Sharp outfit, Chan
Hey guys! Sorry again for not updating-I had writer's block (again >_<) And then I was inspired by one of the most wonderfully awkward episodes of Avatar the last airbender (30 second compilation linked above, watch at your own risk lol). Anyways, enjoy a filler chapter about just how horrifyingly bad Peril is at flirting...
Believe it or not, there are multiple levels to being bad at flirting. There's being a little bit nervous but overall confident. There's not knowing what to say. There's being too flustered to say anything at all. And then there's also being Peril.
The red-haired girl took a seat in the computer room for yearbook club, purposely making sure the chair next to her was empty. There was one particular person she was hoping to see-someone she had met during her freshman year-he was the only person who had ever voluntarily said hello to her, and didn't tell her to shut up and leave him alone within the first 10 seconds of meeting her-which was a start for having a new friend, she had thought at the time. But somewhere along the way she had started wishing they were something more...
"Hey Peril!" Called a voice behind her. She turned to see just the person she had been looking for-Clay. Her friends liked to make fun of how she was around him, and even she had to admit she was a little possessive but really, she thought being this obsessed over someone this amazing was perfectly normal.
"So how was your week?" He asked kindly-that was one of the things she loved about him-he seemed so genuine, like he actually cared about her and wasn't just trying to be polite.
"Oh, well it was fine." she replied nervously. They just stared at each other in awkward silence for a full 20 seconds until she decided to salvage the small amount of self esteem she had left by saying something. Unfortunately, the only thing that came out of her mouth was: "That's a sharp outfit Clay, careful, you could puncture the hull of an empire-class fire nation battle ship, leaving thousands to drown at sea...because it's so sharp?"
To her surprise, he started to laugh. Okay, so this is the part where I laugh too, right? She thought. Peril tried to do a quirky little giggle while making that one Debby Ryan face, but she ended up sounding like a sociopathic version of Kat Valentine, which earned her a few concerned looks from other people in the club.
Why am I so bad at this?
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