sixty five
since i didn't know where the headmistresses office was i counted on miss thing to get me there.
i had to slow down and be careful not to slip and fall. i could tell the groundskeeper made his way around the campus with his power v-plow because instead of deep white snow i stepped on a thin layer of ice.
we crossed over the quad completely leaving the main buildings of Stark house and sauntered our way up and over the coarse hill where tall rich peaks arched with edges overhanging the wall, slopped beams and ceilings of several buildings smaller in size held the same authority as the other buildings i'd seen.
far and wide i could make out a curvy black vertical stenciled band and sharped wing roofs that are popular characteristics of Gothic and Greek styles of architecture.
Chanel thought it was cool that i had a favorite architecture and building book, but for me the history of buildings were comforting. something about their remains drew me in.
While Aldo van Eyck was my favorite, i also had a paperback of Stirling and Wildford American Buildings.
Only available in hardcover my Aldo van Eyck formatted edition is a comprehensive study of van Eycks 50 year career since his death. actually, i still had it neat and safe tucked inside the dresser drawer at stark house with my clothes draped over a sixty dollar book to protect the integrity of its mint condition.
in it robert mccarter, the author, investigates how van Eycks writings and lectures convey the importance of architecture in the everyday lives of people around the world and throughout history.
but my favorite were the 300 illustrations from the Aldo van Eyck archive, which the author provided even though he didn't have to. i was a visual learner and so getting to see depictions first hand was a real delight.
because of my obsession i knew right away what kind of buildings these were and that slowed down my breathing and brought a soft smile to my face.
despite the deep pit churning in my stomach, because i wasn't on a pleasure walk, i could still value and admire the structure and foundation of the final composition.
if anything i was still the same me.
ceramic tiles were designed and constructed into a building envelope covering the uppermost part of the building to provide shelter from weather, most notably rain, but also sleet, hail, and mantles of snow.
the characteristics of each roof was constructed of flat sections that are sloped on angle approximately ten degrees that fulfilled an aesthetic as well as practical addition to low-pitched varying degree slopped roofs the builder added a vertical fin -since this part of the region had blizzards- to prevent a collapse.
saddle roofs easily peel off in strong winds, they are the two slopping sides that come together creating end walls like a triangular extension that slant at the top, behaves like a wing.
thus lift had to be created in order for the buildings to be safe and sound. a steeper roof tends to cause the wind to stall as it goes over and breaks up the effect.
if it would have been a flatter roof it would have declined, caved in on itself and toppled. bye bye warmth and shelter. no more protection, hello rumble.
again familiar statues perched on top looming over its domain as if it were a castle and they were instructed to guard and protect in cases of vulnerability.
i bet if i got closer they would be gargoyles.
"so whats your name?" i didn't think she would answer me but i needed a distraction from my heart-rending anguish.
"its on my badge. oh wait i don't have one. if i wanted you to know my name i would have told it to you by now." her eyes were bright green and cold.
i took another good look at the ripened blossom that bore fruit. certainly she could handle any tough sales clerk who was trying to stiff her out of a fair deal where her missing daddy couldn't fast peddle.
head held high, shoulders tucked down and away from her ears, she walked with quick stride, her tan elongated legs like match sticks. where was the fire and how come i wasn't smelling it?
she was Magnificent calamari and Delightful creme brulee and i was banquet chicken nuggets only without the brownie. but i liked frozen trays and i could see no way otherwise.
"im not your babysitter. i dont care who you are." phury in heels said as she veered off the cobblestone path and turned another corner. "walk behind me so you don't get lost. this next part can be tricky to navigate."
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