Chapter 37 Raphael
"Wait, you're saying that not only are you," Tony points to Seraph, " an angel, and you," he points to me, "a demon but Scarlet is one too?" This is Tony's immediate reaction after we explain everything to him. To be honest, he's taking the whole thing really well.
"Yeah, Scarlet is a Fallen like me. Well not exactly like me, but that's not important," I fumble in my response for a second. "All you really need to know is what she is and what we are and that Scarlet wants to hurt you to get to us."
Tony's brow furrows in confusion. "But why me? What do I have to do with any of this?!"
I sigh and look at Seraph, here we go again. I give Angel Wings a look that tells her it's her turn. I watch as she huffs, obviously understanding what I was trying to communicate to her.
She turns to Tony, "You're in the middle of this if you realize it or not. Just because you're human you're at risk. Even more so because you're my charge. The easiest way to get to a Guardian is through their charge."
"But why are you my Guardian? Why did you choose me?!" Tony's previously calm facade collapses and he begins to raise his voice.
"I didn't choose you-" Seraph starts but I cut her off.
"Look here kid," I start in a firm voice, grabbing both of their stunned attention, "you should be grateful that you have her as your Guardian. I've been doing this for years and I've never seen a Guardian with such fierce commitment to their charge. She's given everything for you. I thought she died for you a few years ago. I've never seen any other angel or Guardian risk so much to protect a human. And that's coming from someone who's job it is to tear them apart and drag as many human souls as possible back to Hell." I never raise my voice, only stressing a few words here or there.
The stunned silence that follows is so thick I can feel it. There's no tension in the air, and it's not awkward, but the air is thick with the silence. Not troubled, I stand my ground. I know they are definitely shocked, if I hadn't said it I would be shocked too. But still, I told the truth. I've been doing that a lot lately, slightly out of character for me.
"Did you mean that?" Seraph says in a quiet, almost hesitant tone. As if she isn't sure if she wants to hear my answer.
I give her a quick look before answering. "Yes, I don't always lie Halo."
There is still silence that follows. It's starting to get on my nerves. Normally I don't mind the quiet, the silence that settles and brings with it a calmness but the air is still buzzing with the promise of possibilities. This is not that kind of quiet. This silence is a tension filled awe that thickens the air and destroys the electrical buzz that is just barely noticeable. This uncomfortable silence is thick with a different kind of electricity, this was the kind that threatened to zap you if so much as breathed too hard. This silence is tough, it grates at you, it follows and precedes tension filled situations.
"So," Tony starts, finally breaking the wretched silence, "what do we do now?"
We all look between us for a few moments. It's a fair question. I'm not sure any of us really thought that far ahead. But here we are. Eventually I make eye contact with Seraph, "We kick her ass." As plans go, it's obviously not a very well thought out plan, I know that. But it made a statement.
Seraph rolls her eyes, "And exactly how do we do that? We are woefully in the dark about her plan and have no response ready."
I try hard not to laugh, she was obviously trained in a military like style but was somehow still so very naive. "I know her plan, she hasn't got one! She never does. All she wants is to watch me burn and taking the two of you out as well is just icing on the cake. She's not a strategist. She acts on feelings, more specifically rage. Honestly I think we have two options."
Seraph gives me a questioning look, "And those would be?"
"Either wait her out for her next dramatic move, or take the fight to her. It won't be that hard to start a fight with her, just make her mad and watch the powder keg explode." I probably shouldn't be amused with the situation, it is in fact a very serious situation. But I am amused. It's Scarlet, all she does is cause chaos when she throws a temper tantrum. And that's all this is, a temper tantrum. Some things never change.
"You're the only one familiar with this threat," Seraph starts. "I think it would be wiser to wait for her next move, get a better understanding of her as a threat."
"There is no understanding that she-devil only fighting her. But if you want to "play it safe" so to speak, then by all means go ahead. I'll be sitting on the sidelines watching as this blows up in your face, possibly literally." I cross my arms and smirk at her. I wasn't going to apologize, but I understood the situation better than anyone else. If anyone should be making the judgement calls it should be me, but alas it is not.
She rolls her eyes again. "Fine," She quips, "don't help. But don't get in my way either. She already beat you up once this week, I understand if you want to avoid that happening again. But I will drag you back into this if we need you."
"Who said anything about leaving Halo? I'm not going anywhere. I'm just not going to save you when your waiting game goes up in smoke." My voice is semi calm, if not a little smug. I can't help it, it actually will be fun to see how this plays out, regardless of what side I'm on.
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