"Just to talk?" Robin asked from where she stood, looking towards Sunflower with a brow raised.
"To talk about what?" Trotzen demanded as she shot up from where she sat beside her siblings. "There is nothing to talk about with them of all dragons."
"They didn't specify what they wanted to talk about but-" Sunflower tried to speak but Cacti butted in, joined in along side his sister within the argument.
"Yeah! Why would we want to talk with them? Maybe they're planning on doing all the same things as Queen Hornet? Why would they want to just talk with us? The dragons THEY'RE AFTER!"
"I have to agree with Trotzen and Cacti, why would the HiveWing's want to just, talk, with us, the dragons they're after most currently." Snowflake added in with a small bob of her head as she nodded.
"See?" Queen Sap spike up, bringing the attention back to her upon her throne. "They don't believe it's to just talk, so I see no reason why you suddenly show up out of thin air with this information, trying to convince me to let them go off into the enemies talons."
"Unless," General Castor snarled. "you've decided to stick along side your tribe and have been lying this whole time."
"What?! NO!"
"How else would Queen Wasp have known about our planned attack on the Yellowjacket Hive? How else could she have nearly KILLED one of our most valuable dragons?"
"Sunflower wouldn't do such a thing!" Cinnabar spat from where she stood by Caterpillar, her four large wings flared out threateningly.
Robin couldn't think properly as she listened to the conversation that seemed to buzz within her ears loudly, like that of the HiveWing swarm. The sound roaring loudly within her ears, making her brain rattle painfully within her head and making her feel as though she's spinning.
The hybrid dragonet needed to shake her head in order to focus once more on the conversation that soon was tiring into an argument of accusations before her very eyes.
"Stop!" She roared, her wings flaring out at her sides, no matter how heavy they felt, she still felt the need to use them to express her feelings or to get others attention's, much like that of her aunt Lavender who used her RainWing frills to express herself. "Sunflower would never betray us! Why would she have helped Lychee break me out of Queen Hornet's hive? SAVING me from being nothing more than a PET to Queen Hornet!"
The room fell silent for a few moments, giving Robin the opportunity she needed to continue.
"What reason would Sunflower have to betray us? Even if Queen Hornet were to give her a reason, the queen would most likely betray her anyways! And it's painfully obvious to see and Sunflower isn't stupid! For moons sake she helped Lychee form the plan to get me out! She was the one to get him to the hive, help him get a higher soldier rank in order to be close to me."
Robin could feel everyone's eyes burning into her scales, but one gaze she could fell the most was Sunflower's. The golden yellow HiveWing's gaze felt relived and grateful.
"But how do you know that she wouldn't want to try and get her old life back?"
She looked over towards the owner of the voice. General Castor. The large battle scarred LeafWing's green eyes were narrowed in a harsh glare that nearly made Robin physically flick as though she'd just been burnt.
"What if she doesn't want to continue to live the life of a runaway, her only hope of not being found and killed by her Queen is to follow our rules. What if she wants to go back to the way things were and the only way to do that is to hand you, and all your friends, over right into the enemies talons?"
"She wouldn't do that!"
"And how would you know?"
"Cause I-"
"You've only known her for what?" The LeafWing asked with a grunt. "Less than a few months? How well do you truly know her?"
He's not wrong, the thought back to think about how long she's truly known Sunflower. She's only known her since she was locked away. Sunflower was one of the main guards to check in on her and bring her food, only really talking to her just before Lychee was transferred to the Wasp Hive to become a solider to guard her, the Queen's special pet. I've known her for a few months.
"But that doesn't mean I don't trust her." Robin spat as she gritted her teeth. "I may not have known her long, but," she shot a glare towards the Queen and the General. "I haven't known either of you that long either."
The two LeafWing's flinched back before each let out low grumbles and hisses. Sounding like furious snakes holding back on themselves from lashing out.
"Robin-" said dragonet have a look towards Caterpillar who was quick to shut his jaws with a click of his teeth as they locked together once more.
"Sunflower, they just want to talk, right?"
"Yes, from what I've been informed. That's all the ask."
"And they only want to talk with us from Pyrrhia, right?" Sunflower nodded silently in response to Robin's question from where she stood.
"You can't be suggesting you go along with their trap!" Queen Sap roared. "They just want to get you away from us! They want you for themselves! They-"
"Just want to TALK!" Robin roared back. "I'm willing to go and talk with them because THEY are not the ones I've got an issue with! My issue is with Queen Hornet! Haven't you noticed that the only rules you're EVER attacked by HiveWing's is when SHES in control of them! If you three tribes could all just get along for once, then maybe you've be able to solve your own problems instead of dragging a few dragonets into this mess and using them just because they're special!"
