The pair made sure to hang back just enough so that the SeaWing wouldn't notice them. Glow still didn't feel quite right, but she had to admit; it was weird for a SeaWing to be living in SkyWing territory, even with the reason he gave them.
Corona was leading her, knowing how to sneak and slip by unnoticed. Even though she didn't like to talk about it, her skills from being a thief were incredibly useful. Still, Glow was doubtful that they were even onto something. "Are you sure this is a good idea Corona?" She asked.
"Just trust me Glow. I know what I'm doing." She responded with a hiss.
Glow was taken aback, but didn't think too much of her response. Corona has always been determined since she was young, so it didn't really strike Glow as all that odd that she was really intent on following through on this. Even still, why was Corona so intent on this? No matter how Glow thought about it, she couldn't figure it out.
"Have you met this SeaWing before?" Glow inquired.
"I've seen him, but never met him. He's always carrying back scrolls and food and other supplies, and a lot of 'em. So, at least one thing's for certain; he's not living alone." Corona responded.
"Even still, what makes you think he's lying?" Glow asked.
"Did you see how jittery he was and how much of a hurry he was in? There was something important he really had to get back to." Corona answered.
"I dunno. Dragonets are kind of a big deal to get back to after all." Glow reasoned.
"Glow, do you trust me or not?" Corona asked irritatedly.
"Of course I do! With my life! It's just..." Glow trailed off, not sure how to finish that thought.
"Look. I get it." Corona huffed. "You have a lot more faith in dragons than I do, and I know you want to believe in the best from them, but I sure don't."
"Well, not all dragons." Glow corrected. "Burn is a monster that should be drowning in the sea, or burning in a volcano, or eaten by vultures." Glow said with a scowl. In their history classes, all the potential candidates for the SandWing throne had an asset, but a really hindering flaw.
Blister is incredibly intelligent and clever, but dangerously sinister. She wouldn't just be satisfied with only the SandWing throne; she'd want all of Pyrrhia. There's Blaze, who Frigga used to fight for, and she described her from personally meeting her as "a sweet and generous dragon who'd be great pen-pals with, but horrible at making responsible decisions."
And then there's Burn. There isn't another word to describe her other than "monster." Glow hated her more than Blister, even though Blister would be more of a threat to Pyrrhia than Burn would. Burn is massive, brutal, savage, and bloodthirsty.
"I don't understand why you hate Burn so much." Corona said confusedly. "She's just being a typical dragon fighting in the war. Honestly, I relate to her; not really trusting anyone, wanting to murder anyone who threatened her, the like. Not that I like her all that much either."
"She's not just fighting in war; she enjoys it!" Glow exclaimed. "She loves to kill dragons, the feeling of blood on her talons, their screams of death. She's a savage! A brute! A monster! She doesn't kill for strategy or for survival; she kills for sport. She's a savage buzzard that deserves to die the most horrible and painful death!"
"Okay, okay. Jeez, you need to calm down 'cause you're starting to worry me." Corona conceded. "That kind of grudge isn't healthy, and it's going to get you hurt one day. You're spending all that energy into something that clearly isn't making you feel good, and for what?"
Glow pondered for a moment, thinking about Corona's words. Is she saying I'm wrong about Burn? Or wrong about hating her so much? Glow shook the selfish thought away. No. She's just saying that because she cares about me. She doesn't want to see me making myself unhappy. "Anyway, we're almost there." Corona pointed out. Glow didn't even notice how far they've flown in such small time, but they're on the opposite side of the mountain range they call home.
They observed the SeaWing fitting something into a slot off to the side of a large boulder on a cliff. The boulder was pushed aside and the SeaWing entered the cavern, looking around to make sure he wasn't being followed. Once he saw that he was safe, he slipped inside, the boulder moving back into position behind him with an audible click.
Corona motioned with a jerk of her head to follow her. They began scouring the place for any opening to look into. Glow felt some kind of foreboding, like what she might find wasn't meant for her. I have a feeling I'm really not going to like whatever's here. "Are you absolutely SURE that we have to find out?" She asked nervously.
