Chapter 16
Lavender woke up to someone shaking her shoulder. She groaned slightly and buried her face within her talons.
"Lavy, get up."
"No." She grumbled.
"I told you I'd wake you up when something happened, well, somethings happening."
Lavender was confused for a few moments before the memories of that day came flooding back to her. Oh! That got her awake as her head shot up. She noticed her scales had shifted back to their natural purple as she slept, so she quickly focused on making them shift back to being black by thinking about dark coloured things.
"What's happening?" She quickly questioned as she shot up to stand.
"Animosity is rounding up as many NightWing's as she can, same with Charming. They're going to lead everyone to the rainforest."
"Right now, once they've rounded up more NightWings." Salamander flicked her tails.
Lavender shook her wings, her frills twitching before she quickly flattened them along the sides of her neck to keep them less obvious.
"Then let's get going."
Salamander nodded before they two shot off into the air and flew their way back into town where sure enough, NightWing's were being gathered in the centre of town hat was marked with a fountain with sprinkling water that looked to glitter like tiny jewels in the sunlight.
Where's Handsome and Beautiful? Lavender wondered as they flew closer before they landed. The two hybrids must've been somewhere, they surely could see all the NightWing residents gathering in the centre of town, so why weren't they here trying to figure out what was going on, but neither hybrid could be seen. The only dragons around were anxious or excited NightWings, with a few confused SeaWings, MudWings and SkyWings who were watching from around the large crowd of at least forty NightWing's of all ages. There were a few SandWing's watching wth curious glinting black eyes, their tongues flickering as their tails cooled behind themselves in interest.
Any SkyWing's that's were watching looked slightly anxious and confused, annoyed frowns on their faces as though they were annoyed they could not figure out what all this was. Some even had smoke rising from their flared nostrils as their wings twitched nervously.
A few SeaWing's that stood by were mostly huddled in small groups, either whispering to one another or speaking to one another in aquatic with their luminescence scales flashing in patterns that represented different letters witch each flash. Their frilly ears twitching nervously and perked up in interest.
Some of the MudWing's who stood by in groups, most likely their sibling groups, were watching with interest, but not that many looked to show any concerns, other than the few here and there who looked to be the largest of their groups. Lavender had heard that MudWing sibling groups always had a BigWing that was in charge, so maybe they were BigWings?
But that didn't matter. Lavender shook her head as her and Salamander started to make their way through the crowd until they found familiar faces. Dooming, Quietmind and Silentseer.
"What's going on?" Lavender whispered to Silentseer who jumped slightly as he looked at her.
"Strongmind!" He exclaimed in a whisper with a twitch of his wings. "It's great to see you're here!"
"That's great to see you missed me," she started with a nervous flick of her tail. "But what's going on?"
"Animosity and Charming told everyone who wanted to come with them to the Rainforest to meet up here, but there's been no sign of them since."
"They're probably just spreading the word." Dooming grunted in annoyance.
"Or maybe something's going on." Salamander added from where she stood beside Lavender, their wings brushing against one another's.
"Like what?" Silentseer asked, his ears perked up with interest as his head cocked to the side slightly as he looked at the other hybrid.
"Dunno, good or bad." The hybrid shrugged.
Maybe I can try and reach their minds, if they're close enough for me to reach if I focus, Lavender thought as she tried to picture Charming or Animosity within her mind. Animosity was first to take form within her head, she thought hard on the NightWing, trying to reach her mind, but she couldn't. I'm not close enough! She grumbled to herself with a flick of her tails.
"Well, maybe they're jus-" Silentseer was cut off by everyone going silent around them and looking towards the fountain, where two dragons stood. Charming and Animosity. Charming bad tapped his tail against the lightly coloured stone fountain, getting everyone's attention.
"Thank you all for choosing to join us today!" The Tribrid started with a smile that looked to shine just as brightly as all the blinding blue and silver jewelry he wore all over his body, sparkling in the sunlight that shone down upon them and making them reflect the sunlight. Beside him, Animosity stood silently, her hard golden gaze looking across the crowd as Charming spoke, his voice feeling like a cool wave flowing over them like those that rolled softly across the shorelines that wrapped all around Pyrrhia.
"As most of you know, we will be heading to the Rainforest, to the heart of our tribe, along with the RainWings, and reuniting our tribe once more!" He announced proudly. "We will be our own tribe once again! Just like we once were! We were powerful! We were feared! We were respected!"
Some NightWing's voiced their agreements while others stayed silent, content with just listening to the Tribrid's voice.
"Along with being our own tribe, we'll have our own Queen." Charming smiled as he side glanced to Animosity with his deep sea blue eyes.
Wait, is he referring to-
"We've already found a dragon suitable for said position! Animosity!" He announced loudly loudly as his wings shot out proudly. "She's reunited us! She cares for us and will protect us! If you follow us now, follow You're future Queen, we can assure you that you will no longer have to fear being less than a RainWing! Less than any dragon!"
Dragons roared and cheered while Lavender stood there in horror. Animosity has started all this, and she's using this to become Queen of the NightWing's, her mind raced.
She looked over to Dooming, Silentseer and Quietmind. She saw that Domming, the large broad shouldered NightWinng stomping his talons with a smile on his face, one that looked to be proud as though he strongly believed this was right. Quietmind was silent with narrowed eyes as she watched Animosity and Charming. Silentseer looked happy, genuinely happy as he roared in cheer. She then looked off to her other side to look at Salamander who was also focused on Animosity and Charming, her eyes weren't narrowed with suspicion like Lavender had expected, instead, the hybrid look interested.
