Three is Never a Crowd
Winter landed at the entrance to a new village, created by Kinkajou, Moon, and himself. He walked along the stone path they had made, eyes looking over the buildings crafted special to hold against most storms. He took in the fresh smell of morning dew, and enjoyed the sight of the many flowers most dragons had in their gardens.
It was still relatively early, so very few dragons were outside. There were a few Nightwings that had stayed up all night into the morning out hunting for food and searching for fruit. A few Rainwings accompanied them, yawning from the long night. They waved briefly to Winter before continuing with their tasks.
Winter finally found himself in front of a ginormous building, and he pushed open the door with a quiet creek. The sound echoed faintly throughout the building, bouncing off stone walls and wooden bookshelves. He carefully closed the door behind him and he took off as quietly as possible; flying up to the highest of the floors.
He landed softly, spikes making a soft clattering noise as he did. He was in front of a door decorated with a variety of colorful flowers, each with an outstanding fragrance. Winter smiled softly, and he gently turned the door knob to open the door.
He pushed the door open, and walked in quietly. He glanced around the room, which was covered with even more flowers, and even some fruits. On the walls were drawings - not the best, but still rather decent. And hanging high from the ceiling was a single vine hammock.
Winter could see Kinkajou from where he was, swaying the hammock as she appeared to be reading a scroll. The ceiling was a bright sky, enchanted to look as if the sky outside was peeking through rainforest canopies. Kinkajou swerved in her hammock, looking down at Winter.
"Winter!" She shouted, diving from her hammock at a dangerous speed. She collided with him, knocking them both to the ground. Winter let out an "oof" sound. "Sorry!" Kinkajou's scales turned a pale crimson with embarrassment. She helped Winter up off the ground, chuckling nervously. Winter just laughed and wrapped a wing around the smaller Rainwing. She relaxed and nuzzled into his embrace. Her scales shifted to a mix of pink and yellow, with dots of turquoise.
"So are you, Turtle, and I gonna go on that date this afternoon?" Winter asked, pulling away from their embrace. Kinkajou seemed to become even happier.
"You want to do it?" She asked excitedly. Winter nodded, a smile on his snout. "Then of course!" Kinkajou squealed excitedly. "Oh my moons, this is going to be my first date where both my partners are there! Gah! It's so nerve wracking!" Kinkajou said, taking off and doing a few flips in the air.
Winter laughed at her excitement. "Then I'll tell Turtle the date is still on, see you this afternoon." Winter waved with his wing, but he didn't get a chance to leave the room without being pulled into a swift kiss from the overjoyed Rainwing.
Kinkajou had picked out a secluded part of the rainforest for their date. She was the first one there, and she made haste to get the picnic set up before either Winter or Turtle showed up.
The picnic would be in the canopies, and she set up a sturdy netting with small holes. There she placed the various fruit and fish - there was mostly fruit. She made sure the branches were strong enough to support the net with all their weight a few days prior.
Kinkajou smiled brightly, her scales shifting to a proud purple color mixing with bright, joyful yellow. She sat on the net, and waited patiently for her dates to find the spot she had found. They would have to follow the trail of ribbons she had left.
Kinkajou didn't have to wait very long. Soon, Winter and Turtle appeared from the many branches of the rainforest trees. They shook off some of the water droplets that had accumulated on their wings before joining Kinkajou, both getting a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek from their precious Rainwing partner.
Turtle instantly grabbed a salmon once they all settled down to eat. "You really outdid yourself, Kinkajou." He said after swallowing a bite of the fish.
"Yeah! You didn't have to do all this," Winter said, looking at the wonderful scenery. Normally he didn't enjoy being this deep in the rainforest, but this was amazing.
Kinkajou's scales turned a rosy pink. "Well I wanted to do something special! You're both so accepting of me, and I wanted to have an awesome date with you both." She said, grabbing a mango and peeling it expertly. Winter feasted on a salmon as well, and the three talked about random things. They were all enjoying themselves, which is more than what Kinkajou could have asked for.
After finishing their meal, and Kinkajou sighed in disappointment. The two males gave Kinkajou a questioning look, both becoming apprehensive. "Something wrong?" Turtle asked.
Kinkajou shook her head. "No! I'm just sad that we're already done." She said, glancing down at the netting. Her scales turned a bright pink when she felt Winter and Turtle each press their snouts to her cheeks, giving her a quick peck.
"We can always do something like this again," Winter said, and Turtle nodded his agreement.
"Yeah! It could be like a weekly thing, along with our individual dates." Turtle added.
Kinkajou looked between them, smiling. She pulled them both in for a hug. "Alrighty then! But you two have to help me clean up!" She said, pushing them away slightly. Both males rolled their eyes but laughed, agreeing nonetheless.
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