I didn''t know what I thought would happen, but this wasn't it.
I was put in the system as a first year and my classes were different than what I''d hoped. The people were nice. Mostly. And things were going okay. At least that was until first period came. I cringed when I noticed that I had Toby in my class and, well, he didn't seem entirely fond of me.
Honestly I didn''t know what his problem was. I mean I hadn't been around long enough to personally offend him.
"Yes, alright, settle down now," said" Mr. Baryo.
Truthfully, he wasn't as bad as Kira had made out, though maybe a little crazy, because he sometimes had conversations with himself. Nevertheless, I thought he was okay for a teacher and I didn't mind him so far.
But that changed when he partnered me with Toby.
Also because he was my lab partner, this meant that every assignment we had was graded upon our ability to effectively work together as a team. Even worse, Mr. Baryo had a strict policy on seating arrangements so I couldn''t even sit elsewhere, let alone get someone to swap partners with me.
"To kick start the beginning of another school year I thought it would be appropriate to do a special project, hmm?"" Mr. Baryo passes around a sheet to each table, which seated a pair.
He walks by our tableand then over toward the front again. "Bring me ten rare items on that list by the end of today and you won''t have any homework to do."
It was a list comprised of different plants. Most of which were foreign to me. The list read:Baker''s Larkspur, Wollemi Pine, Gingko Bilboba, Virginia round-leaf birch, Syringa Vulgaris, CordiaBlobosa, Brides Tears, SpartiumScorparius, Thymus Serpyllum, and DiantheraPectoralis.
I look at Toby in hopes of some translation.
"Do you recognize any of these?" I ask him.
He examines the paper we shared.
""Of course I do," he sneers. "You better catch up. I won''t get a bad grade just because you''re slow."
**add description here*
I search the crowd for him with widened eyes. Thank goodness he was tall. Otherwise I''d have a difficult time finding him among the horde of sleep-deprived students that were pushing past me. Either Wildlife and Agriculture was a preferred class or it was merely overpopulated due to an excess student roster.
I remain focused on the back of Toby''s head as I follow behind him
*add description here*
We enter a large greenhouse. My eyes going wide as I gaze around at all the greenery. Every plant and herb was split into sections, depending on their families and genus. Iassumed that the numbered markers at the beginning of each row pertained to different categories of plant, which still remained foreign to me.
I couldn''t help but notice (and envy) the luckypeople who were in the front row. They were the closest to the colorful plants, which were easier to decipher.
I pass by a row of dark, leafy shrubs and vibrant green trees. They weren't too tall, about my height, but their roots were so thoroughly etched into the moist soil that I could tell they were lovingly cared for by their owner.
Mr.Baryo clearly did a fine job watching over the school''s greenery.
As I traveled deeper into the nursery, I smelled fresh potting mix and the air was kind of humid. I removed my hoodie as I started to sweat.
There was something almost hypnotic about the expansive amount of growing organisms. In fact, it surprised me how much it calmed me down and eased my nerves. There was certainly a therapeutic energy within this sanctuary of a place. It even made me understand why people enjoyed gardening so much, because usually I would have to sit in the dark and count until three hundred before my anxiety faltered. Given my background, I have always held a special place for nature, but never have I felt it in such magnitude.
Maybe it was the dull lighting or the soothing effects of the water feature that was strategically placed in the end of the room, but either way it was an uplifting experience. There was a serenity found here, one that made me believe that some day I might even be interested in developing a green thumb.
I wanted to explore, so I walk into a section that was located near the water feature. It caught my eye because it had a bunch of herbs planted neatly in one neat row.I feel a smile creep over my face as I study the herbs.
Despite what Toby seemed to think of me, and how I was behind in this class, I managed to recognize something from the list.
I quickly grab a sample jar of the Cordia Globosa from the shelf. It was also known as black sage. I knew that particular medicinal plant from my grandmother. She used it to make tea for me when I suffered from the common cold. I had been born with a low immune system and because of that I was susceptible to fall prey to sickness.
With the jar secure within my grasp, I step on a trail of dead foliage that was on the floor and search the greenhouse for Toby .
Just ahead, I found him. He was collecting samples.
I was careful not to startle him as I approach him slowly. Judging from the looks of him, he seemed to be diligently going through our list.
""Here you go."." I hand over the jar with the herb in it.
Toby crosses off another item with his pen.
""Well, call me surprised,."" he murmurs.
I roll my eyes. ""How many do we have left?"" I ask. I wasn't in the mood to deal with his unruly attitude.
This morning was emotional and Toby''s insufferable behavior made the whole transition all the more difficult.
""A couple," he replies. ". We''re doing the extra credit..."
I frown. ""Fine. Lets get this over with."" I sigh.
Of course I had to get the straight-laced overachiever for a partner.
I thought that maybe we could finish the project faster if I got lucky enough to find another plant. I stared at the list for a moment, hoping that some name would jump out at me. But nothing did. It was all gibberish.
Right beside me I hear Toby''s voice. It sounds both wispy and guttural. ""What are you doing?"" he wheezes out.
