Chapter 1
The wind softly whistled as it softly flew around, seemingly weaving its way around the mountains before turning and making its way towards a village that was built by a twisting river that lead into the rainforest behind the village. The grass softly waved along with the wind as it softly rustled the cloths of tents and stalls owned by dragons within the market near the centre of the town.
A young dragonet felt the cool breeze and it seemed to cool down her scales that seemed to heat up along with the sun that shone down brightly from above.
"Robin!" Called a voice ahead in the crowed.
"Coming!" The young dragonet, Robin, called as she quickened her pace to a speedy walk. She kept this up until she found exactly who she was looking for. A broad shouldered NightWing with brown-ish grey scales and warm golden eyes.
Robin shared the same eye colour as her father and had some of his scale colour. She was an odd dragonet and often stood out from the crowd because of her appearance. She was a hybrid, born to a NightWing father, Shadowsplitter, and SkyWing mother, Funnel.
She was a three year old dragonet who looked very much like her mother body wise. She was slender with long legs but she had hints of her father's broad shoulders. She had smooths horns like her father, though they were curly like her mothers. She had the same freckles as her mom and shared most of her colours as well, though her wing arms faded into more of her father's colours, along with her hind legs. Her front talons blended more into a red-ish orange colour, which she had gotten from her grandfather on her mother's side, who she called Papa or pop-pop. Her tail blended off into a paler colour, matching her mother's though hers didn't blend off into spots, her scales slowly shifted colouration the closer to the tip she got.
Another thing she gets from her father are some of his facial features. She has the face scales of a NightWing. Her father says that her NightWing facial features make her face look rounder.
"When are we going to visit Orchid and Strongwings again?" She asked as she took long strides to follow her father, but soon she stopped and would rather leap to keep up with him. She didn't need to leap, but it was fun.
"We just went to visit them two days ago." Shadowsplitter chuckled as they walked, his golden eyes watching Robin match his strides by hoping. A smirk formed on his face before he started to take longer strides, making her eyebrows scrunch together in concentration as she had to jump father to keep up.
"Yeah, but I want to see Grandma and Grandpa again! Oh! What about papa? Will he come to visit soon? I haven't seen him since I was two!"
"Oh! That reminds me!" Shadowsplitter said with a twitch of his wings as he stopped at a stall that was being run by a MudWing. He looked at the things she was selling before he pointed out to a thick leather pouch. "Your papa sent a letter yesterday saying he was coming to visit tomorrow, said he had a special gift for his granddaughter since he missed your hatching day a few weeks ago."
"Yes!" She jumped on the spot excitedly.
Pop-Pop's gonna visit! Pop-Pop's gonna visit! I wonder what he got me? Maybe it's something super important! Maybe a secret mission! She stopped jumping and dropped to a low crouch, her tail lashing playfully behind her as she eye'd up her father's tail as he looked to be distracted purchasing the leather pouch from the MudWing. Maybe we'll go on an adventure and stop bad guys just like in Auntie Lavender's stories! She thought as she pounced to grab her father's tail, which lifted up and out of her way which in turn made her roll onto her back as the tried to grab it with all four of her talons, playful giggles escaping her throat.
She heard her father chuckle, the sound rumbling in his throat as he looked over his shoulder at her.
"Let's hurry and get home before your mother starts to worry we've been kidnapped or something."
Robin shot up onto her talons and chased after her father's tail as they started to make their way back home to their hut. His tail would flick out of her way each time her talons shot out to grab it or whenever she'd try snapping at it with her jaws.
"Why would mom-" she jumped to try and grab her father's tail, which it just simply flicked out of her way and caused her to chase after it once more. "-think we've been kidnapped?" Her wings flapped at the sides of her body as she nearly rolled over as her father's tail flicked out of her way once more.
"Because she's your mother and she worry's a lot, why else?" He laughed.
"So like Auntie Sapphire?" Her tongue sticker out as she crouched, her hind quarters wiggling before she pounced.
She was gonna-!
His tail flicked out of the way which caused her to fall onto the group with an 'oof' as the air was forced from her lungs, but she quickly was able to get it back as she sat up.
"Exactly like Auntie Sapphire."
Robin was quick to get up and trot to keep up with Shadowsplitter, soon coming to walk beside him.
