"Go! Go! Go!"
"Everyone out of the tunnel!"
Roars and screams were all that Robin could hear aside from the pounding of her head that seemed to rattle her insides. She felt as though she was blind as the ran, trying to follow the voices that she could hear above the loud explosions of her dragon flame cacti that lined the tunnel walls, each one going off along side the ones beside them.
She could only see the bright flashes of dragon flame cacus' going up in flames before exploding, turning into bright bursts of white and pale yellow light before turning orange as the heat faded, stretching out to reach the other plants within the tunnel.
"Move! Move!"
She could make out the voices of General Castor as well as Snapper, they were the closest to her but the other LeafWing's such as Briar and Flytrap, she could hardly make out their voices from the explosions.
Keep running! Keep running! Her mind was racing along side her legs. She pushed herself to run faster, running along side the LeafWing's who were escaping the tunnel. She could feel the round beneath her talons start to lift, going upwards. Towards the exit.
We're nearly there!
Robin was now able to actually see the exit, a hole of light just up ahead that didn't have dragon flame cacti lining its walls. The explosions were now coming from behind them as clumps of dirt and stone fell down from above. It made Robin have to narrow her eyes to avoid getting within them and distract her from the exit just in front of them.
She could see Briar, Snapper and Flytrap up ahead, making a dash out of the tunnels exit, seeming being consumed by the white light. Then she could see General Castor hot on their tails.
Robin was less than half a wing length away from the exit, her vision clearing enough to see Thorn rushing forwards. "Robin!" He roared as he reached out with his talons, trying to grasp her claws to pull her out. The roof of the tunnel above her continued to crumble, but after a large explosion that erupted from behind within the middle of the tunnel where most of the dragon flame cacti were hidden away, the roof of soil and rocks cane crashing down above her.
"The Hives coming down! Everyone get out of there!" Was one of the last things Robin's was able to hear before she was pinned down to the dirt floor by soil that crashed down from above, blocking her vision of Thorn and surrounding her in darkness that was suffocating.
But that was because it was suffocating.
There's to much dirt! Robin's claws dig into what ever soil she could grasp, trying to dig her way out but everything felt so heavy. The hybrid dragonet tried to breath, but all she got was dirt inside of her mouth, which she quickly tried to spit out, but that only seemed to make more invite it's way inside of the struggling dragonet.
She wanted to scream, scream for help, but she couldn't. She felt more weight added on top of her as more dirt, stone, and possibly now the Yellowjacket Hive, collapsing down on top of her. Forcing her to intake more dirt through her jaws and her flared nostrils.
Im going to die down here, was one of the many thoughts that raced throughout the hybrids mind as she continued to spiral into a panic, trying to breath, trying to do anything.
She could feel herself starting to grow lightheaded, much like when she was little and she and her friends would see who could hold their breath the longest.
It was such a stupid little game, but we enjoyed it all the same. The memory brought tears to her eyes that were quickly absorbed by the dry dirt surrounding her.
Her chest started to feel tight, her limbs growing sore from trying to claw at anything around them, but their moment started to stop as her eyes grew heavy. Robin beloved her vision would be blurry too, if she could see anything that was. All she could see was cold, black darkness that was trying to welcome her into its grasp, surrounding her in dirt and soil that hugged her all to tightly.
Robin soon started to feel her body give up on trying to get out, giving out on trying to even move, her heart still pounding loudly and ringing with her ears as her mind spun wildly, making her head pound angrily.
I'm going to die here, I'm going to die trapped...
She could hardly think outside the fogginess of energy draining instinctual panic, the adrenaline that flooded through her veins felt more like it was sucking every drop of energy from her, making her sluggish and slow.
Before Robin could let herself completely slip away into sleep like her body was trying to encourage her to do, she could hear something. Something different from the sound of collapsing tunnels and the Yellowjacket Hive.
It sounded like someone, or something, was digging. Digging towards her from up ahead.
The noise got louder and louder, closer and closer. It started to encourage Robin to start moving again, even though her limbs felt weak from the lack of air.
Her claws dug into the soil once more, trying to move it out of her way as she tried to cough out the dirt within her jaws, trying to spit as much of the awful and dry tasting soil as she could.
Come on, come on! I'm not dying down here! She felt encouraged to keep going, to keep trying to get herself out. The soil around her seemed to loosen its tight grip around her as the digging in front of her started to bring light to her eyes that blinks to clear her foggy vision.
"-....er.....out of th......now!"
She could hear muffled voices as she felt talons grasp her own, pulling her up and it of the grip of the dry soil. She could feel the sun beating down upon her scales, along with the feeling of a tail and wings brushing the remaining dirt off of her that cling onto her for dear life.
Robin also felt a set of talons pry open her jaws to scoop out the dirt that clogged her airways. Once they had gotten some of the dirt out, she took a rattling gasp of air. The hybrid dragonet had never been so happy to taste air in her life, feeling it fill her lungs as she took large, gasping breaths before her bottle rattled in coughing fits to help get the dirt out of where it shouldn't be. It didn't belong inside of a dragon, so her body was getting it out.
Everything was so bright.
She could hardly see through the harsh light that shown down atop of her, blinding the dragonet to the world around her. Though she could still feel everything around her. She could feel shifting shadows that looked above her, cooling some of her hot scales down from the blasting heat of the sun from high up above. Robin could hear all sorts of sounds as well, shouting, roaring, the Yellowjacket Hive collapsing.