"Why? Scared, big girl?" Corona said raising an eyebrow with lidded black eyes and a smirk. Something about the way Corona said that made Glow feel incredibly embarrassed. She turned her face away feeling her cheeks warm.
"N-no, I'm not. It's just...something doesn't feel right." Glow reasoned, smoke curling out of her snout. She only just now noticed the big smug smirk on Corona's sly face. "Stop looking at me like that, goat-face!"
Corona shook her head in mock annoyance "What is it with you and calling me goat related insults?"
"Well, you do kinda look like one." Glow joked. "Aaaand there's that time you screamed like a goat when you saw a spider in your camel-hide bed." Glow said chuckling with a talon over her snout.
Corona looked absolutely appalled and made a big frown at Glow as she turned away. "Spiders are scary, okay?" Corona murmured. "They have eight...long...legs, and just drop down from the ceiling from their death strings!" She said with a shudder.
"Death strings?" Glow repeated incredulously. "Really?"
"Shut up! They're creepy!" Corona defended. "Besides, the way the trap their prey...really unnerves me." She admitted.
Glow raised a curious eyebrow. "How so?"
Corona paused. "I mean, their webs are completely invisible, but so complicated and woven together so carefully. But as soon as a helpless bug gets stuck on it, they're trapped and all they can do is struggle while the webs tangles them up. And what does the spider do?" Corona paused. "Claims its prey and eats it alive while it sits there completely helpless."
Glow thought about it and realized that thinking about that would be quite unnerving. Then again, don't predators have similar ways of eating their prey? I guess spiders are just creepier to her than others. Their talk was cut short when they heard voices from nearby. Corona's ever sensitive SandWing ears picked up that it was coming from a nearby hole and flew to it. She beckoned Glow to join her and they both looked in, careful not to be spotted or accidentally cast a shadow inside.
Glow took notice of what was in the room. There were scrolls, a table, ledges, and dragonets that looked about her age. There was a female cobalt-blue SeaWing barking orders at the other unknown dragonets. She could barely see a green RainWing shifting between blue and violet sitting on a ledge near a map of Pyrrhia between a couple torches. Finally, and what struck her as more odd than a RainWing being there, was a NightWing hiding in the corner with a bunch of scrolls. Huh, I thought NightWings were supposed to be super-secret-all-powerful-rare dragons. Maybe Frigga wasn't the only one to come across a NightWing, but even still, how did this one find their way here?
She and Corona ducked their heads when they saw a brown MudWing stroll in and stubbing his toes alongside a...SandWing? But this SandWing was very small and a very different colour than most SandWings. She was a beautiful golden colour though, and Glow couldn't help but stare. Wow! She's so pretty, a-and cute...I wonder what kind of SandWing she is. She's so upbeat and cheerful. She was so distracted by the stunted SandWing that she wasn't even paying attention to what they were saying, or that Corona was trying to get her attention.
"Hey!" Hm? "Focus you starry-eyed camel!" Corona sharply whispered.
"Oh! Sorry." Glow whispered back. She was shocked by the harshness of her friend's voice. What's her deal? They kept listening intently to what they were saying.
"This is not proper studying; perhaps I should read to everyone instead." The NightWing suggested.
"Dear moons, anything but that. Maybe later when we're trying to fall asleep." The RainWing groaned. Glow snickered a bit, casting a teasing look at Corona much to her annoyance.
"Shush," The SeaWing snapped. "Now, obviously I'd be the best queen, but let's make Sunny the queen since she's a real SandWing." She said, pushing the SandWing into the middle. "Sunny." She even has a cute name! Corona gave her a sharp scowl and Glow returned to paying attention to the dragonets in the cave.
"Clay, you want to play the scavenger?" The SeaWing asked the MudWing.
"That's hardly fair; he's twice Sunny's size. A real scavenger would be smaller than her, according to this scroll over here. It says that scavengers blah blah blah blah blah..." They eventually tuned out the NightWing's lecture, nearly dozing off when they were startled.
"OH MY GOSH, WE KNOW," The RainWing snapped, causing Glow and Corona to nearly fall off with surprise. "We were all here for the fascinating lectures about them. Don't make me come down there and bite you, Starflight." The two were finding it very difficult not to laugh at these dragonets' antics. I really like these guys! They're funny and they seem pretty cool. They calmed down and kept focus on what the dragonets were saying.