I lift my hands as I retreat""I just thought maybe I could help.""
Of course I, of all people, knew what it was like to have walls crash down.
In place of berating me, Toby looks up from the paper and scours the nursery. With hawk-like precision, he searches every corner of the room.
He seemed persistent in his need to discover the missing links on the list. I wasn't sure whether he was competitive, or just overly academic and needed to thrive. Whatever it was, Toby appeared to be concentrating deeply.
Nothing in particular stood out to me in the great landmine of plants. Of course, it would have gone by quicker if I knew what to look for.
That's when I noticed two chatty girls among the rows of plantation. They were standing in the next row over. Both of them were good looking and had unique features that set them apart. It was the blonde that caught my eye. There was something about her that I just couldn''t ignore. She had a glow of intensity about her that I hadn't ever felt with someone else before.
Maybe it was the fact that her bronzer enhanced her glowing smile. But I guess it didn''t matter because in the long scheme of things, and it pained me to admit it, she would have every chance at success in the real world. With shiny blonde hair and rosy pink cheeks, she was the kind of girl any variety of the opposite gender, like Toby, would want to spend more time with.
They wore tight clothing, both in skirts and singlet tops, and were standing close together. Then the brunette looks my way, giggling.
It upset me how those girls didn''t have to worry about stuff like a decent grade point average. So while they continue to spit jokes at my ''surefire expense,'' I would do my best to study hard and use a method that I found the most .effectual.
Their failed attempt to humiliate me didn''t hold up.
Sure, I was angry. But for a different reason. I put both clenched hands around the lining of my jean pocket and try not to let them see my reaction.
To distract myself, I watch Toby as he worked. I was hoping he would give some kind of general response, but he remained focused on the task at hand..
He was oblivious that both of us were being laughed at by the same girls as he strolled passed them. His walk was casual as he goes back in the direction we came from without bothering to stop. His sudden change of behavior made no sense, but I followed him anyway because I figured that two heads were better than one. Plus, I wanted to get away from those girls.
Toby searches the room with stubborn persistence.
""No,."" he mutters. ""The precious metals wouldn''t be anywhere near the Kingdom Plantae.""
It didn''t matter if I said how strange he was acting. He wouldn''t listen to me.
Still, I keep my gaze fixedon Toby and waited for him to do something that made sense.
""They would be somewhere," he mumbles to himself.
Since everyone had different lists, some other groups were already finished. I was conscious of the fact that if anyone else were assigned as my partner I probably would be done too, but Toby was persistent in completing the extra credit work.
I play with my pen as I follow him around like a lost puppy. I finally had my school supplies and I was eager to put them to good use. Toby kept his word about me being able to sift through my suitcase and. I was glad to find everything how I left it.
I had heard nasty rumors about petty theft in private schools, let alone places like these,and I was happy to have escaped such a horrific experience for the time being.
Each class went for approximately two hours, but that knowledge didn''t make time go by any faster. I could feel my hands growing clammy the longer we took. Everyone else was probably finished with the assignment by now and we were still rushing around, finding the extra credit items on the list.
Seemingly relaxed, Toby walks over to a low shelf that was created to fit along the side of a wooden tool shed. It held glass bottles that varied in shape and size and were filled with elements found in the Periodic Table.
I was fully aware of how ridiculous we must have seemed. We were tTwo distinct outcasts aimlessly wandering around the greenhouse. I didn''t lock eyes with anyone in case they started to laugh at us like those girls.
Before I could demand he finally tells me what he's doing, Toby grabs a small tube and lifts it up into the air to hang directly above his head. This was so he could stare up at the content within the vial, and see it more clearly under the UV bulb that hung above us.He tilts the vial onto an angle until radiant specks of light shine down. Its shape amazed me. It was a small nugget barely the size of my pinkie ring finger.
""Argentum,"." he states flatly.
""Otherwise known as silver,"." I mumble, still locked in a state of awe.
The last bottle he picks out among the others was filled with some kind of powder substance. The powder filled one-third of the vial.
I didn'n't recognize the element but I had a feeling Toby did.
""Rhodium powder,"." Toby reveals. ""A rare chemical found in the Platinum group."" He marks off the final item.
I watch him scribble my name in his perfectly eligible handwriting. When Mr. Baryo saw the paper he would likely presume that one person did the assignment.
""There. All done,."" Toby says with a content smirk on his face.
I glared in response, crossing my arms. ""I could have done that for myself, you know...wrote my name."
Toby laughs. "What, in your chicken scratch? I don''t think so.""
We return to Mr. Baryo and hands in our project.
I didn't say a word as I resentfully march back toward the desk we shared.
In all honesty, I didn''t know what it was about Toby that annoyed me, exactly. There were too many traits he had that got under my skin. He was the most arrogant, impolite, insulting person that I ever met. And, unfortunately, I was stuck with him until the end of this semester.
Toby walks proudly toward our desk, sitting next to me with a smug expression.
