Igloo Face
I wrote this chapter at 1 AM, but I actually kind of like it...😋
It was a well known fact that Winter was easily annoyed. So, he tried his best to avoid all pun-making troublemakers that may cross his path. Unfortunately, that is quite hard to do when your best friend is one of them.
"For the last time, NO I am not mad at you, but I soon will be if you keep this up!" Winter argued.
"Really? Because I feel like you are giving me the cold shoulder..." said Qibli
"You would be much more tolerable if you talked less."
"Whatever you say, Igloo face!"
"Are you really not going to get over that nickname you gave me in 2nd grade?" He asked, irritated.
When Qibli and Winter were in elementary school, the class took a field trip and went on a nature walk. Winter had thought the walk was wayyyyy too long, and he especially disliked the humid, spring climate. And apparently the rest of the students agreed, because by the time he asked the teacher for water, there was none left. Qibli had tried to help him keep his mind of the temperature, but in the end, they both became too parched to continue. So, second grade Winter, having noticed the teacher's cooler that had previously held water, took the entire thing and dumped it on his head. Ice cubes came raining down, and the few kids who had dared to laugh at him were punished with angry stares.
Ever since then, Winter has become igloo face:)
"What are you two arguing about this time?" asked a voice from behind them.
Winter turned to see Moon, dressed in a violet colored dress on top of a white shirt, with her raven black hair tied up neatly in a ribbon. Her dark, caramel colored skin shone in the afternoon sunlight, and her Jade green eyes sparkled- Winter stopped himself from going any further. This is ridiculous! You literally just met this girl a week ago, and you are already describing her like she's your 'one true love' or something!
"Oh, well Winter was just talking about how it was a little chillier than usual today and he wishes he'd brought a jacket, and I made a pun, so you know how that usually goes..." began Qibli. Moon giggled and Winter looked at Qibli expectantly. "So, no more puns for today" he said. Qibli looked back at him slyly.
"Okay, cool Winter."
"So, have you heard that homecoming is in 3 weeks? I can't wait!" exclaimed Kinkajou. "Like, I don't have a date or anything, but still, DANCING!!!"
Winter looked down at the cafeteria table. There's no way I'm asking Moon. But...I want to! he thought. You have only known her for a week whispered the other side of his brain. She may be a psychopath and you don't know it yet!
Nonsense...does she LOOK like a psychopath to you? the first side argued again.
And then Winter became aware he was talking to himself, with one final thought: here you are, stressing out over some silly girl. No wonder your parents are always disappointed in you.
Maybe I should just focus on school work and...
Just then, someone came bursting through the cafeteria doors: None other than Kestrel, in full rage mode, looking about ready to murder someone.
Just like I said earlier, this chapter was written very late at night when I should be sleeping, and on my TABLET so I apologize for any spelling errors or small plot holes- I was kind of just winging it the whole way throughout writing this (ahaha dragon pun) sorry for that. Ok,I REALLY need to go to sleep now =_=
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