"Okay, can we go now?" Glow asked impatiently. "I think we've seen that that SeaWing wasn't doing anything evil or suspicious. He really was taking care of dragonets!"
"A MudWing, a NightWing, a RainWing, a SeaWing, and a weird-lookin' SandWing?" Corona brought up. "The RainWing is weird enough as is, but a NightWing? Come on, those aren't easy to come by, you know!" Corona argued.
"Yeah, but maybe they're like us. Maybe that SeaWing found them and wanted to give them all a home." Glow reasoned.
"But they're all the same age, I can tell. How does a SeaWing just come across dragonets like these at the same time? It doesn't make any sense." Corona argued again.
"Maybe he got all the eggs at separate times and all hatched at the same time." Glow reasoned again.
"Even then, why these eggs specifically?" Corona once again pointed out. "The SeaWing I can understand, but why the rest?"
Glow ran out of arguments to make. Corona was right; it was really odd for this assortment of dragonets to be in one place like this. But why? Why this situation? Why are these dragonets all in this one cave?
"Hey, shh shh shhhhhhhhh! Listen! I think this is important." Corona hurriedly whispered.
"Right. Here I go, la la la, Queen Oasis of the SandWings. I'm so very important and, uh – royal – and stuff." Sunny acted out. Glow couldn't help but laugh remembering her history classes. Yep, that's pretty accurate to what happened.
"I've been queen for ages and ages, no one dares challenge me for my throne! I am the strongest SandWing queen who ever lived!" Even Corona couldn't help but snicker.
The SeaWing hissed at Sunny and she piped up again. "It's probably because of all my treasure! I have so much treasure because I'm such an important queen!" Three moons! This dragonet's a riot! Glow couldn't stop snickering and her heart felt lighter than she ever felt it.
"Did someone say treasure?" Clay yelled and jumped out from behind a big rock, causing Sunny to yelp.
"No! You're not scared! You're Queen Oasis, the big bad queen of the sand dragons." Glow caught Corona rolling her eyes sarcastically. Glow scoffed at her from the other side of the hole. So they're reenacting Queen Oasis's death. Interesting.
"Raargh! What is this tiny scavenger doing in the Kingdom of Sand? I am not afraid of any scavengers! I shall go out there and eat him in one bite!" Glow and Corona were giggling along with the RainWing and the SeaWing trying not to laugh.
"Squeak squeak squeak! And other annoying scavenger noises! I'm here to steal treasure away from a magnificent dragon!" Clay shouted, swinging a stalagmite around. He's pretty funny too. Glow thought contentedly.
"Not from me you won't! Yaaaaaaah!" Sunny shouted, flaring her wings and pointed her, what Glow only now noticed was a barbless tail. So she doesn't have a barb and was born a different colour than other SandWings. Wonder why?
"Yaaaaaaaah!" Clay shouted, lunging at Sunny. They play-fought for a good while, dodging and feigning each other, until Clay pinned Sunny to the wall and pretended to stab Sunny through the heart. Glow was gripped with anxiety before she soon realized it's just a game.
"Aaaaaaaaargh, impossible! A queen defeated by a lowly scavenger! The kingdom will fall apart! Oh, my treasure...my lovely treasure..." Sunny dramatically flopped to the ground lifelessly. Glow wanted to applaud her, but Corona cast a glare that seemed to say stay on task or I'll bite your tail off.
"Ha ha ha! And squeak squeak! The treasure is mine!" He picked up the rocks that Sunny was hoarding and bounded away.
The SeaWing rushed over to Sunny and dramatically cried out in anguish. "Oh no! Our mother is dead, and the treasure is gone. But worst of all, none of us killed her-so who should be queen now?"
"I was about to challenge her; I would have fought her to the death for the throne. I should be queen!" The RainWing cried.
"No, I should be queen! I am the eldest and biggest and would have challenged her first!"
Glow turned to Corona and scowled at her. "Okay, what is this achieving for us? This is getting us nowhere! Why do you still want to stay?" Glow accused.