"I haven't seen Auntie Sapphire in a loooonnngggg time."
"That's because she's a princess, and there's been some problems within the Sea Kingdom that she and her family are working on to fix."
"The sea urchin problem?"
"How did those spiky balls of spikes even get there? Don't they get stuck on everything because they're so pointy?"
"You're asking the wrong dragon little bird."
"I can ask Auntie Sapphire when I see her again! Or I could ask mom if I can write a letter to her! I need to practice my writing more too."
"Have you been practicing your writing like StrongWing's told you to?"
"Mhm!" She nodded. "I've been practicing daily."
"Mhm, sure." He smirked with a roll of his eyes.
"I am! Promise!" She shoved her shoulder against his leg, though it hardly did a thing to the larger broad shouldered NightWing.
Robin was a small dragon since she was sill rather young, being three years old. Robin stood up to abound just below her father's mid bicep, above his elbow. Since she was also a skinny dragonet, much like her mother was when she was younger, which made her look even smaller.
"Watch it Robin, you might wound me." Her father said dramatically with a laugh.
"You bet I will!" She called with a lashing of her tail as she puffed her chest with a smile.
Shadowsplitter just laughed in response as they made their way to their hut. Robin sped up and soon was running to her hut which was in sight. She ran right up to the door and quickly pushed it open and slipped inside, a bright and mischievous smile on her face as she closed the door and pressed her back against it.
She could soon hear her father walk up to the door and tried to push it open. It did move her but she let out a laugh as she quickly pushed back against the door to keep it shut.
"Robin, open the door."
"Open the door or else I'll open it myself." He called sweetly, though she could hear the playful menacing tone within in that made her giggle into her talons.
"You asked for it!"
She felt the door get shoved and that's when she knew that she wouldn't be able to keep it shut, so, she ran. She heard the door open and could feel the thudding of her father chasing after her. She soon spotted the warm orange scales that belong to her mother, who was standing within their kitchen and looked to be preparing something. Her ears perked up and she turned her head along with her long neck to see what the commotion was, and it turn she saw Robin get playfully tackled by Shadowsplitter.
The hybrid dragonet let out squeals and giggling fits of laughter as Shadowsplitter blew against her belly, which in turn made her laugh even harder as it tickled.
"This is what you get for trying to lock me out!" Shadowsplitter told his dragonet, his voice low in pitch as though he were pretending to be the villain within a story told to dragonets before they were set off to bed. He blew harder against Robin's belly which made her laugh and squeal harder.
"N-n-n-no-o-o!" Robin laughed as she kicked at her father's chest, her weak attempts turning up futile.
"Hey honey," Shadowsplitter started as he looked up at his wife who was watching with a smile on her face. "Should I let this little trouble maker go? Or should I keep her hostage and tickle her for the rest of eternity?"
Robin was catching her breath as Funnel looked to be thinking, humming in thought.
"I don't know, maybe I should keep her for the rest of eternity!"
Robin didn't have much time to reach before her moths arms wrapped around her body and lifted her up to hold her against her chest, her talons lightly brushing her sides like feathers.
"N-n-n-n-no!" She squealed as she kicked her legs, tears of laughter filling her eyes and making them go blurry.
"Yes! You're all mine!" Her mother smiled as she stopped tickling her to let Robin breath.
"You boy cheated!"
"How? Seemed fair to me." Shadowsplitter smirked from where he sat, watching them.
"You both teamed up on me!" She smiled.
"I've done no such thing." Her mother smiled. "Now, how about you go wash off your talons because dinner will be ready in a few minutes." Funnel our Robin down and have her a smile.
"Okay! I'll be back from the stream really fast!"
"I bet you will, you're my little speedy bird." Shadowsplitter smiled as he ruffled the spikes atop her head.
Robin was quick to race for the door, shouting over her shoulder, "love you!" before she was out of her family's hut and making her way to the nearby stream to wash her talons.
I'll get back at them! She thought confidently as the raced for the stream, her wings twitching happy at her sides.
The first chapter is complete for BTS! I feel like this was a nice introduction to Robin and her parents.
I know this chapter is a little short, but I see it as an introduction to everything.
- MindlessTyper
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