Chapter 8
"Wow..." She breathed, squinting at the two full moons.
Iceberg then spotted that Foeseer was falling.
"Foeseer? You all alright? Do we need to land?" Iceberg flew over to her and helped support her friend.
As Foeseer was falling, she smirked. "Nah, I'm good. Don't mind me, just falling with style." She started falling quicker.
"FOESEER!" She roared, diving after her.
Oh no, oh no... Iceberg flapped her wings faster.
Foeseer panicked and gulped. "SORRY, I HAVE TO DO THIS!" She then grabbed Iceberg's talons and they soon crashed through a forest, smashing through twigs and branches.
Iceberg's claws dug into Foeseer instinctively, her wings going around her and she held for dear life.
They soon landed near a forest and on the left side was a river.
Foeseer groaned as the soft grass hit their heads. She then looked over to Iceberg. "Is it possible to stay on the ground forever...?"
Iceberg got up and unlatched her claws from Foeseer. "Sorry about that." She said. She bent down to inspect Foeseer's wing and poked it lightly.
"Ouch!" Foeseer slowly got up.
"Sorry! Sorry... Hmmm.. I wonder what could heal that.." Iceberg looked around for something to go on Foeseer's wing.
Foeseer smiled. "I know! Stargazer read me healing injuries of Pyrrhia. All I have to do is push the bone back in..." She then eyed a strong tree. "I'll just use a tree to slam it back in."
"I don't think that's a good idea.." Iceberg said hesitantly.
Foeseer snorted. "Oh please! It's a wonderful idea!"
"Hm. Okay. Do it then. If you get hurt anymore..."
Foeseer soon launched herself at the tree, her wing slammed into the tree and she fell back. She flexed her wing a bit. "It worked!"
Foeseer sniffed. "Wait a minute... Iceberg... I smell something... Weird... it doesn't smell like a dragon though..."
Iceberg heard rustling from the bushes. "Hold on, I'll be right back." She leapt into the bushes.
Iceberg came out of the bushes with a weird monkey-like thing in her mouth, hanging by the animal skin it was wearing. "I think it's a scavenger.."
Foeseer smiled, "Wow! Our first time outdoor and a real life scavenger!" She sniffed it, "Can we eat it? I've always wondered what they've tasted like."
"Hmm.. I think it's too cute to eat." Iceberg said, dropping the squirming little creature. It had a bracelet on it's wrist and a sack full of jingling stuff. It ran away, squirming.
Foeseer smirked, "Whoa! Look at all that treasure!"
Iceberg picked up the sack and dumped it out. "Hm. Oh. Look!" She pointed to star-shaped sapphire. "That looks like a dream-visitor that I read about!"
Foeseer lowered her ears. "Can I please have it?"
Suddenly, a voice boomed out. "What are you doing with my treasure?!" A large SkyWing with bright orange scales and bright red spikes with a ruby necklace landed in front of the dragonets.
Iceberg was handing the sapphire to Foeseer when she heard the SkyWing. She bristled and hissed, her spikes clattering as she tried to make herself look bigger. "Your treasure? We found it!" Iceberg growled.
The SkyWing snorted. "More of you stole it! I was just about to catch that scavenger! They stole my treasure!"
Iceberg made the hissing sound she made when she was about to shoot frostbreath, her throat filling with the cold substance as she opened her mouth.
The SkyWing snorted. "Is that a really good idea to attack a SkyWing Queen? Maybe I should do war with the IceWings."
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