Chapter 1
Seven years later...
In the middle of the rainforest, the sun was barely shining through the thick canopy above. The quiet chirp of frogs and the murmur of birds could be heard. The leaves cast dark shadows of the muddy floor below. Through all this, colorful flowers popped up every now and then. There was one, vibrant, bright flower that stood out from the rest of them. It was immediately flattened by a sunset-orange talon.
Stormsong was busy carrying a basket of papayas to her house, so it was hard to notice the crushed flower. She was struggling to keep them all from falling out of the basket. Darn it, I knew I shouldn't have filled the basket up so high. She took the opportunity to sink her teeth into one of the sweet fruit. The juice got all over her claws and made everything it touched extremely sticky. "Well, that's just great," Storm muttered to herself. The hybrid looked around for a stream that she could wash her talons off in. Luckily, she found one.
She set her basket down and stuck her claws in the stream. She almost didn't notice the small Rainwing on the opposite bank. It was Rhea, one of the young Rainwings who often would visit the Nightwing village. Storm felt Rhea's nervous energy, as she was trying to sneak up on her. But of course, Rhea was always unsure of herself, and probably thought she'd be caught. Which she would be.
"Rhea, I know you're there," Storm said. It still amazed her how Rainwing scales could so easily shift colors in an instant.
"Darn it Storm, I thought I got you that time." Rhea's squeaky voice was muffled because she held her head down. Her scales were rosy pink, the color of embarrassment in Rainwings.
"Don't worry about it, I'm sure you'll get me next time."
"You always say that."
"Are you sure about that?" Storm smirked and nudged Rhea's wing. Rhea was one of the only Rainwings who hung out with her. Actually, one of the only dragons. Most of the Rainwings didn't interact with the Nightwings, and most of the Nightwings hated her for being a hybrid. So, her company was valuable to her.
"I don't know." Rhea shrugged. "Well, what are you doing now?"
"Bringing fruit to my parents." She gestured to the basket. "Want one? I'm sure one missing papaya wouldn't make a difference."
Rhea's eyes lit up, and her scales shimmered to gold in color. "Yes, please!" She reached over to the basket and picked a small fruit off the top, and quickly ate it.
Hmm, maybe Rhea can help me with my job, Storm thought. "Hey, can you help? This would go faster with some help, and we can talk on the way to the village."
Rhea rolled her eyes but was still grinning. "What, you can't do it yourself?" She was obviously joking, but Stormsong purposely looked a little hurt, she knew this would convince Rhea to help her.
"Oh, but, uh sure." She found a large leaf and put some of the papayas inside the makeshift bag she made. Stormsong picked the now lighter basket up again and kept walking.
Rhea immediately began a conversation. "So, Storm, did you hear that they're admitting new students to Jade Mountain Academy?"
"Really? That sounds awesome."
"Doesn't it? Kinkajou said the new dragons from Pantala would be able to join as well," Rhea remarked.
Stormsong thought about that for a bit. The Pantalan tribes lived many miles across the ocean, so it would normally take a long time to get the students to Pyrrhia. However, it was giant news that Prince Turtle and Princess Anemone recently created a pathway of tunnels that connected Pyrriha to its neighboring continent, similar to the ones connecting the rainforest to the old nightwing kingdom. "Would you want to meet some dragons in the new tribe?" She tried to continue the conversation more. Storm felt how bored Rhea was, plus the little dragonet was getting tired from carrying the papayas for so long. Luckily, they'd be in the village very soon.
"YES! I especially want to meet a Leafwing! They look so cool!" Rhea's scales turned an even brighter shade of gold this time.
Storm nodded. She was already seeing the wood houses that were scattered around the periphery of the village. Rhea was getting exhausted, so Storm let her take the rest of the food back herself. "Don't worry Rhea, you can go home now." Rhea sighed as she let the papayas in her hand be taken by Stormsong.
"Alright, Storm! Seeya later!" Rhea exclaimed. She flapped her wings and began flying up towards the branches above. After a while, Stormsong way Rhea swinging from branch to branch, probably heading back to her own home.
Storm grunted as she picked up the basket, resuming the trek to her house. It was at the far end of the village, so the only way to get to it was by walking through the center. She began seeing more and more Nightwings glare at her, but she'd learned to ignore it. They all hated her, mainly because her mother had snuck away from the old Nightwing volcano and lived out in the mainland, well-fed and happy.
A dragonet almost barreled into her, which caused Storm to lose her train of thought. She hissed quietly, it was just a dragonet, after all. Her green eyes scanned the area around her and saw black scales with specks of rainbow. Of course, it had to be Peacemaker.
"Sorry Stormsong, didn't see you there," the fellow hybrid said. He straightened up and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. His mother, Hope followed him with a worried look on her face.
"No worries," she said in between her teeth. Peacemaker was one of the most annoying dragons in the Nightwing town, but he was a hybrid like her, so he received just as much hate as she did. She did have to give him some sympathy.
"Did he knock anything over?" Hope asked. She looked at the ground around the basket Storm put down before.
"No," she said, flicking her tail. "But I should probably get going. My parents are probably waiting for me."
"Alright, bye Stormsong!" Peacemaker smiled and walked away with his mother. Stormsong meanwhile picked up the basket again and walked to her home. It was a while until she got there, but she set the papayas on the front steps. Her entire family loved the fruit, so she'd probably need to go get some more before the week was over. She opened the door to her house and was about to walk in. However, she saw a large Rainwing inside her house, talking to her parents. Her scales were mostly greenish-blue, and her wing membranes were a similar shade of orange as Storm's talons. She narrowed her eyes at the stranger. She stepped forward and the Rainwing turned around. Storm recognized her now. It was Queen Glory! But why would she be at her house?
"You're Stormsong, right?" the queen said.
Storm noticed another Nightwing hidden in the corner, watching the scene. Probably Deathbringer, she thought. "Yes," she replied. Trying not to be too rude, she added, "Why are you here?"
Glory smiled and held out a letter to her. Storm was wondering what it could possibly be. Was she in trouble? Was the queen going to kick her out of the rainforest? She turned the folded piece of paper over and saw the seal on the letter had a picture of a mountain with two peaks. "No way..." Storm looked up at Glory happily.
Glory nodded. "Storm, ever heard of Jade Mountain Academy?"
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