"Becaaaause, I've been thinking..." She responded. Well, that's vague. I'm thinking right now! Good thing you're not a NightWing or I would be in trou-
"Wait! Stop thinking!" She interrupted in a panic.
"What is it now, Glow?" Corona said exasperated.
"That NightWing down there, wouldn't he be able to hear us? I mean, they read minds and foretell the future and stuff, don't they?" Glow cautioned.
"I don't think we need to worry; Evenstar doesn't have any powers." Corona brought up. "Maybe NightWings need to be taught how to read minds or foretell the future, and I don't see any reason why a NightWing would stay in a mountain cave in SkyWing territory." Corona explained. Glow began to feel embarrassed that she didn't think of that. Oh...right. That makes sense, I suppose.
"Anyways, what was it you were going to say?" Glow prompted.
"Hm?" Corona looked confused, but then her eyes lit up again. "Oh yeah! I have a theory about you. You remember the Dragonet Prophecy and how it's meant to stop this war in about two years, right?" She asked.
"Yeah, what does that have to do with this?" Glow asked, confused.
"Think about it. 'SeaWing egg of deepest blue. Wings of night shall come to you.' 'Will give to you the wings of sky. For wings of earth, search through the mud' 'the SandWing egg awaits unseen.' It all makes sense." Corona explained.
Glow thought about it for a bit, but was still confused. "Okay, but what about the RainWing? There's no 'wings of rain' in the prophecy, so what about her?" Glow pointed out.
"Frigga told you she found your egg the night before the brightest night when you hatched. They lost their 'wings of sky' that night, I'm guessing. Whoever is in charge of those dragonets must have found her as a replacement." Corona went on.
"Where are you going with this?" Glow questioned.
"Come on, Glow. You're smart, where do you think I'm going with this?" Glow tried to rack her brain, but Corona lacked the patience to let her figure it out before answering her anyways. "What if you're the lost 'wings of sky?'" Glow thought about this for a moment, and the pieces were starting to fall into place. What if I am the SkyWing of prophecy? I hatched on the brightest night, and there's no SkyWing in there. It would make sense if I was. But...
"But wouldn't Frigga have told me by now?" Glow asked. "She wouldn't hide something like this from me, would she?"
"Ask her when we get home. She might know or she might not. But whatever the answer, she'll tell you, don't worry." Corona assured. Their theorizing was cut short by a bellowing voice from the hole that was making them practically deaf, and they were outside!
"WHAT is going on in here? This doesn't look like studying!" Boomed the voice of a rust-coloured large SkyWing that slithered into view. The dragonets jumped and tried to straighten themselves out as quickly as possible.
"We're s-s-s-sorry." Sunny stammered.
"No we're not. We were studying. We were acting out the death of the queen that started the whole war." The SeaWing argued.
"You mean play-acting. You are too old for games." The SkyWing growled.
Glow couldn't hear what the RainWing muttered, but heard the SeaWing chime in to their defense. "It wasn't a game. It was a different way of learning history. What's wrong with that?"
"And now you're talking back. That means no sleeping in the river tonight." The SeaWing scowled at the SkyWing's smugness. She tapped the scrolls and addressed the others. "The rest of you, learn from the SeaWing's mistakes and study the correct way."
"That's not fair. We were all doing the same thing. We should all be punished." Clay chimed in as the SkyWing was about to leave.
"I know who the ringleader was. Cut off the head, and the problem goes away." The SkyWing scowled.
"You're going to cut off Tsunami's head?" Sunny squeaked.
"It's a metaphor featherbrain." The RainWing sighed.
"Now go to bed." The SkyWing stormed out knocking over a stack of scrolls. Glow looked at Corona in utter disbelief.
"Wow, someone has a branch up her rear." She joked, earning a snicker out of Corona.
"I can't stand this much longer. We have to get out of here, and soon." They heard Tsunami say.
"'Get out?'"Glow and Corona said in unison.
"You talked to them about it?" Clay questioned.
"Of course. I needed their help figuring out an escape plan." Tsunami explained.
"'Escape plan?'" Glow and Corona said again.
"But we'll never know until we get out of these horrible caves and see the world for ourselves." Tsunami continued.