The room fell silent after Robin's outburst. She could feel Thorn stiffen by her side, his wings tucking closer to himself.
Did I go to far? She wondered to herself before she quickly pushed that thought away. No, I'm right. They're only using us because we're different. It also started to make sense on why Queen Sap didn't want them to leave Pantala to go back home because they needed them to fix up all of their problems that they could easily fix if they gave it the time and effort.
"I'm going to go meet with them, to talk just as they've asked." She declared with a twitch of her wings before she looked towards the others. "When did they want to meet with us?"
"You can't decide for us Robin!" Trotzen hissed.
"You all don't need to come if you don't want to then! I'll go by myself if I have to!"
The others all became silent once more. Snowflake met Robin's gaze, her solid blue eyes looking nervous as she stepped closer towards the other hybrid, nodding her head.
"I'll go."
"I guess I'll come along too." Python huffed with a flick of his courted up barbed tail.
"Cacti? Trotzen?" Two said names dragonets looked to meet Robin's golden ember gaze with their own obsidian black ones. A few seconds of bone chilling silence ticked on ever so slowly, feeling as though an eternity had passed before either of them spoke.
"I'll go with you, to make sure you don't get into any trouble." Cacti finally gave in with a grunt. Trotzen have a silent nod, though she didn't seem happy nor pleased about the situation in the slightest.
"Then it's settled," Robin declared as she looked back towards Sunflower, ignoring the harsh glared she revived from the two LeafWing royals. "we're going to go meet with the Hive Wings."
"Are you sure this is the place?"
"This is where they said they wanted to meet."
Robin hummed in response, the noise rumbling lightly within her throat as she looked out upon the clearing. The group of dragonets were huddled down in a tall bundle of dry grass. Each of their scale colours helped them blend in, aside from Snowflake and Thorn. Cacti and Python were using their wings to cover up the SandWing-IceWing hybrid between them while Thorn had pulled down some of the grass to lace over top of him, making him look more like a shadow of dark green rather than a dragon.
Sunflower was huddled down beside them, the golden yellow HiveWing was laying low next to Robin, their sides pressed up against one another's as they kept still and quiet.
Not to far off behind them in the cover of some rocks and pits were Cinnabar, Caterpillar, Lychee, Cavansite. As well as Briar and Daffodil. None of them were letting the dragonets go out alone, so they were backup in case things did go south and if they needed help getting away fast. That was if something was going to happen, which Robin didn't want to believe would actually happen, but she had to admit that she couldn't be sure that it wouldn't.
Robin's wings ached painfully from where they were tucked tightly against her sides. They had flown here in order to make in before the HiveWing's, just to be safe. The flight was painful for the hybrid dragonet, but she had forced herself to keep going and she wouldn't let the others help her with her flight. Maybe she'd been to stubborn to accept their help and was now dealing with the consequences, but that didn't matter right now.
"So," Snowflake's soft whisper rose up to Robin's ears as well as the rest of the small groups. "Who else thinks that there's a small army of LeafWing's at the edge of the Poison Jungle waiting for us to say I told you so?"
"Me." Trotzen and Cacti grumbled in unison.
"Also me, I think without a doubt that there's one waiting to either catch us on or way back to scold us or save us if things go bad." Thorn whined.
"I think they'll just be there to pester us on our way back." Robin snorted with a flick of her long tail, which nearly whacked Python in the face. Making the young SandWing flinch back in order to not be flicked. "Sorry Python."
"Shhh!" Sunflower's harsh hiss quickly quieted down the nervous dragonets. "They're here!"
Robin turned her attention away from Python and Sunflower in order to look out across the distance that seemed to wave and flicker from the heat of the sun that shown down across the plains. In the distance, she could see a group of dots that grew bigger and bigger, soon taking the forms of HiveWing's. Ten of them by the looks of it.
In the lead were four HiveWing's that each wore their own kind of jewelry. Those must be Queen Hornet's sisters as well as her niece and nephew, she thinks to herself as she watched the group of Royal HiveWing's and HiveWing soldiers draw closer by the second, the buzz of their wings growing louder into a soft roar.
That's more than I was expecting, Robin thinks to herself as she could feel her body lower itself closer down to the grass below upon instinct.
