Chapter 2
Iceberg walked through the tunnels of the underground cavern, knowing which room was which. She then soon entered the study room where it seemed everyone was here except Battlebringer. She soon came in and sat down, gazing at her friends.
Foeseer smiled. "Alright, we were thinking of roleplaying the history of the death of Queen Black Widow."
"But we did that last time.." Stargazer sighed. Her dark purple scales glimmered in the moonlight.
"Can't we study what we need to? We know the history pretty well-!"
Foeseer shook her head. "Nope, besides, last time you had to be Princess Ash, who died. And this time you don't get to die, plus, roleplay helps us remember history better! It helps me!"
Foeseer pointed to herself. "I'll be princess Dawn. If Battlebringer ever comes, he can be Queen Black Widow. Stargazer can be Queen Pacific." Foeseer turned her head to Iceberg. "Iceberg, wanna be princess Ash?"
Iceberg nodded.
Stargazer sighed as she arranged the SeaWing Queen.
Battlebringer burst in. Battlebringer had reddish-black scales, light grey top scales, red inner wings with a lot of white speckles, dark eyes, and a reddish underbelly.
"I heard Foeseer say my name. Does she finally wanna smile at me?" He smirked, his black and red scales gleaming in the candlelight.
Foeseer sighed. "In your dreams, Battlebringer! We're roleplaying history! I'm princess Dawn, Stargazer is queen Pacific, Iceberg is princess Ash, and your gonna be Queen Black Widow!"
"Are there any charming and very handsome NightWings in your roleplay? And does that NightWing have a NightWing and IceWing hybrid girlfriend?" asked Battlebringer with a straight face.
Iceberg sweared she could hear Foeseer's blood pressure rise.
"No, oh! But I think there might be a NightWing that got hurt by a NightWing-IceWing cause he flirted with her!"
"Ok, I take that as a yes! Also I make a fabulous queen," the black and red NightWing grinned.
Paradise gave an over exaggerated flounce. Paradise's scales were usually grey with red flickers, deep blue eyes and had delicate features.
"I'll also be Amazon as I'm fabulous of course." She slid gracefully from her perch, changing her scales to match colors of the RainWing Queen and somehow made herself look like a scarily convincing royal tilting her snout up ever so slightly.
"Wait, who am I gonna be?" Iceberg asked.
Foeseer smiled at Iceberg. "Your gonna be princess Ash, Dawn's sister."
Canyon stepped in. "Foeseer, when did you and Iceberg have telepathic minds so you could plan without me knowing to come in here and do history?" She said, smiling a little. Iceberg noticed Stargazer's eyes widened as she looked at her friends. Foeseer gulped. "We need to learn history more so we can remember it. I mean, since we're gonna stop the war and stuff."
"Yes, but Iceberg and I are supposed to be training today. I understand you're jittery around us, but I wouldn't supposedly hurt one of you."
Foeseer rolled her eyes. Canyon continued. "Well, you can finish this, but after, I want Iceberg to show me the SeaWing defense moves!" She called, walking out. Paradise as Amazon tapped her tail angrily on the ground, still looking uncannily royal and muttered something that sounded like "Pheasants." Under her breath, a small smile twitching at the corners of her mouth. Foeseer sighed.
Battlebringer walked towards Stargazer and Paradise, Foeseer and Iceberg were walking beside them.
"I am princess Dawn, this is my sister, Ash!" Foeseer said, she pointed to Iceberg. "And this is my mother, Queen BlackWidow!" Foeseer said as she pointed to Battlebringer.
Paradise raised her snout regally. "I am Queen Amazon, benevolent RainWing Queen, Ruler of the Rainforest kingdom...words.... more words describing how amazing I am." Paradise waved her wings around in wild gestures, then at the end of her speech, she gave her friends a grin that basically said 'you thought I was going to take this seriously?'
Foeseer made a face like she was trying not to laugh.
Stargazer giggled a bit. "A-and I'm Queen Pacific o-of the SeaWings." It looked like she was trying to mimic Paradise on the queenly aspect.
"Who gets obsessed with jewelry," Foeseer muttered.
"And of course I am Queen Black Widow, the most beautiful queen of them all!" Battlebringer said in the best girlish voice he could manage.