"-obin! Ro-"
Who was that? The dragonets mind felt foggy as her wings sluggishly flapped, much like that of a bird that had accidentally fallen into a pond and was trying to fly out of it. Who's calling my name?
She tried listening harder, perking her ears as she weakly lifted up her head, her eyes screwed shut as she shook herself, shaking off any dirt that still stubbornly clung to her scales, refusing to let go until she shook herself out.
She recognized that voice, she had grown to like that voice, grown to like that dragon who was attached to said voice. A friendly dragon who she found interesting, then thought he tatted her out, then she found to be a good friend, one she'd grown to trust.
A shadow moved to position itself in front of Robin and above her head, blocking out the harsh sun and giving her eyes the change to adjust for her to be able to see who was shielding her. It wasn't a surprise to the hybrid dragonet when she saw that a familiar LeafWing dragonet was hunched over her, using his wings like they were curtains used for shade.
Once she'd finished coughing out as much dirt as she could, she found the strength to speak as she greedily took in large breaths of air.
"Robin! Are you okay? How many talons am I holding up?!" The LeafWing fretted as he held up one of his talons, three claws pointing upwards.
The hybrid dragonet started to pull herself up onto her talons as the roars of dragons and the crumbling of the Yellowjacket Hive filled her ears alongside her pounding heart.
"You should lay down for a few more moments while you can, Robin!"
Thriving wasn't listen to Thorn though as her eyes landed on the sight before her, making them widen in shock even though it was something she was expecting to see, but it just felt even scarier to see it in person rather than within her own imagination.
The Yellowjacket Hive, crumbled atop of the dry savanna ground, broken into large, yet tiny pieces compared to how large it once was. The silk webbing that connected it to the other hives were torn and blowing gently in the wind much like that of a broken spiders web. Clouds of dust swirled up within the air, moving around like twisting snakes on the air. Flying amongst the dusty clouds were dragons, lots of dragons, like a swarm of angered bee's ready to defend their hive to their final breath.
HiveWing's were buzzing around in a panic, helping other dragons out of the rubble. Robin could also see SilkWing's flying around in the panic of dragons, clutching dragonets close to their chests and keeping together with their families and friends.
There were also LeafWing's within the sky, very few of them, but ones she could recognize. Snapper and Flytrap were twirling around in the air, keeping out of the snapping jaws of HiveWing's that were chasing them.
She could see Roseary fighting off two large HiveWing soldiers, using her speed and lean body to help evade their sharp claws and pointed stingers. Briar and Daffodil were fighting back to back against HiveWing soldiers, slashing their talons at any that got to close.
Then Robin spotted General Castor, locked in battle with several HiveWing's that were stabbing their tails into his body, trying to pull him down the ground like a swarm.
We need to help them! They're out numbered! This thought encouraged the weak hybrid to quickly shook up onto her wobbly talons.
"Robin! Slow down!" Thorn fretted as he got up along side her, giving her his shoulder to lean on as her large wings dragged on the dry savanna floor that she nearly suffocated underneath.
"No! We need to help them!"
"Some have been sent back to get reinforcements, they just need to hold on a little longer and then everything will be fin- ROBIN!"
The dragonet wasn't listening as Thorn's words full upon deaf ears when Robin spotted Roseary get slammed into a HiveWing, who lashed out at her in a flury of sharp talons, tearing at the LeafWing's leafy wing membrane, shredding them and allowing her to plummet down to the dry savanna grass below.
Robin didn't even waste a heart beat as her wings were quick to react, shooting out, spreading as wide as they could before flicking down with enough force to lift her up into the air, making her quickly soar through the dry air as she heard Thorn quickly follow after her with a flap of his own wings.
Her body was sore, but she pushed it harder as Roseary continued to fall towards the ground, helplessly flapping her torn and tattered wings that could no longer carry her high up within the air and above the clouds.
No no no no!
Her mind was racing as time seemed to slow down the closer Robin grew to Roseary, closer to the dragon that had trained her, had taught her the life of a LeafWing, helped to prepare her for the future.
Robin's talons reached out to grab her mentors talons, her panicked gaze meeting Roseary's as the LeafWing tried to stretch up and lock hers with her own.
Just a little closer!
She stretched out her arms further as her wings tucked in close to her sides. Just as she was getting close enough to grab Roseary's talons, another set ripped her away.
"NO!" Robin roared as she fought against the talons that gripped her shoulders painfully tight, sinking into her scales and drawing red scarlet blood. She had to helplessly watch as Roseary's body plummeted down, slamming into the dry ground below with a sickening thud and a crack, a small cloud of dust swirling up into the air around her, as though laying its claim over Roseary's body.
"LET GO OF ME!" Robin spat as she wiggled and struggled, her talons sinking into the arms that wrapped around her, her growing and roaring filling her own ears while her hind legs kicked up to claw and scratch at the dragons yellow forearms stripped in thick, only black lines. She could tell it was a HiveWing by their scales and colours, as well as the buzz of their wings.
"You thought you could get away from me, fire dragon."
At this point I'm starting to think this book will be more that 42 parts long. It might be 45 but I'm still not sure yet. We'll have to wait and see!
As I was writing this chapter, I've been sweating off and on from writing and reading book 14 of WoF, The Dangerous Gift. I'm not that far into it so no spoilers please, but reading it has been helping me with my motivation to write.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter of BTS! The next chapter will be out soon, or after I finish the next chapter of The Scorching's re-boot.
- MindlessTyper
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