Chapter 1 - The Beginning...
A delicate breeze whispered throughout the night, causing the field's long, dry grass to rustle and the few trees dotting the land to shake. The area was quite large, spanning several miles, and was surrounded by an enormous range of steep, towering mountains. The ground was still damp from the recent snow melt that had occurred. All was bathed in moonlight silver as the polished blade of a sword and delicate as spider silk. Not many people knew of this land, and those that did had either passed long ago or forgot about its existence. This did not mean there were no animals inhabiting the area, though. Sparrows slept tucked away in nests. Mice scurried around in clumps of grass. A fox pounced on an unsuspecting squirrel. Koi fish darted throughout the enormous lake tucked to one side of the land. This vast land is known as Drangelsta.
Life was everywhere, in all nooks and crannies, darting around, tucked into dens or splayed lazily across boulders. But there was one bit of life that dominated all others here. One that was thought to have died out a millennia ago to some while to others to just be a myth. A race of creatures that ruled all three realms: land, sky and sea. A race who could be barbaric as vikings or wise as scholars. A race with godlike strengths that other species could only dream of obtaining. What are these seemingly invincible beings, though?
They are dragons. There are around two-hundred of these magnificent creatures, each one of different shape and size, race and color, power and age. At the moment, all were sleeping, either nestled under trees, laying in the grass, splaying along rocks, or tucked away in the few caves time had carved into the mountains. All except one, that is. A pale blue dragon with large, gray eyes sat by the edge of the lake, their unwavering gaze fixated on the divine display that was painted on the night sky.
This particular dragon's name was Bluescale. He is a sky dragon, a kind known for their enormous wingspan and impressive flying abilities. His scales were the color of the summer sky and his eyes a stormy gray. He had two large white horns that sprouted from his forehead and curved backwards over his neck. Two pairs of short spikes lined the sides of his face. A single row of off-white, two-inch long spines ran down his back and ended near the tip of his tail, which had two special fins on it meant to improve balance while flying. His underbelly scales were bright yellow and the webbing between his wings was just as gray as his eyes. At only four decades old, he was considered to be quite young, so this meant most of his days were spent having fun with his companions, being trained by the Elders in combat and hunting, or just enjoying life. He had never ventured beyond the steep walls of Drangelsta simply because there was no reason to; food was plentiful, shelters were strong, and the protection from outside forces provided a comforting atmosphere for its inhabitants. Several of the Elders had gone out to see the world for themselves, though, and would go on for hours about the fascinating sights they had witnessed.
But in Bluescale's opinion there was no other sight quite as breathtaking as the night sky. The stars twinkled and glowed, ablaze with all the colors of the rainbow. Fire opal red, crystal lake blue, clematis purple, snow white - the list went on and on.
The background for this display was no less incredible. A complex mixture of cool-colored hues in all shades imaginable that perfectly complemented the twinkling stars. The beauty of the scenery was almost overwhelming. Bluescale yearned to one day fly higher than any other dragon, to break through the clouds, to rise above the sun and eventually soar among the stars.
A quiet thump pierced the air, breaking the serene silence that had once been there. Bluescale turned his gaze towards the direction of the sound to see it was none other than his friend Nightwing, a female night dragon. Her scales were a deep shade of violet while her eyes were navy blue. She had void-black underbelly scales and talons along with two rows of snow-colored spikes lining her back. Nightwing's tail ended with the traditional arrow-head shape that so many other dragons had. The horns that sprouted from her head were long and thick and bent backwards at a slight angle. Like Bluescale, she too had two pairs of spikes lining each side of her face, though hers were thicker. But the one feature that gave Nightwing her name was the membrane in her wings. It had a design like that of a starry sky, making her quite a sight for the other dragons.
"Stargazing again?" Nightwing asked playfully.
"Yes. Even though the moon is nowhere to be seen, the sky is still impressive as ever," Bluescale responded, unable to hide the awe in his voice. Nightwing ambled over beside her friend, plopped down and began to stare at the sky as well.
"Amazing," she whispered. Bluescale only nodded in response. The two teenage dragons spent the rest of the night there side by side, their unwavering gazes fixated on the breath-taking sight, until rosy-fingered dawn crept over the horizon, causing the stars to vanish for the time being and have the sun fill its place.
Hey internet! Here it is, the very first chapter of my story. I'm proud of it (mostly because it has a goddamn plot for once). I plan on making this pretty long (as in over fifty chapters) with a lot of action. This story is set in a medieval-style universe so modern day guns, IPhones, airpods and hydroflasksksks aren't a thing. Magic also plays a big role in this, so be aware of that. And finally, DON'T and I mean DON'T get attached to any of the characters, because they could die at any moment. I will be reading the comments to see who y'all like the most. Ask questions if you have them and recommend this to your friends if you think this trash is worthy of such. I hope you'll all stick around and tolerate my grammatical errors, mental breakdowns, shitty update schedule and any major cliches that pop up.
Will hopefully post soon,
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