Chapter 35 Seraph
"I'd rather be a child of Hell than an oblivious slave of heaven." I heard a familiar voice say, slowly getting louder. Why can't I see them? What just happened? Wait, am I sleeping? No seriously, what just happened?
The longer it took for me to wake up the more I started to panic. I couldn't really remember what happened. I know the voices talking around me, they're very familiar. What're their names? Raphael, I think, yeah that's right. Raphael and . . . Grey? As soon as I found the names in my mind everything fell back into place in my memory, like a puzzle being put back together. Only there were a few pieces missing.
They continue to talk. Well, they're arguing. I have to wake up before they start a fight. I concentrate on opening my eyes, but I'm so tired. Opening my eyes fails so I try getting their attention by saying something.
"You two idiots know I can hear you right?" I rasp in a voice barely above a whisper. Volume doesn't matter though, they hear me.
"Halo, you're awake," of course Raphael would be the first to react.
I cough, "It's kinda hard to sleep with you two bickering. That's all I can hear." I manage to slightly open my eyes to squint a glare at them.
Grey walks towards the bed and sits on the edge, facing me. "How do you feel?" He asks, his voice full of concern. That's my Grey.
Slowly I nod and try to prop myself up. Mother-hen Grey jumps into action and pulls me into a sort of sitting position, propping me up with my pillows. "What happened?" I question as I look between them.
"Failsafe kicked in," Raphael supplies, but he leaves it at that as if that means something to me. I glance at Grey, really confused. I hear Raphael sigh and look back at him. "There's failsafes in your halos to keep you from using power you don't even know you have in case their ranking is off. You've never done anything without your halo before, your body wasn't used to it. It developed its own failsafe. Like humans and allergies I guess."
I just look at him blankly, then blink a few times. "I don't know, just go with it because it's not like we would know," Grey says softly from beside me. I nod in response.
"So, what do we do now?" I ask. We all look between us, probably expecting someone else to come up with a plan. Then my eyes land on Raphael again. He looks deep in thought. "What is it?"
He glances at me, "I think we need to talk to Tony."
My brows furrow in confusion, "About what?" I don't see how talking to Tony would make any sort of difference to anything going on.
"About what's going on." Raphael says this like it should be obvious. It isn't obvious. At all.
"And what do you suggest we tell him?" Grey chimes in. Thank you! I'm not the only one here seriously questioning the logic of this move.
"The truth," Raphael states bluntly.
I blink in shock. "You're saying we should just walk up to Tony and say what? "Hi Tony, I'm not human. I'm actually your guardian angel and Raphael here is basically a demon. We're here to protect you from a servant of the Devil who wants to kill you to get to me." Is that what you're saying?" My voice gets gradually louder the more panicked I get.
Raphael shrugs, "I wouldn't put it like that, but yeah. That's what I'm saying. I know it sounds crazy-"
I cut him off, "It is crazy!"
"But he deserves to know," Raphael continues as though he was never interrupted. "It's his life that's in danger here. Whether he realizes it or not he's the leverage. He has a right to know."
I know his reasoning is good. But it would be yet another rule I would be breaking. I'm already up a creek without a paddle, do I really want to get stuck there? I have a long and tiresome debate in my head. I'm not completely sure what the guys are doing while I'm thinking it over. Grey probably mentions that it's against our laws.
"What if there's a way we can tell him without you getting into more trouble?" Raphael suggests. Where is he going with this? As far as I know there isn't a loophole in this law. "Your laws say you can't reveal your true self to humans, unless you get orders from on high or whatever, correct?"
I nod. I still don't understand where his train of thought is. But I'm stuck coming along for the ride.
"But they don't say that you can't discuss it with a human who already knows," Raphael points out.
"Where are you going with this?" Grey questions.
"Just bear with me a minute," Raphael starts. "I don't have the same rules as you guys. I can say whatever I want to humans. So we go talk to him together, I tell him, you elaborate. It's easy as learning to fly."
I don't know how he learned to fly, but it isn't easy, and neither is his plan. Technically it's not breaking the rules. But they control those laws very closely. One wrong word and it's over. I look over at Grey, "What do you think?"
"I hate to say it," Grey starts carefully, "but I think the kid's right. If he's caught in the middle of whatever this is he's going to grow suspicious and it could get him killed. And that's something none of us wants."
I sigh and look at Raphael. "Alright," I nod, "let's do it."
(A/N: here's my birthday chapter to u guys. Sorry I haven't been updating regularly.)
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