array of things.
So maybe it's like a melting pot or something. The thought begins to brew in you mind as you idly stroll down the street, simply staring up at the sky and listening to sounds of pavement beneath your feet. Not too many people are out today, so you're not too worried about—
Almost as if summoned by your brazen, careless thoughts, two small forms seemingly appear in front of you, and you nearly stumble over them as they dart into your line of direction.
Stumbling, you're quick to catch yourself. You're not getting dirty after you just showered. Looking up, you notice two little children. One is a human with chestnut hair and piercing red eyes. They're wearing a green and yellow sweater, strangely clean. The other is a young goat monster, missing an eye, replaced by an eyepatch that matches his pristine white fur. They're wearing matching sweaters.
"S-Sorry!" You're quick to say, stepping back as question floods your mind and alarm floods your face, the human looks eerily similar to someone you've seen before. The goat does too, almost like Toria, but smaller, younger.
"Watch where you're going next time!" The human snaps, snatching the goat's hand and attempting to pull him away. "Let's go Az. I'm not gonna let this nitwit ruin our day!"
"Ch-Chara..." He mutters, holding his ground. "That's not very nice." Defiant red eyes glare at you before the human moves back beside their friend. "I'm Az, this is Chara. Sorry about that... we didn't look both ways."
You give them your name, starting to ease up a bit. Isn't Chara a name you've heard before? Az... sounds similar. Probably a nickname. There are a lot of doppelgängers across the multiverse... you can't help but wonder why.
"I haven't heard a name that stupid before." Chara rashly comments, looking you up and down with an indignant look. Az shoots them a glare. "I mean- aren't you that new person? I haven't heard of you before."
While Chara didn't sound the slightest bit interested in you, Az perked, a grin sliding up his furry face.
"That's right isn't it?!" He says, ecstatic. Stiffly, you nod. "Oh stars! You gotta want a tour of this place huh? We OmegaVerse Jr!"
"You call it OmegaVerse Jr." Chara corrects, tugging on their friend. "I'm sure they don't need a tour. Let's just get out of here."
"Actually," You speak up, not letting this opportunity go to waste as Toria's words echo in your head. "I'd uh, like a tour. Haven't seen much of the place yet."
While Az lets out a little joyous shriek, Chara lets out only the most exasperated groan. You almost chuckle at such an open display of distaste, but they're doing you a kindness and you're not going to ruin that with some insensitive giggles. You'll just have to get the two to warm up to you a bit, then all the iciness will melt away.
"Where to first?" And just like that, you're being led along cracked pavement by a pair of children. "Maybe I could tell you all about this place! Wait— what do you want to know?"
Dark, inquisitive eyes look up at you as you trail behind human and monster. Chara has been silently sulking the whole time, glaring ahead with the occasional glance up at you as Az happily drags them along by the wrist, smiling.
"Well... how did this place come to be?" You ask, decidedly going to figure out the origins of such a strange place before you ask anything overly specific. "It looks... interesting." You comment, looking up into the spilt sky before immediately snapping your head back down, finding sharp red searing you.
"Well... that's a toughie." Az says, looking back ahead before Chara nudges him bitter expression softening only for their friend. "What?"
"Dad talks about it all the time." They hissed, looking tired just saying it. "Remember;" They go on to imitate a deep, gruff voice. "'Back in my day, before—'"
"Oh!" Asriel shouts, a huge smirk sliding up his muzzle as he chuckles uncontrollably. "That's your Dad impression!" He giggles more, and Chara is quick to avert their gaze, jabbing their friend with an elbow.
"Alright, alright." You come to a stop behind the pair, stopped at a light. "I'll walk and talk."
"So, a long time ago, Ink and Error had this big fight..."
Hi! I'm late but I'm here! Can't believe I spent like 20 minutes looking around for what color Asriel's eyes were 💀 then I didn't even put it in there I just described them as 'dark'. Oof.
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
- De Moogus
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