Chapter 22
Lavender felt her heard pounding in her chest as she ran out of her families hut with Salamander, Shadowsplitter and Sapphire hot on her heals. When she made her way outside, her eyes widened in shock.
NightWing's were everywhere. Word must've spread fast throughout the Kingdom and t looks as though almost every NightWing in the rainforest had shown up.
She could feel her frills droop, twitching in worry and nervousness.
"We'd like to thank you all for coming on such short notice!" A voice called out. She recognized them immediately.
Charming, she thought as she quickly started to make her way through the crowd, ignoring the protests from Shadowsplitter, Sapphire and Salamander. She wove her way between NightWing's, using her smaller body to her advantage. She soon was able to see the Tribrid, his jewellery sparkling brightly in the sunlight, clinking together with each of his movements.
Standing beside the Tribrid was Animosity, the NightWing was standing straight with her head held high and her eyes narrowed, as though she was trying to show her power, a look that said "I'm powerful and don't forget it."
"With all of you gathered here today, we believe it's about time to announce a large step for the NightWing's." The Tribrid glared his wings, the colourful insides looking to sparkle.
We? Lavender's eyes narrowed as she watched the pair.
"By midday we will set out to reclaim our old kingdom!" Animosity roared, her voice sounding like thunder as it rang through the air, making sure every dragon in the area heard her voice, making sure they'll listen to her.
Wait, reclaim their kingdom, she thought as a feeling of dread washed over her. She must be talking about the Night Kingdom that Queen Beetle took over decades ago, she could be starting a war with the SandWing's! Her heart pounded in her chest. With Scorpion and Meerkat.
NightWing's roared in agreement, which in turn made Charming smile while Animosity's face looked rather emotionless over than her eyes hat seemed to gleam darkly.
"We'll head out when the sun is at its peak!" Charming roared as dragons roared along side him, making the ground rumble like a sleeping beast being disturbed from its slumber.
This made Lavender feel a sinking feeling within her chest. What was she going to do? She couldn't stop a whole kingdom's worth of dragons from doing what they wanted!
But I can influence them otherwise, this thought tired to replace her dread and fear with determination, but, would she be able to do it?
As the NightWing's started to go back to their businesses or went to start preparing for the journey, Lavender made her way back to her family's hut. Along the way, she passed by three familiar NightWing's.
Dooming, Quietmind and Silentseer.
The three NightWing's were taking amongst one another, not even giving her a second glance. Well, that was a lie. Silentseer gave her a glance, then a second, and then a third before she picked up her pace and avoided eye contact with the other dragon. Lavender was no longer just walking, she was now quickly trotting to get back to her families hut where she could see everyone standing outside.
"We heard everything." Orchid was first to speak, sorry glittering in her warm gaze.
"How could we not?" Salamander and Shadowsplitter both snapped at the same time before looking at each other with confusion.
"We need to think of something, we have to act now-" Lavender started to ramble as her scales started flashing randomly from black to purple to pink, her frills twitching and rattling nervously.
"Lavender." She could hardly make out the voice until talons gripped onto her shoulders, making her freeze before she looked up at her father. "Lavender, you need to calm down."
"How can I calm down?! Something needs to be done!"
"Lavender, you can't be the hero in everything." Her father said sadly. "Somethings....just can't be helped, can't be changed." His ears drooped slightly. "You don't need to be the hero in all this, you're still just a dragonet. My dragonet."
Lavender couldn't speak as she grasped her fathers talons that were still planted reassuringly and strongly on her shoulders.
"What's going to happen to you?" She couldn't help but ask as she met her fathers gaze. "What's going to happen to Shadow?"
The group was silent as Strongwing's didn't respond.
"She's going to try and take you both away, isn't she."
"I don't know." Her father admitted as Orchid wrapped one of her wings around Shadowsplitter shoulders as he stood there silently. Funnel and Sapphire stood together with Salamander, all looking nervous from where they stood.
"Maybe this is a good thing."
Lavender's head shot up as she looked over towards Salamander, along with everyone else.
"What?!" She hissed, her frills fanning out. How could Salamander say that?!
"Not as in you all being separated," she started with a flick of her tails. "As in for the NightWing's as a whole, as a tribe."
"What do you mean?" Funnel questioned softly, a confused look in the tall SkyWing's eyes as her wings twitched slightly.
"What I mean is, it's clear Queen Dandelion doesn't care for the NightWing's. Would it be better for them to live under the rule of a Queen who could pass her opinions down onto any heirs she has, or, is it better for them to live under the rule of a Queen who cares for their wellbeing?"
"I doubt Animosity cares about the NightWing's, she probably just wants to use her position for power." Shadow spat.
"Maybe she doesn't, but what about someone who does?"
"Are you saying...?" Lavender's pink eyes met Salamander's green ones that seemed to sparkle in the sunlight.
"We need to find the NightWing's another Queen."
They'd been flying for hours and Lavender's wings felt as though they would fall off and let her plummet into the ocean below her. Flying all around her were NightWing's, all following two dragons ahead of them.
Charming and Animosity.
