Chapter 3
It had been a week since Robin had been given her gifts from Pop-Pop. The dragonet hardly ever took them off and would be seen everywhere wearing the fur, her gloves and her shoulder pouch. She'd love to put things within her pouch to carry them around.
The strange seeds still were within the very bottom of the shoulder pouch, completely forgotten by the hybrid dragonet.
"Robin, are you ready to go?" Her father's voice called to her from within their hut. The dragonet was within her room as her father called to her.
"Yeah! I'm all ready!" She called as she quickly grabbed her gloves and slipped them on before running out of her room to go join her parents. They were going to go to the Sand Kingdom to go visit Queen Scorpion, King Meerkat and their dragons Trotzen, Cacti and Snowflake, which Robin was excited to see hem again since she hadn't seen them in forever!
Along the way, they were going to stop by Auntie Lavender and Auntie Salamander's hut and they were going to stay there for a day and Robin would be able to spend some time with Python! She'd seen him for her hatching day but she hasn't seen him since.
I can't wait to see them again! It feels like forever! She thought as she ran to the front door of their hut where her parents where waiting for her.
"Let's get going, if we leave now, we'll hopefully get to the main village by sundown." Shadowsplitter said with a smile as he opened the door.
"You sure you'll be able to fly the whole way little bird?" Funnel asked softly as they left their hut.
This would be Robin's first time flying the whole way without being carried by one of her parents. I can do this, I'm a big dragon! She told herself.
"Mhm, I'll be okay!" She nodded, reassuring her mother as Shadowsplitter closed their huts door.
"Okay, just make sure you tell either me or your dad if you start to feel tired, okay?" Funnel wrapped her wing around her daughter as they started to walk. They were going to walk as far as the river and then they'd continue on wing into the Sky Kingdom.
"I will!" She flapped her wings to shake her mothers wing off of her shoulders.
The three of them continued to walk, a calm silence forming between the three of them was they walked through town, the river in sight up ahead.
"Have you gotten any letters from Auntie Salamander and Auntie Lavender?" Robin spoke up as she had a skip in her step as she followed her parents.
"Not that often sweetie." Her mother responded with a smile.
Silence grew between the three of them once more as they made it to the river.
I'll be flying the rest of the way now, she thought with a nervous yet excited flick of her tail. Her wings spread open as she shot off into the air, her parents not to far off behind her.
"First one to the first mountain is a piece of rotten fruit!" Shadowsplitter called as he flew past his daughter and wife with a playful smile on his face.
"No fair! You got a head start!" Robin called after her father as she started to fly after him with determination.
She could hear Funnel's laughter from behind her as the SkyWing flew after the two of them.
Robin's wings felt sore from the long flight yesterday. The family of three made it to the main SkyWing village outside of Queen Flicker's palace. They'd spent the night there and Robin felt as though that was the best sleep she'd ever had. Her body felt energized yet her wings felt sore as though they wanted to fly away without her or just drop down her sides and refuse to move.
They currently were flying over a few of the smaller mountains within the Sky Kingdom, heading towards the village that was built in between the Mud Kingdom, Sky Kingdom and the Sea Kingdom. The village was built along side a small mountain side. A few huts were scattered up on ledges of the mountain with paths leading down to the main part of the village where the rest of the huts.
Her warm golden eyes scanned the village as they flew closer, seeing dragons walking around. She could see all sorts of scale colours within the village. Muddy browns of MudWing's, beautiful blues and greens of SeaWing's, scarlet reds and sunset oranges of SkyWings. She could see some sandy yellows from a few SandWing's, but there weren't that many compared to the amount of dragons from the other tribes that lived close by the village.
Maybe I'll be able to see Python coming home from school! She thought as she scanned he ground as they flew closer.
There was a school not to far away from the village. It was a mixed school for dragonets who belonged to any dragon who lived nearby. Python told her that mostly only MudWing's and SeaWing's went there. Some SkyWing's went there as well as a few NightWing's. Python was one of the few SandWing's who went to the school and she remembered when he told her about how weird t felt.
"Sometimes it feels like they're all looking at me like some expensive piece of jewelry." Python huffed as he sat down on his bed.
