*mental slow clap*
This chapter takes place a few days after the last. by the way it has some pretty important stuff so...
Moon sat on her living room couch in a jade green sweater and jeans, waiting for her guests to arrive. It was time for her 16th birthday party, to which all her friends had gotten invited. Unfortunately, until they arrived, she was all alone-her mother had left two minutes ago to buy her a 'surprise' which Moon was rather sure would be a book. Not that she had anything against that-books had been her only companions back in Florida. But now things were different. She had actual PEOPLE who LIKED her and wanted to hang out with her! It seemed almost too perfect to be real...
Just then she was interrupted by a series of frantic door bell rings. She threw the door open and was immediately enveloped in a fierce hug. she didn't even have to look at the person to know who it was.
"Kinkajou, oh my gosh you're suffocating me!" she said between giggles. The blonde girl quickly stopped hugging her friend. "Oop! sorry! Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!" She exclaimed. The two of them walked inside, and Kinkajou dropped off a positively huge birthday bag with pink wrapping paper.
After the arrival of everyone else, Kinkajou suggested that they play truth or dare. "Isn't that like, a girl's game?" remarked Winter. Kinkajou stuck her tongue out at him. "iSn'T tHaT liKe, A gIrL's GaMe???" she mocked. Moon attempted to break up their squabble by accepting to play. And it worked. Everyone was having fun in no time-until one specific question came up.
"Alright Moon, truth or dare?" asked Qibli with a mischievous smile. Moon thought about the options for a second, and then replied: "truth" The boy seemed to look a little more deflated, as if he was expecting her to pick dare. "alright..." He looked thoughtful for a minute. "Why did you move here to Pyrrhia?"
Qibli may have thought his question was easy. He may have thought her answer would be something normal. But it wasn't. She took a look at her 5 friends, breathing heavily and debating whether to tell them or not. Come on Moon, you've known them for months! Might as well get it out now...Do you trust them, or not? She thought about this question for a second, and then answered herself:
Taking a deep breath she began. "well, ummm we were kind of avoiding somebody..." way to be specific Moon! she thought to herself sarcastically.
*mental slow clap*
"I mean, my dad. We were running away from my dad. My parents got divorced before I was born and he had no idea I existed...and I guess my mom wanted to keep it that way. He was kind of bad to her and so we moved a few miles from where they used to live together...but then he found out about both of us so we just went as far away as we could...but he can't find us here. I'm certain." The whole group just stood there in silence. A silence that was broken by Peril and her brutal honesty. "And I thought I had a backstory..." she whispered.
to everyone's surprise, Moon began to laugh. She wasn't as sensitive about this topic as you would expect. Sure, sometimes she sat in her bed terrified that maybe tonight was the night he would find them and do whatever it was her mother was so scared of him doing, but really, now she had nothing to worry about. they were in New Jersey, and he was in Florida. Morrowseer was the least of her problems.
At least, that is what she thought...
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