She watched as the group of hovering HiveWing's grew closer, dust kicking up from the force of their wings as they all landed with multiple thuds that kicked up small clouds of dust that swirled within the air before they started to calm themselves down as lay back down upon the dry savanna floor.
Should we come out now? Robin thought as she and the rest of them continued to watch the group of HiveWings who twitched their wings with nervousness, giving off a small buzz.
"They don't seem to be here your majesties." A soldier huffed with a twitch of his wings that vibrated with the movement, buzzing at the motion.
"Maybe they're just on their way?" Spoke up a male HiveWing covered in necklaces and hanging horn chains. He must be Sir Hoverfly, Robin thought as her talons sank into the ground below. The son of Lady Honeybee.
Sir Hoverfly had warm orange scales with speckles of gold and brown stripes that ran down alive his spine and limbs. He was tall and thin, a broad chest and a thick forehead horn that curled upwards as though pointing towards his forehead.
"Or maybe they're not going to show at all." Hissed a young female HiveWing who looked to be only a few years older than Robin, maybe nine or ten. She wore jewelry similar to that of Sir Hoverfly, and looks younger than the other two royal female HiveWing's, so she must be Lady Adderfly. Lady Adderfly's scales were similar to that of her cousins, though hers were more yellow in shade. Her legs blended into a warm golden brown the colour of honey with flecks of gold scattered throughout her scales.
The next member of the royal family looked to be Lady Honeybee, or so Robin guessed anyway based off of the short HiveWing's appearance. She looked to be the height of a SilkWing and her scales were mainly black with golden yellow stripes and small speckles of shimmering gold upon her shoulders. She had fuzz around her neck much like that of a Honeybee and had black circles around her eyes as well as small black freckles across her snout that looked like sprinkles of ash and soot.
Then there was Lady Wasp. She was a tall and slender HiveWing with an angular figure. Sharp shoulders, shape collar bones and sharpened horns laced in gold at their points. The royal HiveWing had a pair of honey comb shapes golden glasses that wrapped around her forehead horn with chains that laced up and hooked behind her ears that had long golden hoop earrings hanging from them. Her scales were a pale yellow with grey freckles and thick, dark sparkling black stripes lining down along her spine.
"We should go out now." Robin suggested to the others from where she was crouched down within the tall dry grass that waved over their heads lightly in the soft breeze. Just as the hybrid dragonet was about to get up and make their presence known, she felt a set of talons softly, yet firmly, grasp her own. She turned to look off to the side to see who's talons they belonged too.
It was Thorn.
There was a worried look within the LeafWing's sparkling green eyes. "Be careful." He whispered softly, so softly she was sure she had to have been the only one to have heard his soft voice that filtered through the air like the breeze itself that fluttered softly around them. Ruffling the tall grass and making it look to be beckoning them out into the clearing before them.
All Tobin was able to muster up was a small nod and an encouraging smile that rugged at the corner of her lips.
With a sharp inhale of the cold breeze that froze the back of her throat in a soothing and calming manor, she stood up from where she was huddled down, standing up above the tall grass that two years before would've curled over her like the edges of a crown or similar to that of a lush canopy of jungle leaf's.
She could hear the sounds of Sunflower getting up beside her, the others following behind as Robin took the lead while Thorn stayed put, keeping watch from the safety of the tall grass.
Robin took long strides, holding her head high, ears pinned back and her sparkling golden yellow eyes narrowed slightly to block out the glare of the sun as she approached the edge of the clearing, the others following slowly behind her with the attention of the group of HiveWing's before them, now on her.
"You wanted to talk," As soon as the stepped fully out of the cover of the tall dry grass, Robin felt her broad and large heat puff out, her wings stiffening at her sides as she held her ground. The HiveWing's met her gaze with their sparkling night black eyes that gleamed in the early setting sunlight.
"So let's talk."
I know I keep saying "oh this chapter will be the last one", but I keep making more chapters. I think I'm underestimating how much details I put within my work, especially since each chapter ranges from 2k to 3k on average.
Anyways, I do really plan for the next chapter to be the final one. The end of Beyond the Sea is coming and I'm excited as well as sad to see this story coming to its end, like all stories do.
I'm excited to write the ending to this story since I've had it in mind since the first few chapters of this book. I really like it and I hope you all will To once I get to writing it.
Credits to Dragonbite15 for giving me permission to use their character Lychee for this story. He's been an important character and he's honestly one of my favourites in the story.
I'll see you all in the next, and final, chapter of BTS.
- MindlessTyper
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