Lavender looked back towards Animosity and Charming. The female NightWing has her best puffed slightly as she sat proudly, her gaze not wavering from its harsh glare that seemed to roar power at anyone who looked.
"Queen Animosity! Queen Animosity! Queen Animosity!" Dragons cheered into the air, sounding louder than a flick of screeching parrots or a pack of screaming howler monkeys throwing a fit in the Rainforest.
Animosity's ears twitched and Lavender's pink gaze landed onto the singular silver hoop earring than hung from the NightWing's left ear, gleaming in the sunlight. She had an unsettling feeling as she looked at the earring, like a looming shadow reaching closer to try and snatch up what ever it could. It just felt wrong, a familiar wrong.
It made her shiver.
Once the cheering died down, Animosity started to speak.
"We shall all go to the Rainforest to gather the rest of our tribe, then, we shall find a place for our own kingdom!" She roared, dragons roaring in agreement. With that, the red-ish brown coloured NightWing shot off into the air, Charming following behind her. It didn't take long for the rest of the NightWing's to follow them, looking like a flock of bats in the sky.
"Come on." Lavender hissed as she too shot off into the air to follow after the NightWing's, Salamander hot on her heals.
"So, Animosity's going to be their Queen?"
"Yeah," She narrowed here eyes as they kept flying. "And I don't like it one bit. Something is seriously wrong about her, I can feel it."
They'd been flying for a while now and they were no longer flying above open land or forests, they were now flying over jungles with flicks of colourful parrots squawking up at them loudly or the screams of howler monkeys throwing fits. The sounds of the Rainforest felt calming to Lavender, since it was her home, where she'd been raised for all seven years of her life. Looking down at the Rainforest and watching all the colourful birds flying below them reminded her of when she was still learning to fly.
"Come on Lavy! You can do it sweetie!" Orchid called from the branch in front of her.
Lavender was only two years old and still learning to fly. Her small wings flapped nervously at her sides as she looked down to the forest floor below. It seemed to reach in forever into and endless drop.
"Don't look down dear, just jump over to me and flap your wings." Her mother's voice encouraged.
She looked back up to her mother and puffed up her cheeks as she focused solely on her mother. She wanted to be with her so she'd need to get there herself. She felt her hind quarters start to wiggle as she got ready to jump to the branch her mother was perched upon.
She soon leaped forwards and her wings started to flap wildly without coordination, each flapping at their own rhythms. She felt herself falling and she let out a squeak of alarm and she squeezed her eyes shut, but, before she could really fall, she felt talons grasp onto her middle, wrapped around her carefully. She opened her eyes and looked down to see she was in the air, still below the canopy though. When she looked up, she saw her mother holding her as she clapped her wings to keep them up.
"Don't worry, I would never let you fall." She softly cooed. "How about we try this, flap your wings like mine."
Lavender watched her mother's wings for a few seconds before she started to mimic the movements, her wings falling in sync with Orchid's.
"There you go!" Her exclaimed with a warm smile as she started to fly around the Rainforest with Lavender in her talons, still flapping her small wings to match Orchid's.
Lavender felt as though she were flying, even though her mother was holding her with her talons. She let out giggles and squeals of delight as she felt the wind softly blow past her face, the smell of fruit and rain clinging to the air.
She smiled softly at the memory as she kept flying. When she looked up ahead, she saw Salamander flying alongside Quietmind and Dooming, the three of them chatting. Well, Quietmind looked to just be listening to them as Dooming and Salamander talked. It seemed as though she was getting rather friendly to the other NightWing's. She didn't know why, but t unsettled Lavender, making her heart clench painfully at the sight.
"You okay Strongmind?" Lavender jumped slightly from where she flew. When she looked to her side, she saw Silentseer flying beside her, a concerned look on his face. He reminded her of Sapphire in some ways, but he was definitely not shy like the small SeaWing.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She sighed as she flew along side him. The NightWing seemed to be larger than her, but she was a small dragon and could play off as a dragonet with ease according to some, and by some she mostly meant Salamander since she wouldn't stop talking about it. "Just thinking about some stuff, but thanks for worrying about me Silentseer."
"Of course!" He smiled, he looked relatively happy to hear she was alright.
As they continued to fly, Salamander evenly slowed down to fly by Lavender, but she wasn't saying anything as she just looked straight ahead. Eventually, the group started to descend into the Rainforest foliage. Lavender, Salamander and Silentseer all tucked in their wings to dive through it, but, it seemed at though the other two dragons struggled more than Lavender did.
"Tuck your wings more and actually avoid the vines!" She called to them. "Salamander are our even listening?!"
"I can hear you just fine you squabbling parrot!" Salamander shot back with a smirk from where she was, slightly tangled in the vines before she managed to free herself.
Lavender started to mock Salamander's voice, copying what she said as she turned back around to look to where the group was landing, and it shocked her to see the familiar area.
It was her village.
Lavender's back home! But will that be a good thing or a bad thing with all the NightWing's she's got around her? We'll have to find out in the next chapter!
This chapter was way shorter than I would've liked, but it wrapped itself up near the end so I decided to finish it here and save some juicy stuff for chapter 17.
- MindlessTyper
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