Paradise rolled her eyes. "Actually in beauty, I am far more superior." She tilted her head up majestically and a rainbow of color shimmered through her scales.
Iceberg groaned. "Agh, this party is soooo boring! I wanna go home and eat scorpions and lizards!"
Iceberg then spotted Foeseer used her animus magic to move a stick to hit Battlebringer's back neck. The stick was to represent the enchanted knife that had killed Queen BlackWidow. The stick had hit Battlebringer's neck, and soon, Battlebringer pretendedly fell to the ground.
Paradise as Amazon gave a huge gasp then whirled and pointed dramatically at Stargazer/Pacific. "YOU! You told your animus wenches to kill Queen Black Widow on THIS NIGHT OF PEACE!"
Stargazer gave a startled yelp and tried to regain her posture, "N-no! How d-dare you blame me for your treachery?!" She yelled back and added in a whisper, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it Para.."
Paradise gave her a smile and whispered. "Hey no, don't be sorry, that was good! Your getting in character." Then she flared her wings. "You blame me! Only a traitor was presume to blame a Queen such as I! I only wish peace for my people, you in the other hand, you scheming treacherous SeaWing! Have unjustly murdered one of our fellow queens by the use of the animus magic, we all know is abundant in your kingdom!"
Stargazer turned to Foeseer/Dawn. "T-this could have been a plot for you to take over as well!"
"Me?! This was my mother's idea to become allies!!"
Iceberg stretched her wings wide. "Everyone! Stop fighting!"
Foeseer then used her animus magic to levitate the stick again hit Iceberg on the back of her neck. Iceberg groaned at the pain, but she then soon frailed to the ground.
Amazon/Paradise whipped around to look at Dawn. "Yes, the perfect ploy... perhaps it was your idea, treachery to gain the thrown."
Stargazer nodded. "E-exactly! Y-you SandWings are always planning t-things in that scorpion den of yours!" She stammered, trying very hard to act angry.
Foeseer spread her wings open. "How dare you?!?! My mother is dead! My sister is dead! You think I'd do this?!"
"I-it would secure your place as queen if you did..! Nobody to challenge you!"
Foeseer hissed. "That's it! I declare war on you! Both of you!"
"Is that so!" Paradise/Amazon shrieked in a regally furious tone. "Well then Princess!" She spat the last word. "Let's see how you fair in a war against us." She disappeared after flaring her wings dramatically.
Foeseer smirked. "Oh really? Well, there's a catch! Whoever wins, will become queen of all tribes!! Unless you scared of losing cause your napping all the time."
Paradise/Amazon appeared for a brief instant, smirking. "See you in my new prison when I'm queen of all tribes, Princess." She spat then disappeared.
Foeseer smirked, "Go ahead, I'm gonna make an alliance with the IceWings!" Stargazer/Pacific gave an 'evil' laugh and tried to be cool and disappear as well, but this resulted in her falling over, "W-Well, I'll collect the MudWings to help me!"
Paradise appeared as herself again on top of a ledge. "Seriously? Why did she make an alliance with those grumpy brain melts."
"I-Iceberg and Snowflake aren't grumpy though." Stargazer piped up, dropping her very bad queen act.
Paradise shrugged. "Snowflake must be one of a kind and Iceberg wasn't raised with them so it makes sense she's not a grumpy brain melt."
Iceberg then remembered she had to finish her battle training lessons with Canyon after this was over. "I gotta head back to training, see you later guys!"
Paradise nodded. "See ya."
Iceberg then walked into the tunnels and into the battle training den.
After Battle training had ended, Iceberg was thinking of heading to the sleeping cave until Foeseer bumped into her.
Foeseer was panting.
"Woah! Foeseer! Are you alright?!"
Foeseer nodded. "Yeah of course! Cause look!"
She held out a note in her talons. It had said 'Futureseeker is coming'
Iceberg ears flattened. Was this a joke? No, it couldn't be... This was real.. but... how did Foeseer get this..
"How did you get this?" Iceberg asked.
"I stole it from the guardian's cave. But that's not the important part. The important part is that the writer of the prophecy is coming here!"
"But why...?"
"I don't know..... Maybe they are here to make sure we're fit for the prophecy? Maybe they'll take us out of the mountain!"
"Maybe..." Iceberg said. Maybe we won't have to escape.... Maybe things were about to change...
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