Chapter 14
What are those two doing here?! Her mind screamed as she and Salamander watched the group of NightWing's as they listened to Animosity who stood in the middle of them, with Charming her her side, the Tribrid's jewellery glittering in the dimming light as the sun continued to set beyond the horizon, the sky growing darker in colouration as more stars poked their way through to be seen as the three moons started to glow.
They stayed as silent as possible as they watched Animosity spread her wings before she shot off into the air, Charming following soon afterwards with the rest of the NightWing's right on his tail.
Lavender watched as the group of dark coloured dragons flew off into the darkening night sky.
"We need to follow them." She decided.
"What?" Salamander's emerald green eyes locked with her pink ones with a confused look.
"You heard me! We need to follow them!"
"Why? It's just a group of NightWing's going to the Rainforest, where they live."
"No! That's Animosity and Charming! They were at the village outside of the Rainforest and Charming kept talking about a new era for NightWing's! And they don't give me a good feeling, something is awfully wrong about them and I know it!"
"Why do you care so much about what they could be doing?"
"Because my family lives in the Rainforest! If they're going to do something bad, they could get hurt!" She hissed as she shot off into the air, feeling her necklace thump against her chest, feeling like an echo of the painful thump that rung inside her chest. She turned to look back at Salamander who hadn't moved.
"They could take care of themselves, could they not? So why should you get involved?" Salamander questioned with narrowed eyes and a dismissive flick of her two tails that were woven together like two dragons wrapping their tails together.
"They're my family! Why would I sit back and let something possibly awful happen to them!" She spat, her heart clenching. "If you don't want to come, fine. You can be on your own again."
With that, she spun around and started to fly off in the direction the group of NightWing's had flown off to, towards the Rainforest.
She heard wing beats behind her, and when she looked, she saw Salamander following behind her, with an annoyed look on her splotchy face.
"I'm not going to let you go off and find a way to get yourself killed, so, I'm coming with you."
"Why didn't you want to come for any other reason? You're part NightWing, what if one of your parents lives in the Rainforest and they could get in trouble."
Salamander's face scrunched up, she let out a snort of smoke. "That dragon can burn in a fire for all I care." The other hybrid spat.
Lavender looked at her face as they flew above the Kingdom, soon flying away from the palace and towards empty mountains. She couldn't help but let her mind wander inside of Salamander's in that moment and what she saw made her heart stop.
"Get up!" Shouted an angry voice. It belonged to a NightWing, his scales as black as night itself but with some hints of yellow blended in. His eyes were an emerald green that blazed with fury. Not to far away from him was a small dragonet, they didn't look to be over two years old. That dragonet was Salamander, curled up and coughing.
"If you can't take a simple hit from a tail, how do you expect to live on this world?!"
"I-I'm sorry dad-"
"Sorry doesn't keep you alive," the NightWing spat. "And you know better than to call me that, you useless dragonet."
"Are you being harsh on her again?" Hissed another voice, a feminine one that belonged to a pale sandy yellow SandWing with dark coloured eyes, one scratched out on her right side and her brown frill was tattered and torn.
"It's not being harsh, I'm preparing her for he real world, unlike you. You just feed her fairytales."
"They're not fairytales! They're history!" Hissed the SandWing with a lash of her barbed tail.
"Well your history does no good, it just fills her head with useless words!"
"That's enough!"
The two dragons continued to shout and snarl at one another while Salamander helplessly watched form a few steps away, crouched low to the ground, wheezing.
Lavender shook her head to force herself out of Salamander's mind. Were those her parents? She wondered as she saw Salamander shake her head, as though she were clearing the frustrating memory out of her own mind.
The two of them continued to fly in deafening silence that seemed to scream and roar louder than any words ever spoken. They didn't stop until hey found a small ledge on one of the mountains to chose as a resting spot for the night, still, neither of them talked.
Maybe I shouldn't have shouted at her, Lavender thought as she curled up on the cool stone, Salamander doing the same on her other side. But I need to warn Orchid and Strongwings about Animosity and Charming.
"I know that face." A voice grunted. Lavender looked over her shoulder at Salamander who had her head resting atop her crossed talons. "You're thinking to hard."
"I don't think to hard."
"I'm not lying."