"What about the prophecy? Shouldn't we wait two more years?" Clay asked.
"I don't see why. I'm with Tsunami. Destiny is destiny, right? So whatever we do must be the right thing." The RainWing agreed. "We don't need a bunch of ancient dragons telling us how to save the world. They're not in the prophecy." The RainWing added. Corona looked at Glow with a smug satisfaction that began to irritate Glow to her core.
"Well, how about that?" She said with an equally smug matter-of-fact tone.
"Shut up." Glow responded irritably.
"What?" Corona said, imitating innocence.
"You know exactly what!" Corona just continued silently smirking at her. Glow sighed with exasperation. "Ughhhhh, fine. You were right. These are the dragonets in the prophecy." She admitted.
"Ha! I love being right." Corona boasted.
"Don't make me smack that stupid look off your face." Glow threatened.
"Teasing aside, you know what this means right?" Glow merely looked at her with a blank expression. "It means you have something important to ask Frigga." Corona finished.
Glow rolled her eyes, but she knew that her SandWing companion was onto something. If they are the dragonets of the prophecy, that means I could very well be the SkyWing. That means I share a great destiny with that pretty SandWing–Sunny–I think. If that's the case, what do I do? Do I reveal myself to them? Or do I wait?
"Well, anyways, we should be heading back," Glow paused, observing the sun almost completely over the horizon. "It's really late; we've been out for long enough." She finished.
Corona let out a sigh. "Yeah, okay. Let's go back now." They carefully let themselves down from the hole where they were spying and launched away. They flapped their wings and started to fly back home, with one thing on their minds.
They returned home to Frigga staring at a map of Pyrrhia intensely, as if she were searching for something. Ah, must be trying to figure out where the NightWing kingdom is. She's been trying to find that place for ages. She felt Corona give her a shove with her wing before announcing their arrival. "Frigga, we're home!" She called. Their IceWing master jumped at her greeting and got up to wrap her wings around them both.
"Ah, it is good to see you both back. You're later than usual, did something happen?" She asked, checking them for any signs of bodily harm.
"No, we're fine, master. We're safe, don't worry." Glow reassured her. Corona stretched and let out a big yawn.
"Well, I'm heading off to bed. I'm really tired after today." Corona said dully. "Goodnight Glow! Goodnight Friggs!" She called while heading towards the sleeping caves.
Glow looked at her master and suddenly felt a strange sensation grip her stomach. She was very nervous about what she was about to ask. Come on, you can trust Frigga. She'll tell you the truth. The question is, do I want to hear the truth, though? Do I even want a great destiny? Frigga gripped her claws and snapped her out of her daze. "How are you, my dragonet? How was your outing?" She asked casually. Glow gave her a warm smile like she usually did when she came back from a flight.
"Oh, great! We learned some interesting things while we were out." Glow replied.
"Oh, did you? What did you learn young SkyWing?" She inquired, turning to sort her weapons into their proper places at her forge.
"W-well, um..." She hesitated. What would be the reaction? Did she want to hear Frigga's answer? Well, no backing out now. Might as well get it over with. "We might have found the dragonets from the Dragonet Prophecy." Frigga visibly went stiff. Glow felt something drop in her gut and chill her core, like she just made a horrible mistake. But, she continued anyway.
"There was a MudWing named Clay, a SeaWing named Tsunami, a NightWing named Starflight, a SandWing–I think–named Sunny, and a RainWing who's name I didn't catch." Frigga's wings began to droop, and Glow knew she was going to get an answer she didn't like. This needs to be done. This is the right thing to do. "A-and, Corona had this totally crazy theory that I'm the SkyWing of destiny. Isn't that crazy? That couldn't be right, right?" She said with a nervous chuckle. Frigga's head hung low and she let out a huge sigh. Oh no...what did I just do? Corona, why did I let you convince me this was a good idea?
"Glow...my apprentice. My SkyWing dragonet..." Frigga muttered.
"Y-y-yes?" Glow didn't know if she could handle this; the anxiety was making her unbearably sick.
"Corona isn't wrong. It's true," Frigga paused, turning around and cupping Glow's face in her talons. "You are the lost 'wings of sky.'"
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