They'd set off to lead everyone to the ruins of the Night Kingdom that currently belonged to the Sand Kingdom under Queen Scorpion and King Meerkat's rule. Lavender at first felt intimidated, being around hundreds of NightWing's, looking like a large black shadow flying above the ocean.
Apparently, this was a shortcut, flying across the open sea that lined the coasts of Pyrrha instead of flying through the towering mountains of the Sky Kingdom and then flying over the scorching sands and dunes of the Sand Kingdom. This way felt more tiring, with now where to land if she grew tired.
Beside her was Salamander, the older hybrid looking focused as they flew. She stood out amongst the flock of NightWing's. Lavender blended in more since she had shifted her scales to be black, to look like Strongmind, the NightWing she'd made up to hide herself.
Strongwings and Shadowsplitter were thankfully not with them. They'd kept hidden within their hut until everyone had left. She thought back to when all of that happened, the conversation she had with her parents.
"I promise, I'll be safe. Besides, I've got this overgrown lizard to look after me." Lavender pointed with one talon over her shoulder towards Salamander who was speaking with Shadowsplitter.
"I can hear you ya know." The older hybrid spoke up.
"Oh I know!" Lavender gave her a smile, which the other hybrid stick her tongue out at her in return.
"I know, but why don't you just stay here with us where we can make sure you're kept safe?" Orchid asked, worry thickly lacing her tone.
"Mom, I need to do this. If we can find another NightWing willing to be Queen and is one who'll actually do something good for the tribe, then I need to be there. It has to work, and I know it will."
"I've said this before Lavender, you don't need to be the hero in all this." Her father softly told her as his tail intertwined with hers, giving it a slight squeeze.
"I've been a hero before, so I can do it again." She said with determination. If Lavender could save Scorpion from falling for Rattlesnake's manipulation, she could save the NightWing's from Animosity and Charming's as well!
"Just," her mother sighed before giving her a kind smile. "Be careful."
Lavender shook her head to clear her thoughts of the memory. She could do this!
But if Animosity and Charming find out who I am, I could get into some serious trouble, she thought with a shudder of her frills that were tightly pressed against her neck to try and keep them hidden. She felt the soothing thumps of her necklace against her chest with each flap of her wings, mating along to the beat of her heartbeat that seemed to pound in her chest as it rang loudly in her ears, seeming to deafen the sounds of softly crashing waves blow them.
The sun still shown brightly above them, making Lavender's back feel rather hot even through their was a cool breeze blowing past her. It seemed as though the suns heat wouldn't let up, and it looked like she wasn't the only one with said problem as she could see NightWing's spinal spikes twitching in irritation. With their black scales, it seemed to only attract the heat more.
No wonder NightWing's prefer to be active at night, she thought.
As they kept flying in silence, Lavender let her mind wander, reaching out to any NightWing's close to her so she could read their minds. Listening to their thoughts one by one.
I wish we were there already, grumbled a few voice.
How much longer must we stand this heat? Thought a soft tones female voice, that sounding as though it belonged to a dragonet.
I wish we could take a break to eat something, thought another.
More thoughts raced through her mind, one by one, and she listened to each one to keep herself entertained during the flight, using it as a method to distract herself from the heat crawling up her spine and down her tail.
Then one thought made her blink in surprise for a few seconds.
Is this the right thing to do? Should we be trusting Animosity and Charming?
Lavender looked around trying to find the owner of the thought. They sounded female, an adult. She kept looking around until her gaze landed on a female NightWing with a strong body and a thick tail. Her horns looks smooth and looked to glitter. Her scales were dark blue in colouration and her eyes were a soft blue. She had a few small jewel earrings in her ears that sparkled in the sunlight.
She listened into the NightWing's thoughts to make sure she was the one she heard before.
What if this was a mistake? Maybe I shouldn't have left the rainforest, but she makes good points, the NightWing's mind rambled.
Lavender felt a light tap on her forearm, when she turned to look away from the NightWing, her gaze locked together with emerald green eyes. Salamander.
You're staring at that NightWing, Salamander thought.
"I was listening to her thoughts. She's starting to wonder if following Charming and Animosity was a good idea." The smaller hybrid whispered softly into Salamander's ear, being careful to keep her voice down so hopefully no other dragons overhear her.
And is that a good thing?
"Yes." She hissed.
"Because if we single her out and ask her some questions, then maybe we can see if she'd make a better Queen than Animosity."
Oh, yeah, I guess.
Salamander looked forwards once more and Lavender just watched her, confusion washing over her like the waves that splashed against one another down below her in the ocean.
Why does she sound as though she doesn't care? The smaller hybrid thought. She couldn't put her talons on it as they kept flying across the ocean along the shore lines of Pyrrha, flying past the mountains that weren't to far from the shore. As she looked up ahead, she saw a stretch of land that seemed to reach out into the sea like stretched out talons trying to grasp first within their claws.
The abandoned Night Kingdom.
Another chapter out. I feel like I make these chapters to short but I just keep reminding myself that 2k or more is fine.
Anyways! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Things will continue to pick up speed as we get closer to the end!
- MindlessTyper
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