"You are, I can tell when a dragon lies since I'm a fairly good liar myself." Salamander's tails flicked slightly. "What were you thinking about?"
Lavender was silent for a few moments, wondering if she should tell Salamander she went snooping through her head. The whole time she thought it over, the other hybrid watched her, her emerald eyes narrowed slightly.
"Just spill it, it's not like it's going to hurt."
"But it might..."
"How so?"
Lavender didn't respond which earned her a huff from the other hybrid.
"If you don't talk about stuff, they'll just build up until they force their way out in a way you won't like and you'll end up regretting it."
"How do you know that?" She questioned, hoping the subject change might help her in avoiding answering the question.
"I've had it happen and have seen it happen to others."
"With who?"
It was Salamander's turn not to respond, pitting the two dragons in silence once more other than the soft rustle of branches or the boots of owls overhead who were in search of prey that scurried around at night in hopes of the shadows providing them cover.
Lavender lightly tapped her talons slowly on the stone beneath them, before she let out a sigh. "How about we think of something else? Let's think back on today."
"That sounds stupid."
"Well so are you." She shot back as she looked at Salamander through the corner of her eye, relieved when she saw a small smirk form at the corner of the hybrids face.
She didn't know why, but she didn't like seeing the other dragon upset, it gave her a weird feeling in her chest, one that she got around her family when ever one of them was upset. When ever she got this feeling, it always pushed her to make who ever was upset, happy.
"So, you proved to me that I can dance-"
"And sing." Salamander added in, earring an eye roll from Lavender who had a smile on her face.
"And you got me a beautiful necklace, that you didn't need to get for me."
"But I'll be a good reminder that I'm an amazing dragon and you can't deny it."
"Bla bla bla bla, I'm Salamander and I think I'm the best dragon in all of Pyrrha!" Lavender tried mimicking Salamander's voice as her frills fanned out playfully as her wings flapped much like that of a screeching birds.
"I don't sound like that!" Salamander laughed.
"Yes you do!"
"I absolutely do not, I think you've mistaken your own voice for mine, which, I find impossible since I don't sound like a squabbling bird."
"Oh shush!" Lavender's left wing shot open and smacked Salamander on the head playfully.
The two contained to talk together before they eventually fell asleep, both slipping away into a peaceful sleep side by side, Lavender's tail subconsciously intertwining with Salamander's two tails.
"You look absolutely ridiculous." Lavender commented as the two hybrids were crouched down beside a stream, the sun making the water sparkle like tiny jewels. They'd been following the group of NightWing's that were following Charming and Animosity for the whole day so far. They'd finally gotten the chance to take a break as the NightWing's took one of their own. They were still in the mountains, but, in the horizon they could see the Rainforest since they were now at the edge of the Sky Kingdom and soon would be entering the Rainforest Kingdom.
"Oh shut up! It's not like I've ever tried fishing before!" Salamander grunted as she shook water from her talons.
"Well it's not like you listened to me trying to explain how to catch a fish without having it slap you in the face and letting it get away."
"How do you even know how to catch fish anyways?!"
"My friend Sapphire taught me, she's a SeaWing".
"You're friends with a SeaWing?"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Didn't expect it, is all."
"Well I didn't expect to be friends with a thief who can't catch a fish." Lavender smirked. Her smirk didn't stay long though as she was met with a slash of water to the face by Salamander.
"Aw, where'd you smirk go darling?" It was Salamander's turn to smirk
"Squid face!" Lavender playfully spat as she slammed her talons into the water, splashing Salamander. She'd learnt that from Sapphire.
"Camel fart!" Salamander shot back as she splashed the smaller hybrid.
Soon, their hunting session by the river had now turned into a splashing session between the two hybrids, their laughter filling the air. After a while, both of them were soaked, giggling quietly. Lavender took in a breath to try and calm down her happily racing heart. She started to shake off her wings to try and remove the droplets of water that clung to her.
"Who are you two?" A voice suddenly spoke up, startling the two of them. Lavender's scales shifted into a panic, turning black.
The two of them turned around to see three NightWing's looking at them.
Oh no.
Fun times for these gals, is it not?
I don't have much to say for this chapter other than it's a little shorter than I would've liked, but, I hope you all enjoyed it!
- MindlessTyper
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