"Here, put these on," Dusk said. They were preparing for an undercover mission.
Right into the center of a HiveWing city.
"How will these help?" Moon asked the SkyWing. She, along with Qibli and Moonsky himself, had volunteered to join Dusk to find a way into Wasp's palace.
"You might have black scales," the afornamed said, "but wouldn't it also be helpful to be able to hide in a store as a blanket or pillow?"
Moonwatcher nodded and put it on, although still with a skeptical face.
"So, Admiral Dusk," Moonsky asked, "What are we doing sneaking into a secure HiveWing city again?"
"To free some of Wasp's more powerful weapons," she said, "or at least contain them. Skykeria doesn't want very many casualties, on either side, so it would be a good idea to take away the most dangerous factors."
Moonsky and some other volunteers nodded. Cricket, on the other hand, was giddy with excitement. "We're going to save Blue?" she asked. A Borilliom had picked her, Sundew, Willow, and Hazel up from Pyrrhia, and then they'd volunteered not long after. Cricket had asked so many questions that Dusk had given her a copy of the Encyclopedia Skykeria to keep her quiet, which Cricket still had tucked under a wing.
"Bloo!" Bumblebee chortled at that moment.
Dusk nodded, saying, "flamesilks are our first priority." She the reared up and flared her wings at the gathered dragons(Even though there were only, like, fifteen). "Attention!" she said to them, and soon everyone had turned to the sound of her voice. "It's time for briefing.
"Our goal is to find and free Wasp's most vital hive-minded. Flamesilks are our first priority. Seeing as she only has one under hive-mind control, he is our fist priority; look for blue scales. Our second priority is the SilkWings; our spy in Cicada Hive reported that they were held in the hatchery before he was cut off, so we will head there.
"The most important rule of this expedition it's secrecy. With the exception of the captured hive-minded, we are to either speak of nor be seen during the time of the expedition until it is over and Operation Harvest is fully declassified(Fully? What could that mean?). Tonight, we will be going through Cicada Hive, then we will follow with Jewel Hive, then rendezvous with the other teams for Wasp Hive. You may leave between missions if you see fit.
"Understood?" Across the room there was nodding and whispering. "Alright then. Let's move!" In silence, the volunteers slid down a set of ropes outside of the Borilliom. Moonsky followed Moon as half the group split off in a different direction.
"Moon?" he whispered. She turned to him. "Remember your prophecy?" She nodded. "Could you tell me what it is? Please?"
She nodded again and motioned for Qibli to follow them to a deserted alleyway. Shen they were hidden, she grasped Qibli's talon and breathed. Quietly, so silent that Moonsky had to strain his ears to hear, she recited the prophecy:
"In a land where islands float,
There's a dragonet, and a prophecy wrote.
Where a cult brews in the forests core,
The secrets they hold are almost lore.
There is only one who can break their spell,
But in the way, the love they fell.
Feelings and missions must be separated,
If the life they wish is to be generated."
Moonsky shivered at the end. What could that mean?
Moonsky followed Cricket as she darted towards the Cicada Hive hatchery. The others, as well as Dusk bringing the other half around back, were tackling the HiveWing guards. Each one was cured, then knocked out and set quietly on the ground.
Cricket stopped. "B-Blue?" she whispered. Peeking over her shoulder, Moonsky saw that she was looking at a particular, very blue SilkWing. Moonsky guessed that was Blue. As per usual, his eyes were unnerving snakeskins, and his bones were noticeable under his scales. He'd clearly felt the affect of Wasp's tyranny.
Quickly, silently, one of the troops began handing out gas masks. Moonsky took one and passed it to Cricket. "Put these on," he said, "It'll help you breath in the gas." He put one on himself, then tied a cloth handkerchief around sleeping Bumblebee's snout. It was uncomfortably tight, as it always was, and hard to breath in at first, but he soon got used to it. One of the troops gave a signal to the other team across the room, and they passed their own gas masks to each other.
Looking behind him, he saw someone pull out a large grenade and pull the pin, then rolled the cylinder into the center of the gathered hive-minded. Instantly, all their eyes were trained on the grenade, not long before it burst, sending a thick, green gas rolling across the ground.
Suddenly, barley visible from the googles connected to his mask, the teams stormed into the room. Eight of them had weapons, and he let them go first. They grappled with the few coughing and sputtering hive-minded, although tried to do as little damage as possible while the antidote worked it's magic.
"Blu-" Cricket's voice was quickly cut of as Blue, controlled by the hive mind, wrapped his talons around her neck. Bumblebee woke up and lunged out of her sling, yelling muffled by the handkerchief, only to be quickly kicked away by Wasp.
She spoke amidst the coughing of the many dragons. "Traitorous worms," her voice overlay with the hive-minded's. "There's no escape. It doesn't matter what you put in the air or how you did it, I will always overpower you. I am the queen of the SilkWings and HiveWings! I will-" As she said it, Blue and the other dragons were freed from the hive-mind, although for a moment they were disoriented and hardly moved. Blue was the first to recover. "Oh my Clearsight Cricket," he said in a clear voice now, taking the smaller HiveWig in his wings, "I'm so sorry! I was trying to fight but I just couldn't stop and just-"
She silenced him with a talon, seemingly savoring the moment. Slowly, the gas cleared, and the team took off their masks. Dusk and a grenadier flanked the door and crashed it inwards motioning for the SilkWings trapped inside to leave and join the others.
They had done it; all there was to do now was escape.
Welp, I totally didn't forget the after-text.
First thing to remember: the prophecy was actually made by a user named .
I give them full credit for making it. Also, FoReShAdOwInG! Also also, I know the prophecy is a little sudden, but I'll put it in a different chapter less randomly. Coolio? Coolio.
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