Even as the sun set, the kegger was still lively and fun. Anessa was definitely a bit tipsy by now. She was sat off to the side again, sipping on her drink as she watched her friends and the rest of the partiers having fun. She spotted JJ and John B amongst the group of people that was around the bonfire that had been made for some warmth and light. JJ was offering John B a drink, but paused when Sarah and her boyfriend, Topper, walked by. She grimaced and sighed.
"Please don't do anything stupid, J." She muttered under her breath. The blonde tended to have a bit of a rebellious streak, and Anessa couldn't help but worry that he might do something to cause more tension between the groups She knew JJ's tendency to act on impulse and stir up trouble, and while she loved him like a brother, sometimes he didn't think things through and that was annoying.
She sat up straighter when saw Topper flip the drink and try to shove JJ away. JJ lunged back at him, quickly held back by John B. Anessa sighed heavily. "Oh, here we go." She mutters under her breath, already sensing trouble. She gances up at the starlight sky pleadingly. "Can't we have one night without violence and drama? Just one night?" She sighed, knowing that was asking too much, but couldn't help it. She really just wanted one night of peace and fun, was that too much to ask? Apparantley it was.
She noticed Pope had gone over to his friends worriedly to try to help John B calm JJ down. It was working, until Topper called out 'dirty pogues' and that made John B snap. He turned and shoved the blonde Kook away from his friends. Anessa groans. "Really? Come on." She complained, tossing her half empty drink away before she went to join her friends as she noticed Kiara had walked over to try to help stop the fight too.
"We're supposed to be incognito, remember?" Pope hissed at John B, but his words fell on deaf ears.
Sarah tries to stop her boyfriend, though she was too late. She gasps when Topper punches John B, the force of the impact sending John B to the ground. He landed near the shore with a pained grunt. Everyone gasped and a few people yelled.
"Oh, s***." Anessa cursed, quickening her pace to join her friends. Sarah kept trying to get her boyfriend to calm down, but it was clear he wasn't listening.
Topper kicks John B side and taunts him, "Hey, John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, alright?"
Anessa felt a surge of anger rush through her at Topper's cruel words and cruel actions, her heart pounding as she quickened her steps toward the scene. The tension in the air was thick, and it felt like everything was about to spiral out of control. She had to stop this before things got worse. "Topper, stop!" Anessa shouts, her voice sharp as she approached the group. She could feel Kiara and Pope close behind her, both of them looking just as worried as she felt. No one could get through to Topper though. She glares at the crowd around them when she heard most of them chanting 'fight'. "Are you freaking kidding me?" She huffed in annoyance, then tried to focus her attention on Topper, hoping she could reason with him.
"Topper, hey, can we please just chill for a second?" Anessa implored, putting herself between him and John B, who was still lying on the ground. Her hands were raised in a placating gesture, trying to appear nonthreatening, despite the fury surging through her. She wanted to kick the boy's a** for hurting John B, but she didn't want to make things worse.
"Move out of the way, pogue." Topper spat, shoving Anessa aside as if she were nothing. His eyes were wild with anger, and his grip on the situation was slipping further into chaos.
Anessa stumbled back, her chest tightening with frustration. She didn't know what to do—she knew Topper could get violent, and she didn't want to escalate things. But she couldn't let him get away with what he'd just done. As John B started to get up, he saw red when he saw Topper shove Anessa. He ignored his own pain and lunged at Topper, tackling him to the ground. Anessa gasped when the two began to continue the fight even as they got up, both now soaking wet.
Anessa chews on her nails anxiously as she and the others kept trying to the boys to stop, but no one listened. She groans in annoyance and exasperation. "Come on, guys. Seriously, this is getting out of hand." She grumbled, though the boys ignored her as they circled each other and threw punches at each other.
John B had the upper hand at first until Topper suddenly flipped him over, shoving him face first into the water. Anessa's heart race in panic, knowing she had to do something to stop it before it went too far. Without thinking, Anessa rushed forward, anger coursing through her at seeing Topper trying to drown John B. The few lessons she took of karate came flashing back to her, and before she could second-guess herself, Anessa threw herself at Topper. She grabbed him by the shoulders and yanked him backward with all the strength she could muster.
"Let him go, Topper!" She yelled, her voice desperate and fierce. She used a move she remembered being taught onto the ground, forcing him to release John B from the chokehold he'd been trying to maintain.
Topper grunts, trying to break free, but Anessa held him down with all her strength. Her chest was heaving with exertion, her heart pounding, but she wasn't backing down. "I said, let him go." She firmly repeated, her voice steady despite the adrenaline rushing through her. Her move gave John B the opportunity to finally get some much needed air and he coughed up water, breathing heavily as he leaned against the sandy shore, looking up at her in amazement. Topper struggled beneath her, growling in frustration, but he couldn't get leverage. Anessa's grip was strong, and the element of surprise was on her side. The onlookers were quiet for a moment, stunned by her sudden and forceful intervention.
John B, now gasping for air, coughs and wipes water from his face, his chest heaving as he staggered to his feet. His eyes locks on Anessa, gratitude and shock mixed together in his gaze. "Ness, you—" He was cut off by Topper's angry shout.
"Get off me, you b***!" Topper hissed, trying to kick Anessa off, but she held firm.
Anessa kept her attention focused on Topper, refusing to let her guard down despite the relief she felt seeing John B okay. Topper, however, was even more angered at the fact she was able to take him down, and was now fighting harder. He managed to grab her and push her off, and before Anessa could react, he threw her down onto the ground beside him. She grunted as her back hit the ground, but didn't have time to recover. Topper immediately rolled over and got on top of her, pinning her down.
