Chapter 8 Raphael
I have tested her several times in the past year with the curse. But it's power is waning. I must act on my own now. And I think I know just what to do. After all, it is a brutal winter this year. The roads are quite icy and dangerous. And what luck? That tiny little family happens to be traveling on such roads for a Christmas vacation. They are so excited and full of seasonal joy, it would be a shame is something happened to change that.
I pull the wind to my power and increase the storm that had started to flurry around the highway. The drive becomes increasingly dangerous and the visibility is diminished considerably. I smile when I've created the perfect conditions for an untimely accident.
With the setting in place I set the ball rolling and watch. The two closest cars to my target begin to unknowingly drift closer. And that's when the chaos starts. They all realize too late that they are all about to collide. Oh how I love modern technology, it makes my job so much easier sometimes. The damage that I watch unfold is amazingly horrific. When the wrecks of the cars stop moving I come closer so I don't need to use my enhanced sight to witness the scene.
To my immense irritation the boy is untouched besides some cuts and bruises and possibly a panic attack or shock. But to my delight she is down. Her wings are covered in gashes and glass and one of them looks like it could be broken. Her arms, legs, and torso are sprinkled with newly forming bruises and glowing scarlet blood seeping from many deep cuts. Her right shoulder looks to be dislocated and her left leg could be broken. But she's still awake and in one very optimistic piece.
Her haggard breathing and crazily and irregular beating heart gives testament to the beating she took. But if I'm not mistaken, which I very much hope I am, she's actually smiling. Oh this is sickening! Who is she, this green angel on this realm, this inexperienced child, that she could smile after taking the biggest hit I've thrown her direction yet?! I'm certainly not bored anymore. I'm annoyed. I'm furious. This silly stuck up Righteous is not going to get the better of me! How in all the realms is she doing it when she has to abide by hindering laws and I have free reign to do everything but physically kill her human? This is not just an angel I have before me in a broken heap, this is a miracle in angelic form. This creature is not natural whatever it is, but it will not beat me.
"What is it going to take to make you slip up?!" I hiss furiously at the shadow of the broken being on the asphalt. She just keeps smiling in triumph where she thinks I am. She can't possibly see me! This walking conundrum will soon stop smiling. Once I get what I need. She keeps smirking at be until her eyes close and her breathing steadies. Slowly her smaller injuries begin to heal, but without her bones set they can't heal completely yet.
It's been years and what have I got? Nothing. I'm as clueless as the day I left Hell to do this job. The only thing I've done is find my target of interest. And conveniently lost my boredom in the process.
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