○ Surprise! I love you! (Pt. 1)○
● E D I T E D ●
Winter's Point of View
I sat quietly, my mind reeling with thoughts. I was grateful for the skyfire around my neck, which concealed my thoughts. I have a feeling that without it, my thoughts would be very shocking to the only mind-reader in the room.
I heard a faint snapping sound, and shook my head. I heard the sound of my spikes hitting each other, soft and high pitched.
When I came out of my daze, I was face to face with Qibli, who looked a little worried.
"You okay?" He asked when he realized I was fully aware of what was happening. I nodded slightly, and watched as a frown appeared on Qibli's face.
"No, you're not. Tell me what's wrong." He said, sitting in front of me. I looked down my snout at him. Why did he even want to be friends with me? I wasn't sure. But I was grateful for him - though I'd never admit it out loud.
I sighed quietly. "It's getting worse." I mumbled, folding my wings closer to my body. The warmth from Qibli's scales annoyed me beyond belief, and I hoped he would move away a bit soon.
"Oh. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm kind of in the same boat." Qibli said, looking down. I raised my brow, intrigued. Qibli had never said anything of having a crush. "Oh?"
Qibli nodded, and his cheeks radiated a dark pink hue. "Y-yeah. Kinda silly." He said before shaking his head, his blush disappearing.
"Well what should we do about it?" I asked, tilting my head slightly. I didn't know anything about impressing someone - which was very clear in my standard among my family.
"Do about what?" A soft voice asked from near-by. It was somewhat dark in the cave, but you could still see. Qibli and I jumped, startled from the sudden voice.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you guys." Turtle appeared in the light, apparently having blended in rather well with the shadows.
"It's fine." I said, keeping my voice low. Turtle was a good dragon. He didn't think he was good at much, but I'm positive I saw Kinkajou staring at him in class and Ambersky complimenting a story he had written.
"So, what were you two talking about?" Turtle asked. Might as well tell Turtle, right? He was trustworthy, as far as I could tell.
"We both sor t of have a dilemma." I said slowly, looking down and averting my eyes. Turtle stayed quiet, willing to listen. Another good part about him. He was a good listener.
"We both like these two certain dragons, buuuuut our crushes have gone to the point of losing sleep over it." Qibli said, watching Turtle's reactions.
I saw Turtle tilt his head slightly, but he stayed silent. "We're not sure what we should do. Any ideas?" I asked, looking from the floor to the Prince next to me.
"Maybe... maybe surprise them with something, then confess?" Turtle said slowly. His eyes weren't looking at either of us, and I knew he was probably imagining scenes from stories, or creating his own. "Fanboy," I thought.
"That's actually a great idea!" Qibli said, a grin spreading over his face. I managed a small smile. Then, Qibli asked Turtle a question.
"Do you like anyone?"
Turtle remained silent, his claws carving small circles in the stone below us. I noticed Turtle's cheeks were dusted pink, and I didn't need an answer to know he did.
I nudged Qibli. "Sorry I asked." He apologized to Turtle, noticing his discomfort. Turtle shrugged slightly.
"It's... fine. I think I'm gonna go sleep now." Turtle said, getting up. I nodded, standing up myself. It was rather late, and we all had class early in the morning.
"Night," I said as I walked over to my ledge. I heard the word 'Night' echoed through the cave from the other two.
I got little sleep that night. I was wondering, if we did use Turtle's idea, what would I get Moon? I knew she loved scrolls, and she liked the night. But that didn't help much. Moon had read every scroll in the school, and it would be weird if I left the school to suddenly come back with only a new scroll.
Maybe I'd ask Ambersky. I would ask Kinkajou, but I doubt she would be able to keep a secret.
I waited in the hall near Moon's cave. Ambersky had given me a few ideas, saying she wouldn't tell a soul. She even helped set up the area, which I was thankful for.
After about five minutes, Moon appeared around a corner talking with Ambersky and Kinkajou. Ambersky spotted me before the other two did and nodded slightly, holding her wing to prevent Moon from walking in.
Moon tilted her head. "What's wrong?" She asked, and her beautiful voice was like music to my ears. I took in a deep breath and approached the two, my nerves getting the better of me.
"Nothing, nothing. Oh, hey Winter." Ambersky said, and Moon turned her attention on me. I watched as Ambersky quietly entered the cave moments later, and an awkward silence set around Moon and I.
Moon tilted her head slightly. "Uh..... hi?" She said, smiling awkwardly. I shifted my wings nervously.
"Hi..." Hi? That was the best I could think of?! I smiled slightly, and cleared my throat. "I uh, had something I wanted to show you." I said, hoping I didn't mess this up.
"Oh?" Moon said, and I watched curiosity enter her beautiful eyes. I gulped and nodded.
"Y-Yeah. Before I do, put this on." I took a blindfold from under my wing, and helped tie it around Moon's eyes. I held out two talons. "How many talons am I holding up?"
"Uh.... one?" Moon guessed, and I smiled. A took her talon and led her through the halls, careful when we turned around a corner.
It took about two minutes to get to the destination, which was outside. The cool night breeze hit me and I smiled to myself, my nerves leaving momentarily.
I stopped walking and turned to Moon. I took off her blindfold, and watched as her eyes fluttered open. She blinked a few times before looking around.
Her eyes sparkled in amazement, a smile on her face. I fiddled with my claws, waiting for her to say something. She turned to me.
"This looks amazing! But why?" She asked, tilting her head and smile falling. I could feel heat rising to my face, despite me being freezing cold.
"Well, um, that's why I brought you out here." I said, looking around the garden Ambersky and I had created for this purpose specifically.
It had vines climbing up cave walls, but it was open to the sky. To the left was a small, dragon built pond with lily pads. Rose bushes lined the walls, each in the shape of an important dragon in history.
I looked back to Moon, who still looked confused. I took in a slow breath, hoping to lower my heart rate. I failed miserably.
"Better now than never...." My mind said and in one swift movement, I pressed my snout to Moon's, wrapping a wing around her.
I pulled away quickly, my face flushing blue. I stepped back, my eyes wide. I felt my talons shaking slightly, and gulped. I was mentally preparing myself for rejection.
"Winter I....." Moon trailed off. The moonlight reflected off her scales, and I could see a blush on her face. I gulped, wishing I was a Rainwing for once so I could disappear and never reveal myself again.
"That was...... nice." I wasn't sure if I heard her right. I looked at her in bewilderment, my jaw dropping slightly.
"W-What?" I asked, and she smiled at me, giggling quietly. I felt the familiar feeling of butterflies in my stomach.
"I said it was nice." She repeated. She took a step closer to me and looked up.
I smiled nervously. "Really?" I asked, and she nodded. I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding, and a genuine smile formed on my face.
I leaned down again, pulling her into another kiss. She kissed back, and I swore my heart was beating out of my chest.
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