"Let me go, a-hole!" Anessa gasped, the air knocked out of her lungs as Topper pinned her to the ground. She struggled beneath him, trying to free herself, but his grip was strong. He was a lot bigger and stronger than her. His nails dug into her wrists, drawing blood as he tightened his grip. Her chest heaved with labored breaths, fear and anger warring within her. Panic and worried yells from her friends and Sarah are heard, but Topper didn't move away.
Topper glares down at her, his face twisted with rage. "All that for a low-life loser like John B? You pogues are all the same. You're nothing. Now you're gonna pay for interfering."
Anessa struggled beneath him, trying desperately to break free, but he was too strong. His nails dug deeper into her wrists, the sting sharp and agonizing. She thought maybe she could try to knee him, though the weight of his body made it difficult to get the right angle. Her breath was coming in short, panicked gasps as she fought against his strength, her mind racing for a way out. She was trying not to panic even more, knowing it would make it worse.
She felt blood trickling from her wrists where his grip had torn into her skin. She how much longer she could keep up the fight. Her body was growing fatigued, and the pressure on her wrists and chest was almost unbearable. Her mind was screaming for her to act, to break free, but each movement seemed to be met with more resistance from Topper. Topper's grip suddenly released and his eyes widened in disbelief and fear when he felt the base of a gun pressing against his head, the sound of the click echoing through the air.
Everyone grew quiet, their voices falling silent as they looked up and saw the barrel of a gun aimed at Topper. Anessa was able to finally get away from him. She pushed herself up onto her elbows, her eyes wide as she watched Topper's expression change from one of anger to fear. Then her gaze went to the person holding the gun against Topper's head. She wasn't sure what to except, but definitely not JJ aiming the gun at Topper's head. He had a fierce look on his face, and he didn't seem the least bit hesitant or scared.
"JJ..." Anessa whispered, her voice raspy and hoarse from the stranglehold. Her eyes were wide and filled with disbelief.
"Yeah, you know what that is." JJ says at Topper's gasp, glaring down at the Kook. "Your move, broski."
More panic filled the boneyard, teens running after a gun was aimed at them. Anessa's mind spun as she watched, trying to make sense of what was happening. Topper stared at JJ, his expression a mix of anger and fear, his hands up in defense. He was tense, his body rigid, and Anessa could see the tension in his muscles. JJ stood there, unmoving, the gun still pressed against Topper's head.
"Come on. Chill, dude!" Kiara called out worriedly.
"Chill!" Pope chimed in.
"JJ!" Sarah worriedly shouts. "Stop, JJ! Put the gun down."
"Did you say somethin', princess?" JJ taunted.
"We're good, we're good." Topper raised his hands in defense as he slowly moved away from Anessa. Despite her own pain and feeling like she could pass out, her first thought after Topper moved was John B. She moved to crawl over to him, he was laying on his back now, looking dazed and as if he was about to pass out too. She didn't blame him though, she felt like passing out too.
"Hey, JB," Her voice is hoarse and pained, but she tried to remain calm. Anessa reached out and gently touched John B's shoulder, her fingers trembling as she tried to steady herself. "John B-" She murmured, worry etched into her features. Her own injuries throbbed painfully, but seeing him hurt made her forget her own pain. She only worried about him at the moment. And she knew she shouldn't have even bothered asking that question, already knowing the answer, but she couldn't help it.
John B looks up at her, his face bruised and eyes slightly unfocused, but he managed a weak smile. "'M good. Kinda." He mutters, his voice rough. He tries to sit up, but winced, clearly in pain. "You?" He grunted, his eyes flickering over her.
"Yeah, but a nap sounds good right about now." She mumbled, her head spinning a bit as she struggled to keep upright. She leaned back on her hands, trying to keep her breathing steady. Her body ached all over, and the adrenaline was starting to wear off, leaving her feeling heavy and exhausted. Despite her pain, her main concern was for John B, and her eyes kept flicking back to him to make sure he was okay. She could see the bruises forming on his face, the way his eyes struggled to focus, and it made her heart ache.
Anessa was brought back to the moment by Sarah's concerned and worried yell. "Put the gun down!"
"Alright? Come on, man." Topper said, relieved when JJ finally pulled away from him and pushed him to the side.
"Kie, can you check your pyscho friend, please?" Sarah cried out.
Kiara glares at her. "Check your pyscho boyfriend who almost drowned John B and tried choking Anessa!"
"Okay, everyone, listen up!" JJ calls out. "Get the h*** off our side of the island." He shot off two rounds into the air, gasps and shrieks filling the air as everyone kept running away, the gunshots and JJ's orders spurring them to hurry. Kiara and Pope scold JJ for doing such a stupid thing with the gun.
Anessa block out the rest, laying her head back on John B 's chest as she stared up at the starlit sky weakly The intensity of the moment left Anessa barely holding onto her senses. As she laid her head back on John B's chest, she tried to focus on the feel of his shallow breathing, grounding herself amidst the chaos. The stars above seemed distant and almost surreal as she fought to stay conscious, her vision blurring slightly.
The weight of everything that had just happened pressed down on her, both physically and emotionally. Sleep threatened to overwhelm her, and she couldn't help but close her eyes, her body feeling heavy. She swore she felt John B weakly wrap his arms around her and hug her close to him, and that was the last thing she remembered before slipping into darkness.
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