I purposefully move away from him and diligently watch the clock at the front of the room as I wait for the bell to ring. I spent the next five minutes doodling obscure drawings onto my left hand and notebook. The book was meant to record impressions of definite evidence that I found pertinent to a lesson. Whatever the reason, I couldn''t focus on.the classwork on the board. .
I place my chin on my fist and peek over at Toby.
His eyes were focused on the clock so he didn''t know I was staring.
*add description here*
I learned with Toby that it was best to speak as little as possible. I mean we had barely spoken all day, despite being stuck together. And I didn't miss how today's assignment had passed by mostly in silence.
Thankfully, he and I seemed to agree on that, because I felt more comfortable when the space around me stayed quiet. I had more access to my thoughts that way. Otherwise, I found that I was too busy draining neurons and trying to compress words into a semi functional comprehensive sentence. And whenever I was around a large group I found my stomach growing acidic.
I didn''t matter what kind of parties people invited me to, or how glamorous they seemed,I had literally no interest in attending social events. On the odd occasion that my parents made me go to one, I was forced to smile and nod because that was the polite thing to do. I especially didn''t care for those people who insisted that I engage in small talk, which was nothing but a contest to learn amongst themselves whose parents had the most fortune. This was a contest that I would loose by default. Meaningless chatter meant nothing to me. And neither did people. As I observed Toby, it seemed that we had that one thing in common. And that was a scary thought.
Despite the end of day's ensemble, Toby actually had decent taste in clothing when it came to picking out stylish looks. He didn't fit the description of just any old guy you could find walking the streets. That was for sure. And though they weren't designer labels, his clothes looked expensive and new. If I had to guess it would be that he had the funds to buy whatever he wanted.
That''s why him being at Stark House didn''t add up.
But what did I know? I was just a freak with ''a series of mental issues.''.
Unlike most clinically insane mental patients, I wasn''t the standard 'pill and gown' type of crazy. And because I chose to trust and confided in my mother, I was diagnosed with a chemical imbalance that supposedly ''hallucination episodes.''.
The meds worked, for a while. Then came the insomnia. Ironically, it served as a wake up call. I had to learn the hard way that things wouldn''t just change or dissolve. At some point I had to enjoy spending time with the person I became. And that meant taking a serious look at the person staring back at me in the mirror.
I scribble a bunch of random circles on my left hand, using my ballpoint pen. Some were, large, while others more oval shaped, This served as a pleasant distraction from my not-so happy thoughts. I missed the way my mom used to look at me before this entire thing started.
Once Mr. Baryo let us leave class early go and I begin to put my stuff away.
I shake my head when I see Toby quickly dashout the room. I figured that he probably wanted to find a seat in the lunchroom before they were all taken.
A pretty redhead stops by my desk. ""Wow,"." she giggles.
I lift an eyebrow as I wonder why she was laughing..
She wore the latest in fashion, right down to the miniature bow tie headband. ""You did it! You actually did it!" She beamed with excitement.. "Did you see his face? It was red as a tomato.
I stop packing away my stuff and focus on her. ""Huh?"
"Nothing its just...""She plays with the strap on her backpack and takes in a deep breath. ""Two weeks tops. That's the wager everyone has on how long you will last before he breaks you. Toby, I mean. You shouldn''t worry too much, because he's's always like that. You know, moody."" She whispered that last part.
For an average-looking girl, she sure was fascinating to watch.
She continues on.
"Personally, I think no reason is good enough to be resentful at how deceptively intelligent Toby actually is. Stark House is pretty intense. For a newbie, I think you''re handling association with Toby pretty good so far.""
I felt my eyebrows scrunch. ""Trust me, I''ve seen plenty just like him, only with prettier faces and shorter iron pressed hair.."
When she laughs, her nose scrunches and the freckles seem more noticeable""I''m blabbing again. Sorry. My name's Mya."" She offers a hand.
Though fully assimilated, I wasn''t properly acquainted with anyone my age. In fact, I usually got along best with people twice my age. I had to say that, it was nice to finally meet another girl besides the ever-hospitable Kira. I didn''t know what to make of her company, because if all she did was talk about how horrible and smart Toby was.
""Aislin." Her grip is firm as we shake hands."
Once introduced, I smile politely even though I wanted to keep away from all matters related to Toby. I didn''t want my dysfunctional acquaintance with him to leek out into my everyday life outside of Wildlife & Agriculture.
I grab mythe brown folder and put it to one side of my backpack.
I didn''t hesitate to use her looped pause as green light for me to leave. And with a stroke of luck I made it out unscathed.
Well, at least until she follows me. ""We should have lunch together," she says.
Lunch didn't seem too threatening. Besides, I wasn't sure if anyone else would sit with me. ""Okay." I shrugged.
My stomach rumbles at the thought. My timetable was so busy, there was no room left for a quick snack.
I walk out along with Mya. She still spoke a lot, currently she was complaining non-stop about her unrefined homework collaborator, Dakota. She said that she was, careless not to mention a nail biter.
I didn''t know Dakota personally, but I recognized her from orientation.
If asked, I would tell Mya to quit it already with her whining. I wanted to show by example how lucky she was. I mean, at least she didn't have Toby.
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