Love Triangle
this chapter is a bit longer (800 words), but it has some information that will be the basis of Kinkajou's character arc and also some shipping...Enjoy!
"I can't wait for school today!" exclaimed Kinkajou as she smothered a pancake in maple syrup. "let me guess-" said Glory, "you made another friend?" Kinkajou smiled at her older sister. "EXACTLY! She's new in town, so I get to show her EVERYTHING! And she's from FLORIDA! Remember when-" Kinkajou stopped short of finishing her sentence realizing they shouldn't talk about the last trip to Florida. It was when their parents had a huge fight, and their dad had booked a plane back home early, just to get away from the rest of the family. Kinkajou chose to remember the good things from that vacation-going to the beach, or seeing manatees, but they both knew that trip was a subject to be avoided.
She awkwardly hopped down from a bar stool and began to pack things into her floral print backpack. Kinkajou's family was...complicated. Her parents used to fight all the time, but now her dad was working for a company that constantly sent him out on business trips- he said he had to go on of them so that they could afford all their luxurious style of living, but both Glory and her Mother thought he offered to go on every one because he didn't want to spend time with his family. Her father had already missed the past 2 of Kinkajou's birthdays, and once she had heard her mother scream at someone over the phone about how the business trips weren't even real- just excuses for him to get away from his children and wife. But Kinkajou refused to believe that. Maybe he loved her, he just loved his job more.
"Okay, I'm going now!" She called to her sister as she began exiting their upper-level apartment. But on the way out, Kinkajou spotted a small note, taped to the outside of the refrigerator written in Glory's handwriting. It read: 'meet with Deathbringer at 2:30' she smirked, and whispered to herself:
"Glorybringer! The ship has sailed!"
and then, with a fangirl-like smile, hurried out the door to begin the fourth day of school. Arriving there, she greeted her friends and chose a seat next to Moon for history after homeroom. It was a shame that Kinkajou had history so early in the morning- the class itself was interesting, but early morning schoolwork combined with the most boring and uninspiring teacher EVER was not a particularly exciting combination. The teacher? Mr. Webs.
Mr. Webs was a man in his early 60s or late 50s with the worst possible sense of fashion one can imagine, and a stack of disorganized papers in his arms. Dropping the papers onto his desk with a thump, he introduced himself and then began lecturing the class on the scorching, which was apparently some big important event in this town's past that Kinkajou was sure she should know about. But his repetitive style of droning on, and on, and on was making it kind of difficult to focus on the actual WORDS. Luckily, before Kinkajou could fall asleep, he announced they would be working in small groups to take notes on a text.
Kinkajou was used to good luck. So she was not at all surprised when Mr. Webs partnered her with Winter, Qibli, and Moon (Turtle was not in this class). Moon was surprisingly good at history and Kinkajou looked up to her with admiration- just like Qibli and Winter did, but Kinkajou noticed something else in their looks...
After class she approached Qibli with curiosity and decided to be as straightforward as possible. "Do you like Moon?" She asked slyly. Qibli blushed profusely and looked at her with shock. "What!?! No! I mean-um there's no reason why I wouldn't, but um-I just...I'm impressed with her vast knowledge of-um- historical occurrences?" he tried. Kinkajou was not convinced. "Fine! But It's just a little crush, ok? She's just so pretty, and smart, and the way her hair shines in the sunlight, and how she gets all the answers...just don't tell anyone, please?" He admitted. Kinkajou cracked a smile. "Fine."
She began to walk towards Winter to ask the same question, but he had disappeared into the sea of students, so instead she headed to her next class, making a mental note to question herself:
Moonbli or Winterwatcher?
I know, I know, this chapter was really bad. I had a bit of writer's block, but I hope you stick with the story- Also, keep in mind that Moonbli and Winterwatcher aren't the only possible ships... 😏
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