"At least you get to go to a school." Robin told him with a flick of her tail and she jumped onto his bed beside him, making him bounce slightly which earned her a glare from the young SandWing dragonet before it changed to one of curiosity, his black eyes glittering curiously.
"Are there no schools by your village?" He asked with a tilt of his head.
"Not really." She admitted. "The only ones that are really close by are in the Sky Kingdom, which sometimes don't accept hybrids and really only take in SkyWing's. At least that's what mom told me."
"So how do you learn anything?"
"My parents teach me!" Her wings twitched. "As well as Grandpa! He's helping me learn how to spell and write properly. He's also teaching me the history of Pyrrha!"
"That's no fair!" Python complained. "I wish grandpa would teach me!"
"Maybe we can go ask your moms if he can!" Robin sat up before she leaped off the bed and started running for the door, Python hot on her heals.
"Mom! Mommy! Me and Robin have an idea!" Python roared as they ran though the short hallway to go find Lavender and Salamander.
Python still went to the school, but grandpa would always visit him or send him some of his history scrolls to read and then would quiz him on them. Apparently, because of this, Python was becoming one of the best dragonets in his class for history.
As they flew, Robin wasn't able to spot her cousin, but she was able to spot another familiar dragon that made her speed up and fly closer to the ground before she landed awkwardly on the dirt path. After she caught her footing once more, she dashed forwards towards the dragon with purple scales.
"Auntie Lavender!" She called.
Lavender's frills perked up as she turned to see the dragonet racing towards her. "Robin!" She smiled as she opened her arms for the dragonet as she leaped and wrapped her smaller arms around her aunt.
Her aunts wings hung at her sides, only staying up right because of the bandages that wrapped around them and around her middle and spine. A few scars showed themselves by peeking out from behind the soft cloth bandaging.
Robin was never truly told what happened to her, all she'd been told was that there was an accident and Lavender fell and broke something in her spine that made her lose the mobility of her wings.
"You've gotten so much bigger since I last saw you." Lavender smiled as Funnel and Shadowsplitter landed not to far away from them.
"I'm going to be as big dad soon!" Robin fluttered her wings in excitement at the thought.
"You still have a ways to go before you're as big as me little bird." Her father chuckled as Lavender let go of Robin.
"You still call her that?" Lavender questioned with a twitch of her frills.
"Yeah? What about it?"
"You know she's not that little anymore right?"
"I can dream y'know." Robin's father rolled his eyes before he smirked and wrapped one of his strong forearms around Lavender, pulling her head down as he ruffled the spines on her head.
"Quit it you over grown lizard!" Lavender growled playfully as her tail lashed behind her.
"Fine, since you asked so nicely."
With that, Shadowsplitter let Lavender go, to which she stuck her tongue out at him.
"How about we get back to me and Salamander's hut? I bet you're all tired from your trip." Lavender smiled with one last flick of her tail which hit Shadowsplitter on the shoulder. "Now come on before Salamander starts to think I've been kidnapped."
Robin was quick to stand up from where she sat and quickly followed after her aunt. It didn't take them long to find their way to Lavender's hut, once they stepped foot inside, Robin saw familiar sandy yellow scales as she dashed in, tackling the dragon to the floor with a laugh.
"Python!" She smiled at the SandWing dragonet she had pinned to the ground.
He looked shocked to see her at first before he smiled and pushed her off of him before he tackled her right back, he Two dragonets squealing and laughing.
"I can't believe you're here already!"
"I flew all the way here! All by myself! I didn't need my or dad help! Not even once!" She puffed her chest proudly once the two of hem separated from their play tackle.
"You did?" His black sparkling eyes widened slightly as he smiled. "That's amazing! I've never flown that far! What was it like? Were your wings sore?" He asked with a tilt of his head.
"My wings felt as though they'd fall off." She huffed with a twitch of her wings.
"Oh! I wanna show you something I found!" Python smiled as he started to run down the hallway that lead to his room.
Robin didn't hesitate to run after him, her smile never leaving her face.
This is a shorter chapter, but it was fun to write.
I don't really have much to say other than I was happy to write about Python. He's a fun character in my opinion.
- MindlessTyper
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